
4. Albert LeRoy Jones

          Knowledge & Wisdom.

       Glory Hallelujah,

       Greetings my Brothers & Sisters! I bring you Blessings from the Lord of Hosts, the GOD Most High, of His Knowledge & Wisdom for the nourishment of our lives in this world. Dear Brothers & Sisters, I Love you unconditionally. I know this is true because I have always prevailed to forgive you no matter what is said or done. If this were not true I would not be writing to you this message from the Lord of Lords, Christ Jesus. I have been under great harassment lately from the kingdom of satan. The evil one and his demons have been ministering to me lies that are so deceptive that even the elect may become confused by them. But I was never threatened nor intimidated by their false doctrine, for whenever they become more crafty than the average human mind can perceive, I do not rebuke them. Instead, I go and tell my Father in Heaven (In Jesus Name) what they are saying & doing and He gives me His Word to proclaim and rebuke all that is false. Now that my Father GOD (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David) have stood up for me, I feel fine, and I bring you His Word entrusted & given to me by His Son, my Lord & Savior Christ Jesus, through Him (His Holy Spirit), Immanuel. Knowledge without Wisdom can be dangerous. And Knowledge & Wisdom without Love is destructive. You may have great Knowledge but without Wisdom to go along with that Knowledge their is no prosperity. A young one may graduate from business school at the top of their graduating class receiving an masters in business administration (an M.B.A.). But if that young one does not gain Wisdom in their business (career) objectives, they will never become a successful business person and will not prosper. This same principal is true for GOD's Servants. No matter how much Knowledge of GOD's Word we have, without His Wisdom we will stumble into folly. Even if you have the Knowledge of GOD's Word stored up in your memory like an super computer and can quote any verse of Scripture at any given time (such as Jack Van Impe) it can do you no good in your service to the Lord without His Wisdom. It is true that King David had a great Knowledge of GOD's Law given through Moses but King David was noted as being a wise man for he looked to gain GOD's Wisdom through prayer & praise. In our day & time, sometimes great men & women of GOD make unwise decisions in pastoring GOD's Flock for they rely more so on their Knowledge of GOD's Word without seeking His Wisdom in the matter. An issue that can be used as an example in this case, is for instance, say their was a young man & woman whom were not legally married (according to the law of the land) but were living together with their two young children. Now, by the Knowledge of GOD's Word, a Servant of GOD may call this fornication. In addressing this issue by the Knowledge of GOD's Word, a pastor may rule that this young man & woman should stop living in sin (stop living together in fornication) until they are officially married according to the law of the land. If this takes place, and the couple separates until they decide to get married, then, their home will become broken and their family (including their children) will be divided. This is a bad situation which is even worst than the situation they were in to began with. For the Servant of GOD ruled their judgment on Knowledge without Wisdom. This will always lead to turmoil & folly. With GOD's Wisdom, the Servant of GOD should have ruled to not break up the family, but instead, coached them into Righteousness (marriage) so that the curse would be lifted from their home & family. For GOD hates the breaking up of a family regardless of the situation. And anyone whom breaks up any family, even a Servant of GOD judging by GOD's Law will be held responsible by GOD lest the broken family falls into sin due to their separation. In that case, the one whom caused their family division will be held to contempt & judgment by GOD Almighty Himself. For even King Solomon, though greatly learned in GOD's Law, had the Wisdom of GOD to judge Righteously in critical situations as when the two quarreling women brought before him the one child whom both claimed as rightfully their own. And King Solomon, with the Great Wisdom of GOD, ruled that the child be cut in half to be equally divided for both women knowing that the true mother of that child could not & would not stand to see her child mutilated like that, revealed the true mother by making a wise judgment. By this same principal all Servants of GOD shall operate in GOD's Kingdom with Knowledge of HIS Word (the Truth) and always seeking to gain His Wisdom in our service. The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006


