The Word of The Lord (Yeshua Jesus) came to I, Albert LeRoy Jones (a.k.a. Moses), The Prophet of GOD (YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel), The General (The Commander of His Forces), concerning the broadcasting industry in the western world. This is what The Word of The Lord foretells: All of the Christian Broadcasting Networks/Companies/Ministries shall be over-powered and bought-out by secular media powers in the western world. The laws of the land shall be changed to allow for wealthy secular media moguls to overpower the Christian Broadcasting Industry and allow for the secular media moguls to pressure All of the Christian Broadcasting Networks/Companies/Ministries by force to sell the ownership and All rights to their Companies/Ministries over to the secular media powers. The wealthy secular media powers shall be given authority to dictate All broadcasting and communications operations throughout the land in every nation, province, colony, territory and state in the western world except for The Capital City of The Kingdom of GOD in the western world, MEMPHIS. For the prince of the air (the devil) shall be allowed to triumph in control of influence through the broadcasting industry everywhere except for in MEMPHIS, The Capital City of The Kingdom of GOD in the western world. But The Lord Yeshua The Messiah Jesus Christ shall Bless & Anoint and make The City of MEMPHIS A Refuge for His People & His Cause and A Command Center for His Forces to carry-out His Great Commission throughout the world. In Yeshua The Messiah Jesus Christ Name It is proclaimed (and It shall come to pass)! The Word of GOD for The People of GOD given through The Prophet of GOD, I, Albert LeRoy Jones (a.k.a. Moses), The General (The Commander of GOD's Forces), Yes It is True, Amen & Amen!
Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2008
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