Glory Hallelujah,

       All Dominion & Praise be to the One & Only True Living Sovereign Holy Lord GOD Almighty over All the Heavens and the earth, All Dominion, Forever & Eternity! The Lord Christ Jesus has anointed I, Albert LeRoy Jones, as His Messenger and the Leader of the entire Body of Christ Jesus! I have just come out of conference with the Lord of Hosts. And it is now time to set things into order, to do away with some falsehoods & false doctrine, to put an end to civil war within GOD's Body, to bring those whom place themselves up high down low and to demote those whom have been falsely promoted. In council the Lord Jesus ordered me to say, those whom place themselves up high, whom love the praises of mere men, the Sovereign Lord GOD Most High rebukes you and your false doctrine! You exalt yourselves with your false testimony and lengthy speeches & prayers and with your loud shouting & pulpit theatrics, your false prophesying and your pretending to speak in tongues but the Lord GOD Almighty's Fury has been enraged against you, you have ignited His Anger! The Lord GOD Almighty will make you transparent. He will expose all of your falsehood, lies and deception. The Lord will bring you down low, all those whom place themselves up high! You love preaching in the mega-churches and at the large conferences and on christian television receiving loud applauds and standing ovations and amens from those whom follow your own exalted praise. But the Lord has reserved for you fire and brimstone! All of you false apostles, whom claim to cast out demons, when you are speaking the false doctrine of demons yourselves. And just because you mention the Name of the Lord Jesus and give Him praise along with your false testimonies does not validate your authenticity! And No! You false apostle! The Lord Jesus has not placed you ahead of me! In fact, He does not recognize you at all! When I previously spoke about being harassed by demons, I was actually predicting the false doctrine that would come from your mouth and the mouth of those whom come into congregation with you to cowardly speak out against me! And how can you claim to be able to cast out demons when you cannot even cast sin out of your own life?! For by your own testimony, you cant even control the demonic force in your own city of Jacksonville, Florida! You hypocrite and false apostle! The Lord rebukes you! He does not even acknowledge you. You have placed yourself up high but like the tower of Babel, the Lord Most High will confuse your tongue and bring you down low! There shall be pink-slips handed out in the Body of Christ Jesus! And many will be demoted from their current positions. The Lord will raise up new converts from among the lost, the pagan world, to take the positions of those whom are highly exalted and esteemed by their peers, a brotherhood of false prophets. And how the Lord Jesus hates your mocking and your false speaking in tongues. The Lord inquires, if you are so gifted in speaking in tongues, why don't you come up with something new to say other than ra-fa-da-sha-ta-ta-ta? Since you are so into pretending to speak in tongues, why don't you try something new like Yabba Dabba Doo? This translates into, the Lord rebukes you! I am going to start naming names as the Lord so pleases for all you blood thirsty cowardly vultures whom try to speak out against me in front of your congregations of brown-nose-rs and amen-ers in your sanctuaries & fellowship halls and on your radio broadcast and christian television. You hypocrites seek the approval of men and love to be noted as important figures in your communities and amongst your peers. I will depict you false doctrine by false doctrine with the fire that reigns from my voice. All of you shall give an account of your falsehood on your day of judgment. And I shall stand there alongside the Lord of Lords and all the Saints with books open (including the book of remembrance) concerning your deeds and how you portrayed the Kingdom of GOD with all your falsehood and theatrics. This message from the Lord Christ Jesus addresses all whom it concerns. You know who you are. And you can expect to be dealt with very soon (receive your pink-slip). The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

          A Psalm of Love in Jesus Name.
(Written by His Friend, Albert LeRoy Jones)

Amen Lord Jesus,

       Yes, it is true! You Love me, You Love all of us, whom belong to one another, for we belong to You! Teach us, Lord Jesus, and guide us as Your People. For we belong to You, as we belong to one another, and as You belong to all of us. You, Lord Jesus, are our True Shepherd & Pastor, our Grace and our Savior. Though we live in a world deluded in turmoil we walk in Your Peace & Mercy all the days of our lives. Our needs are many and our debts are overwhelming yet, You Lord Jesus, are our Hope and refuge. We trust in You, Lord Jesus, and reside in Your Care and Your Promises. You are with us, as we are with You. You are always there for us, as we are with one another. As You do for us, we shall do for one another. As we do for one another, You shall do for us. You shall not leave our thoughts, as we do not leave Yours. As Your Name shall always be remembered by us and amongst us, so shall our names be remembered by You and amongst You. Lord Jesus, I Love You, we Love You, and place no one before You. For You first Loved us, though You created us last. And Your Love, Lord Jesus, endures Forever and Ever, and shall never pass.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

          A Prophet's Wife.


       Yes, it is true. Cursed is the man whom covets my wife. Cursed is the man whom seeks relations with my wife. Cursed is the man whom pursues my wife. For sudden illness shall come over him as was Pharaoh of Egypt when he took Abraham's wife Sarah into his royal chambers. Cursed is anyone who interferes in the relationship with me & my wife. Cursed is anyone whom attempts to disrupt the marriage between me & my wife. Cursed is anyone whom attempts to harm me & my wife. For they shall suffer the fate of Jezebel. Woe to anyone whom messes with the wife of a Prophet of GOD, in Jesus Name. And my (Albert LeRoy Jones) wife maiden name is Barbara Lynn Patterson. The Lord GOD Almighty has reserved her for me. She is my own. She is GOD's Daughter, a Missionary of the Lord Jesus. She shall be Blessed, Healed and Anointed for Christ Jesus Sake. She is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. And her name shall be called Barbara Lynn Jones. If you see her, greet her as the Prophet's wife and Bless her. Then you shall be Blessed by the Lord GOD Almighty. If you curse her or despise her then you shall suffer the fate of King Saul. And anyone whom tries to use her to attack (harm/discredit in anyway) me shall die in their sin! In Jesus Name it is proclaimed!

Albert LeRoy Jones

Copyright 2006

          A Word of Truth.

Glory Hallelujah,

       Greetings Fellow Church, GOD Bless You, it has been a while since I've addressed You. But do not be doubtful nor disheartened, For I will always Love You. It was for a very good (Righteous) reason that I refrained from communicating with you for a while. There was great friction in the spiritual realm surrounding the Church (the Body of Christ Jesus Yeshua) that was starting to cause some conflict within since the last time I spoke to you. I was given time by the Lord of Hosts to allow His Heavenly Armies to do some clean-up/law enforcement in the world unseen. It is time now to bring things back to order. Court is now once again back in session for the trial against all that is contrary towards GOD's Holy Will & Truth. Though during this time that I spent away I assure you that the Servant of GOD's Will has definitely not been asleep but fully awake and aware of what has been going on around us, researching and becoming stronger in my Anointing, Faith, Ministry, Service & Duty to the Lord GOD Almighty Elohim. So now I shall bring to you enlightenment from the Lord of Host, The King GOD Almighty YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel, with more authority than ever before (in the past). Take heed, and listen to the Word I bring you from GOD the Sovereign, all you of mankind and GOD's Creation. We are all evil, every single one of us, without the companionship of GOD's Holy Spirit (Immanuel) in our daily lives. Not one of us is righteous. None of us are good people. We are all wicked creatures, all of mankind that is, that ever was and that ever will be and also all the beast of the land and in the sea and the birds & flying creatures of the air, for we are covered in each others blood and with the stench of sin. Every Priest, every Prophet, every Preacher, every Pastor, every Bishop, every Minister, every Missionary in the land are all evil by nature. It is only the Holy Spirit of GOD which makes our deeds good & Righteous and that washes away the filth of our guiltiness. Man & Woman of GOD be humbled! For you are evil even in your Salvation, even under GOD's Amazing Grace of Holiness! For this is the reason our Lord & Savior Christ Jesus Yeshua promised us His Holy Spirit. For without it, even as born again believers saved by His Life Sacrifice in which we were washed clean by His Spilled Blood, we are still evil creatures. So, Yes it is True/Amen, that the Lord knew & understood, for it was His Will, Purpose, Plan & Desire from the beginning to guide us to Righteousness and His Holiness by placing within us His Divine Spirit, that He may dwell in us as a Life-Long Companion for Eternity. This is evident as it was said long ago, during the time before the great flood and the building of Noah's Ark, "My Spirit cannot contend with man forever, For every inclination of his (man's) thoughts are evil all the time." My Brothers & Sisters, we are all guilty of being such vile creatures. Even more so from time to time. No one should boast amongst themselves of their good deeds, not even the Servants of GOD. For our wickedness continues and is everlasting in our will. But it is GOD's Will that we should be given Grace and Salvation, even in this world & age. Therefore, be humble my Brother Be humble my Sister! For you are all evil people, as I myself am also evil! The Apostle Paul was an evil man, the Apostle Peter was an evil man, the Apostle John was an evil man, Pope John Paul II was an evil man, Mother Teresa was an evil woman, Martin Luther king Jr. was an evil man, Billy Graham is an evil man, T.D. Jakes is an evil man, Benny Hinn is an evil man, even I myself Albert LeRoy Jones am a evil man without Immanuel (GOD's Presence with us). For this Knowledge is declared in GOD's Sovereignty in a proclamation we call "The Lord's Prayer." For it is by GOD's Action, not our own that this proclamation is brought to past on a daily basis by the One & Only True Living Sovereign Holy Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the earth, all dominion Forever & Eternity, Elohim YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel! Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen, Glory Hallelujah Jesus Christ is Lord, Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen! The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, in the name of the Son of GOD Yeshua the Messiah Jesus Christ, Yes it is True!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

          A Psalm of Joy and Praise, In Jesus Name.

Amen, Yes it is True. Praise His Name, the Name of the Lord, Jesus, Mighty is His Name! His Wealth has finally caught up with me. His Prosperity has ensnared me in its grasp. I shall feed from His Fruit Trees and drink from His Water Wells all the days of my life. I shall feast in His Gardens and gulp from His Streams. I shall camp in His Fields and settle on His Holy Hill. I shall rest my head on the Lawn of His Prairies and bathe in His Hot Springs. I have found His Wealth by perseverance, and continuous praise. I shall have my fill and feel secure the rest of my days. I dress my wife in fine linens and silk. Her bosom I shall caress forever in a land flowing with Honey and Milk. I shall continue in my praise and service to the Lord. I shall exalt His Name in my wealth, as I did in my poverty. As when my faith fed me, from day to day. I shall leap for joy on the Banks of His Holy River of Life. I shall shout His Words of Truth on the mountain top and sing His Psalms of Light on the cliffs. I shall parade in His Valleys and dance as the wind drifts. O Praise His Name, give Him Glory! Adore His Majesty, for He is More Than Worthy to be praised. Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus Christ! In His Name I pray, by His Anointing I write!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

          Speaking for GOD.

Glory Hallelujah,

       Let the Name of the Lord Jesus be praised throughout the land, throughout all the Heavens and the earth. I am Truly Blessed by GOD to be made by Him a Servant of His Will for Christ Jesus Sake, Blessed & Anointed to deliver His Word to All His People throughout all the Heavens and the earth, all dominion Forever & Eternity. It is Truly a Blessing to be Anointed through the Power of the Holy Spirit to write down the Words of the Almighty GOD Himself, delivering His Messages, giving revelation through His Word and uncovering His Secrets to those whom He chooses to seek His Truth. I must admit that it is no easy task carrying out such a Mission from/Service to the Lord. It requires great (tremendous) faith, perseverance, obedience and humbleness on the part of GOD's Servant. It shall be understood that you will face persecution not only from unbelievers but also from those acclaimed as brethren of the Faith (Believers). A great example of one used by GOD to deliver His Word amiss persecution was the Servant of GOD/Our Brother in the Faith, Stephen. For Stephen was used by GOD in many great ways including as the writer of the book we know today as "The Book of Hebrews" (I know this for it is the Lord whom has revealed this to me). The Book of Hebrews written by Stephen (documented by Luke) is also the oldest (earliest written) book of what today is now called the new testament, for Hebrews was written before Stephen's tragic murder of being stoned to death by his own brethren. Now one of Stephen's own Jewish brethren whom was there to witness and oversee his execution was Saul of Tarsus whom later would be known as the Apostle Paul. Now the Apostle Paul, once a persecutor of Believers was chosen by the Lord Jesus Himself to be one of His Apostles whom would endure great persecution and hardship as a witness & minister of Jesus' Gospel. The Apostle Paul is known to have written many letters during the time of his Ministry & Service to the Lord Jesus (which now accounts for most of the new testament scripture). Paul's writings were greatly influenced by the greatly anointed writings of the man whom he helped put to death, Stephen. For Stephen set the tone (inspired) for a lot of the scripture written during the times of the early church including the letters of the epistles and the Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ. Writing down the Word of GOD (Holy Scripture) has never been known to bring great fame & fortune and adoring fans and their support during any time of the history of mankind. In fact, mostly always it acquires rebuke, outrage, slander, persecution and even loss of life to those whom deliver GOD's Message. The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen!

       But I, Albert LeRoy Jones, Shall Live Forever!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

          Hypocrisy. Go Back!

Glory Hallelujah,

       Hail to The King, The Lord Jesus of Nazareth, Amen, Yes it is True! I, Albert LeRoy Jones, come to you with The Power of GOD, through His Anointing that He has rubbed on me by His Mighty & Blessed Hand. Glory Hallelujah Jesus Christ is Lord! The Lord Jesus has spoken to me. And I assure you He has much, very much to say. "Do you remember the time, when we fell in Love, do you remember the time?" The Sovereign Lord of Host says! "But you have become filled with Hypocrisy!" "Did not I relieve you from the penalty of breaking My Law and from the burden of your sins and place you Under My Grace?" Says The Lord of Host! "Yet you have become so unmerciful yourselves!" Evilness! Evilness has crept into the hearts of our brethren! We Live Under Grace but we do not stand up for it! When our fellow brethren are being persecuted, we watch & judge and do not take a stand! Evilness! Evilness, I tell you! When we see our brethren being persecuted we sit back and observe and say, "Let us watch and see how our brother handles this situation, so that if it comes upon us we shall be wise in what to do & say!" This is wickedness, filthy wickedness I tell you! We are Members of The Body of Christ Jesus! But we do not understand what this means! The Lord Jesus says to you, as He said to the hypocrites in the time of His Earthly Dwelling, "I desire Mercy, not Sacrifice! Now go and learn what this means!" This is what it means to be a Member of The Body of Christ Jesus. That you have been given what you do not deserve, Grace! As Members of The Body of Christ Jesus we Live Under Grace as One Nation Under GOD. For we are all filthy wicked evil sinners without Emmanuel. So why is it then, Members of The Body of Christ, that you speak of, teach & preach GOD's Grace, but you yourselves practice condemnation. You hypocrites (to whom it concerns)! It is not backsliding (falling) into sin that makes you a hypocrite, No, instead it is condemning those who do (for this is what The Lord Jesus showed & has taught us through His Gospel). The false pharisees, of Jesus Time Spent walking the earth, were not proclaimed by The Lord to be hypocrites because they were sinners, No, but because they condemned others of their sins. But understand this also brethren, you are also proclaimed by The Lord as a hypocrite when you do not stand up for those who are being condemned for their sins! Especially your own brethren! That is evil! You must not forget that the sole meaning of being Members of The Body of Christ Jesus is that we are One Family Under GOD's Given Grace! Freely we have received, so freely we must give! The Body of Christ Jesus shall not condone the condemnation nor execution of any man, woman nor child, whether Christian or not. "Do you remember the time, when we fell in Love? Do you remember the time?" The Sovereign Lord Says! We The Body of Christ as a whole has sat back and allowed the condemnation of a man whom the Lord was using as His Servant, the man whom spoke the Words that The Lord has spoken in this letter Under GOD's Anointing on his Life. That man is the one whom the world once called "the king of pop". His name given by his parents is Michael Jackson. For Under GOD's Anointing, Michael Jackson has done more for his fellow brethren (mankind) than all the churches in the city where he lived close to, Los Angeles, combined. Yet, even though, he has done it from a secular stand, this man has been greatly attacked & condemned by the evil-one, through man. And under our hypocrisy, The Church, we have sat back and viewed it as entertainment. This is the True meaning of manslaughter! How can we, The Body of Christ Jesus, whom Live Under Grace, allow and be entertained by the condemnation of any man, woman or child when we ourselves are sinners without GOD's Presence With Us (Immanuel), given what we do not deserve. The world may say, "He probably did do that to those kids, he gets what he deserves!" But the real disturbing thing about it all is that some of those whom call themselves Christians agree with what the world says and some of us are even the world whom makes such statements (even some of you standing in the pulpits). You Hypocrites! A picture of your faces should be placed next to the definition of hypocrisy in every dictionary! Though he (Michael Jackson) has served GOD from a secular stand point, the Lord Jesus gave him some of the Most Anointed Words ever spoken in our lifetime. Words that are more so closer to the Truth (GOD's Truth) than any preacher within The Body of Christ has ever spoken. "I'm starting with the man in the mirror! I'm asking him to change his ways! And no message could have been any clearer! If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make that, Change!" And not only did he talk the talk but GOD used him also to walk the walk. Yet, through the things he has done for mankind throughout the world, the enemy (our enemy, the devil) has continuously been trying to condemn and tear this man down so that he can not be effective in carrying out GOD's Work and bring to past those Anointed Prophetic Words GOD gave him to proclaim to the world. And not realizing that we are hurting ourselves, when we allow & participate with the evil-one's desire to hurt & destroy this man (for whom if we would have stood up for and showed him The Love of Jesus/Grace and the appreciation of his good deeds could win him over to be a Man of GOD/Christian). This man (Michael Jackson) has been attacked by the devil since his childhood because the evil-one new that The Lord Jesus was going to use this one in a great way. I am not saying that Michael Jackson is perfect but I am using him as a mirror for You! They've called him weak and feminine, but The Lord has proclaimed that he is one of the strongest men on planet earth. What preacher or Servant of GOD do you know that has faced as much scrutiny and harsh accusations (judgment) as Michael Jackson, though he has not placed such judgment on anyone else. Nor has he lashed out in revenge against his adversaries with the same measure. In fact, he asked long ago, in a message, as a youth, "Just leave me alone! Just stop dogging me around!" But even he does not realize that the devil never relents, the evil-one never lets up with his attacks. Again, I say, Michael Jackson is not anywhere close to perfect. Nor has he done everything right in his Life. But I am trying to show us our hypocrisy. I told you at the beginning of this letter, that The Lord Jesus has a lot to say. This is what The Sovereign Lord has to say concerning His Servant, Ted Haggard, "Go back to the flock I have given you and assume your position I gave you and resume your assignment I have given you!" And The Lord Says to His Church (New Life Church), to forgive as you have been forgiven and accepted as Members of His (Jesus) Body of Christ. If there is any penalty for a Believers sins, then let it be to come face to face with his guilt before his congregation (his brethren, The Church) and continue in his Service to The Lord Jesus. For this is the greatest punishment that can be given to any Believer. And why do we, The Church, believe in doing things in the ways of the world (which are backwards, unrighteous) such as believing that removing someone from his GOD Appointed Position is just punishment for a man's lack of integrity? Such correction/justice is Folly! That is not how We The People (The People of GOD) are supposed to do things. That is not how The Kingdom of GOD operates! The Church must stop trying to pattern itself after institutions of the world! For the world, when it is made Whole in The Coming Return of The King, The Lord Jesus, shall be patterned after The Kingdom of Heaven! And the Lord Jesus has also spoken about us using the pulpit and Christian Broadcast (radio, t.v., etc.) as a battle front for civil war (sectarian violence) within The Body of Christ. But He (The Lord Jesus) is speaking not only to you out of focus preachers (out of GOD's Will) but also to you sitting in the assembly, on the pews and in the choir stand, in the fellowship hall and in the front lobby and in the men's and ladies room (restrooms). Also for those of you gossiping in The Church and on the job (at work) and in the barber shops and the beauty shops & nail shops and braid shops and on the street corners and in the neighborhood markets and on the internet & publications and in the private places. We are acting as blood thirsty beasts, cannibals, a nation in a /the state of civil war. We cannot focus on the assault against the enemy (the gates of hell) if we are too busy attacking one another. Break loose from lucifer's spell, rebuke satan's deception and get yourselves in focus, in-lined with GOD's Will & Purpose, His Mission assigned to us, to spread His Grace, His Good News (The Gospel of Our Savior Jesus Christ) throughout all the Heavens and the earth, all dominion, Forever and Eternity! And we must stop running one another away from the places where GOD positions each of us to be. For by committing such a crime within The Body of Christ Jesus, Servants of GOD are serving lucifer simultaneously. Also, by running away from Our GOD Ordained Post to escape persecution, we are separating ourselves from GOD's Will & Purpose for our Life. Thus, under this same subject, The Lord speaks of a situation concerning a certain individual, one of His Own Servants, my Brother in Christ Jesus, Alvin Oneal Jackson. This is what The King, The Lord Jesus Says concerning you, Alvin Oneal, "Go back to where I anointed you to be!" Alvin Oneal Jackson, this is what The Lord of Host has said concerning you: Go back to where He anointed you to be, in Memphis, TN, at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church. It was never The Lord's Will for you to leave your post there. And when you did leave, and moved to Washington D.C., you began to lose your anointing though you still posses your gifts. And every man that has taken your place at MBCC has not been able to find rest there because they our preaching in another man's pulpit, taking position at another man's post, where they shall not reach The Lord's Sabbath (enter His Rest). This is what The Lord Says concerning this matter, "Alvin Oneal Jackson, My Servant, My Son, Go back to where I have anointed you to be. For I have plans for you there, that have not been fulfilled. I shall return to you the flock which I once shepherd through you there. And do not worry about those whom you have acquired elsewhere, for I shall send them with you back to where I anointed you to be. And I shall combine all My Sheep I have pastored through you from everywhere you have gathered. And I shall add unto you even more sheep, new sheep, whom you have not shepherd before. And you shall be increased! You will fill My Sanctuary to capacity and beyond at MBCC in Memphis, TN. And you shall not be a denomination, separating yourselves from your brethren. But I shall bring the walls of the denominations & separatism tumbling down by the strength of My Mighty Hand in the Memphis Metro Area and then throughout the Heavens and the earth, all dominion, Forever & Eternity. For they shall no longer use their denominational names nor practice their rituals, nor remember their differences. As for you, Frank Thomas, do not worry, I have bigger & better things planned for you. You have not entered My Rest at MBCC, for that is not where I ordain you to be. You have faced much conflict there (MBCC). It is only because My Will is fighting against yours and you do not have My Anointing there. I shall give you, Frank Thomas, the desire of your heart, a ministry according to My Will & Purpose for your Life. Step out on Faith and I shall give you help from amongst your brethren, My Servants. And then you shall reach My Sabbath, you shall find My Rest and receive My Anointing." I, Albert LeRoy Jones, am a Living, Walking, Speaking Temple of GOD! His (GOD's) Holy of Holies which houses The Ark of His Covenant is in the chamber of my heart! And The Cloud of His (GOD's) Spirit comes down from Heaven to earth and resides (rest) on The Seat of Grace on my Soul! Amen, Yes it is True! The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen! In Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006


Glory Hallelujah,

       Jesus Christ is Lord! My Dear Brothers & Sisters, The Body of Christ Jesus, GOD's Beloved Jewish People, I come to you in The Name of The Lord Jesus bringing you valued Insight and Discernment from Our Councilor and Protector, The Holy Spirit of GOD (Immanuel). Brethren, let no one deceive you. For by The Word of The Truth we know that by living in sin, an unrighteous life, is not The Will of GOD and will not be overlooked by The Lord Jesus when The Books are opened and we come face to face with our deeds done in life (good & bad) before The Glory of The Lord Jesus. We must know & understand that those who are even though Saved by GOD's Grace but live in sin up to the end without repentance, will surely not enter The Pearly Gates of GOD's Holy City and partake in The Tree of Life. But instead they shall be left outside with the dogs though they have escaped the fires of hell. All the idolaters, sexually immoral, those whom practice magic arts, the murderers and all those whom lived a life full of abominations towards The Lord Jesus shall not enter through The Gates of His Bride, The New Jerusalem. So we must know, Brothers & Sisters, that The Lord is always watching, are every deed, good or bad and even the thoughts of our hearts, recording them in The Books concerning our testimony. But know this also brethren, that The Lord does not appoint nor does he need any man to do His watching for Him. For every man should keep his eyes on himself, keeping himself from backsliding into sinful nature. As The Lord Jesus said, "First take the plank out of your own eye, then you shall see clearly enough to help remove the saw dust from your brother's eye!" There are such men amongst us, my brethren, that mascaraed as great prophecy teachers & evangelist, with seemingly honorable connections to important government intelligence & officials on our behalf (by our support), for our supposed benefit, to bring us GOD's News behind the news. Watch out for such men! For they are wolves in sheep clothing. They will go to great lengths to expose (actually falsely accuse) anyone whom they oppose. They will even go as far as using what support (financial and otherwise) they receive to fund the scrutiny, false accusations & false investigations against you to catch you in indecent exposure. These men set traps to ensnare you in guilt. They will go to great lengths even by taping into your telephone conversations, hacking into your computer, placing you under surveillance, sending spies and wired agents to confront you and contradict your words & actions and even send sinners of all kinds before you to entice and lure you into their entrapment. All this with the help of their connections to important government intelligence & officials funded by your much needed support to their ministry. Such men are doomed to the fires of hell. For every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts are only evil all the time. But do not be skeptical of all ministries and evangelist and prophecy teachers (even those with intelligence insight) for the true culprits shall reveal themselves in due time as cold-hearted blood thirsty wicked demons in the flesh! The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Mighty Name, Glory Hallelujah Jesus Christ is Lord, Amen! In Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

          Celebrity Preachers.

Glory to The Lord Above All, Christ Jesus, The Kings of kings and The Lord of lords, Our Savior! Brothers & Sisters, be humble. For this is The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ Command to you, brethren, be humble! But in your humbleness do not be timid either. For it is our calling to have great ambition in aggression to rush & attack the gates of hell relentlessly. Know this also brethren, that there are those whom seem like & pose as Great Warriors of GOD but on the contrary their ambitions are corrupted which shows through their arrogance (contrary to humbleness). These are those whom show up on the Christian Television Praise-a-thons & Share-a-thons on the last day, as the main event, with very little to say. They travel in luxury with their agent & management team to all the major events, broadcast & televised large conventions and expos (celebrity preacher showcases) and commercialized revivals. Their agents book them busy schedules for the year, coming to a town nearest you, with their schedules printed out on their web-site where you can give a donation by credit or debit card to help support their ministry to take The Gospel around the world. They are many times booked as the feature host of many Christian Television programs and they occupy numerous time slots on most all of the major Christian Television Networks. They are clean cut, in expensive suits & dress ware, in dignified poses on the front cover of their latest book release & publications that you can receive by mail or e-mail by becoming a partner to their ministry or by sending a one time donation of an impressive amount to support their mass appeal (oops! I mean to support GOD, right?). But Oh, I almost forgot, that they help support missionaries feeding & clothing & Christianizing needy children in Sudan running from slavery & poverty. Oh yeah, this is why they deserve to where an expensive watch and drive expensive cars (Mercedes, Bentley, etc.) and live in big houses on the uppity side of town and fly in their own private jets, right? They help support partisan politics in our government to stand-up & bring forth righteousness (supposedly on our behalf) and are featured on secular news programs for their ambitions. They preach prosperity but by their message/method they're the only ones whom/that prosper. They're noted as productive Christians leading the way in productivity for productive Christianity. But all that they produce is deceptive and their product false. They have proposed & offered me their welfare and their shrine prostitutes if I forget about my wife Barbara and The Mission GOD gave me to be His Prophet, or else face their assault. But my words & actions shall tell them to their faces, 'The Lord Jesus Christ rebukes you, satan! Get behind me! For you do not have in mind The Thoughts of GOD but the thoughts of men!' They will try to deceive you and turn you against me by twisting The Lord Jesus Christ Words by saying, "The Lord said, 'Whoever is not for us is against us!' " But I know The Truth of GOD's Word, and you must know it also, Brethren! For the words that The Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed were, "Whoever is not against us, is for us." Read The Word of GOD for yourselves, lest you be deceived! Brethren, judge for yourselves, get wise! Feel The Fire! The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

          Sexual Spirituality (explicit).

       To The Body of Christ Jesus, All Believers, I come to you with important Knowledge & Wisdom from The Lord GOD Almighty Christ Jesus. This Message from The Lord of Hosts Jesus Christ is crucially important information for our days & time. For in our days & time and throughout the times of mankind, sexuality has been one of the most crucially, controversial, critical, chaotic issues known to mankind in our civilizations, societies, cultures, religions, ethics, philosophy and almost every aspect of mankind's existence. Knowing how important this issue is, the enemy (the devil) has always & continues to exercise evil (sin) through our sexuality and prey on GOD's Creation in order to steal, kill and destroy. Homosexuality & Heterosexual immorality are the two most apparent forms of sexual sin deriving from the same source. ALL homosexuality is caused by the inspiration and influence of demonic (evil) spirits. ALL heterosexual immorality is caused by the inspiration and influence of demonic (evil) spirits. Both homosexuality & heterosexual immorality are considered to be abominable & queer by The Kingdom of Heaven & GOD Himself. These demonic spirits that inspire and influence such queer & abominable notions & activity (homosexuality & heterosexual immorality) are called hoes (plural)/a ho (singular) by GOD. Physical activity of mankind's flesh that is inspired and influenced by hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) almost always features/acquires pain (even to the shedding of blood) in the body & flesh of those whom are in participation of such sinful sexual activity. This common pain which would be extreme to any normal pure flesh/body of mankind is masked by the excitement of the hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) within the flesh/body of those whom they possess (inspire and influence). Such as when a man lays with another man in the way a man would lay with a woman (his wife), which requires the man (in homosexuality) to give his (or receive another man's) sexual organs/genitals to the other man by thrusting himself (his penis, which of most men by average is larger than the average broomstick of today's time, in girth) into the anal cavity of his fellow participant. Though this activity is obviously painful by mere imagination/thought for anyone, it is indulged & cherished by those whom participate in such activity, for the hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) give off intense excitement spiritually within the flesh of those possessed, giving them a false feeling of sexual ecstasy and satisfaction. But there is no true satisfaction in such indulgence, for these hoes are relentless to your death leaving those whom they possess insatiable (always craving more of the queer abominable sinful painfully enticing indulgence of the flesh in demonically spirited feelings of ecstasy). This is the exact same indulgence experienced in heterosexual immorality when women are enticed to stray from Holy sexuality (marital sex with a man whom is their husband) to find pleasure in many lovers, inspired and influenced by hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) in a physically demanding manner. A Biblical example of such sinful indulgence is spoken of through The Prophet Ezekiel in the story about the two adulterous sisters, Oholah and Oholibah. These two women were overly/tremendously indulged in the sexual pursuit of many lovers, men with large abnormal sized genitals and large amounts of genital secretions compared to that of horses and donkeys. The thrusting of men with large abnormal sized penises into the vaginal & anal cavities of women indulging in perverted sexual activity is obviously painful by mere imagination/thought for anyone but it is masked by the sheer excitement of the hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) possessing the flesh of women participating in their inspired and influenced sinful physical/sexual activity of the flesh/body. These demonic sexual spirits (hoes) are also subject to inspire and influence mankind's sexuality to further extremes such as mankind & animal sexual relations. Despite painful extremes and physical incapability, hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) inspire and influence men & women alike whom they possess to indulge in sexual activities with all sorts of beast/animals. A historical example of such demonic possession is the case of the European Queen whom indulged in such sinful perverted physical/sexual activity by having sex with animals which led to her death when she attempted to have sex with an large beast/animal and her pelvis was crushed during their queer abominable sinful sexual activity, killing her (the queen). Brethren, these hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) have dwelt in our  communities, possessing, inspiring and influencing many without realization or rebuke. And there are many institutions & places in our communities which support (summons) these demonic sexual spirits (hoes) that are protected by our own federal laws of our nation such as sex novelty stores & pornographic theaters and strip clubs and pay-per-view televised pornography and porn on t.v. and the internet. Other things that support (summons) hoes are sexually explicit lewd appearance, talk, music and dancing and the eating & consumption of pork, seafood & all other unclean animals and substances and idolatry, sorcery, witchcraft and divination. Brethren, you should also know, that just as these hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) have dwelt in our communities, they will come after you & your families as long as they are supported (summoned) around us. These hoes act as all spirits do (even as The Holy Spirit of GOD). When they (hoes) are aroused (summoned) they give a great feeling of excitement in the flesh/bodies of mankind just like The Holy Spirit of GOD. But we know that they are not of GOD for they entice mankind contrary to GOD's Will (known through The Word of GOD, The Holy Bible). We know, Brethren, that GOD does not desire us to live immoral lives, but rather a Life Holy & Pure. We must strive for righteousness even in our own sexuality which must always be contained within GOD's Institution of Marriage which is only between one man & one woman whom are made one flesh by GOD Himself to each of their Lifetime in this world (till they are given a new imperishable body in The Kingdom of Heaven). And this is the primary reason GOD created & established marriage, so that mankind would not live sexually immoral lives (procreation is not the primary reason for marriage). GOD created sex to give us a great desire, enjoyment & fulfillment in procreation (reproducing Life). So we, Brethren, must learn to guard our flesh/body and the marriage bed through prayer & The Power of The Holy Spirit of GOD. When The Holy Spirit of GOD dwells within us, no other spirit dares to come near GOD's Holy Temple! Every man whom is married should take his wife by the hand and they shall kneel before the marriage bed and pray to The Father GOD in Heaven, in Jesus Christ Holy Name, before they engage in any sexual activity. This practice accompanied by GOD's Holy Presence (Immanuel) over the marriage bed will not only protect & Sanctify it, but also increase the married couple's (the one flesh) enjoyment during sexual activity and the intensity of their climax of Love together. When mankind are possessed by hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) they lack the desire for GODly Marital Sexual Relations. For when a man is possessed by a ho (demonic/evil sexual spirit), the demonic sexual spirit causes him to have a lack of desire, frustration and complications (physical and psychological) in being with his wife. But when a man chooses to indulge in sinful sexual activity inspired and influenced by hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) all of the man's lack of desire, frustration and problems seem to disappear. And when a woman is possessed by a ho (a demonic/evil sexual spirit), the demonic spirit causes her to feel a lack of fulfillment, irritable and agitated about being with her husband though, GOD created any man married to any woman capable of giving her enjoyment & satisfaction during and in climax of marital sexual activity between one man & one woman, a husband & his wife. Brethren, do not treat this Message from The Lord of Hosts Jesus Christ with contempt because of your lack of understanding or unbelief or because of its explicit detail. For The Lord GOD Almighty anointed me to deliver to you this message for your own good (Knowledge & Wisdom). The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen! Glory Hallelujah Jesus Christ is Lord, Amen! In Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007


       Brothers & Sisters, Jew & Adopted Jew, Keepers of The Faith, I, Albert LeRoy Jones (a.k.a. Moses), your Brother in The Faith, come to you with instruction received from The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus The Christ The Messiah of Israel during The Transfiguration brought to you in swift flight from The Host of The Lord Above (The Third Heaven). Brethren, it has been pondered & supposed by some, because of their desire & will for my Service to The Lord, that I am against organized religion. How preposterous! Brothers & Sisters, I am not against organized religion, but instead, I am against disorganized religion! Don't get it twisted! There is Only One True Religion! And that is The Religion that GOD (YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel) gave through His Servant Moses! All other religion, traditions and spiritual practices are false! Get it right! Fasting, yes fasting, is good for the mind, body, heart & soul. But, fasting, has been one of the most misused & abused practices amongst us (mankind). There is a reason, a way, a time and a place for fasting. First, the reason! Fasting is always & only done as a petition against the gates of hell. Fasting is not done to receive a Blessing or an Anointing from GOD, nor to seek GOD's Attention ("For thou shall not temp The Lord Thy GOD!"). Take for example The Forty Day Fast of Our Lord & Savior Christ Jesus. Jesus did not go up on the mountain and fast for forty days to get His Father in Heaven Attention, nor to receive Father GOD's Blessing or Anointing (nor to know His Mission from The Father or His Reason of being amongst us). But instead, The Forty Day Fast of Jesus marked The Beginning of His Petition against the gates of hell while rebuking hell's gate keeper (the devil). Second, the way! Fasting is done without the eating or consumption of anything (not even water). But know this also Brethren, that fasting is not something that anyone can throw themselves into without preparation! It takes a Jewish Body to perform a Jewish Fast. What I mean is ones body must be made strong by a Strict Jewish Diet before going on a Jewish Fast. You cannot live off of a unclean American culture like diet (eating & consuming things such as barbecue pork ribs and red lobster & craw fish and all other unclean animals & substances) and then go on a Jewish Fast! The excruciating pain & suffering of the poisons & toxins from the filth of an unclean American culture like diet is to much for you to bear during a Jewish Fast! A True (Biblical) example of how ones body must be prepared for a True (Jewish) Fast is given in The Preparation That The Lord GOD Almighty YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel instructed through His Holy Angel for His Servant Elijah before Elijah went on his forty day fasting journey (with no food nor water while walking & hiking a great distance and climbing a great mountain). Third, a time! Now this is common Knowledge (common sense) to any Jewish Believer (and should be for All Believers) that you do not fast during The Times of Any of GOD's Holy Feast! For this is a sin and abomination towards The Lord GOD Almighty YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel Himself! So check your calendars (mainly, The Jewish Calendar) before you start your fast (and this goes for everyone attempting to fast). It is best to start your fast after (in between) GOD's Holy Feast such as Passover/The Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of Weeks, The Feast of Tabernacles and All of GOD's Appointed Feast according to His Word. And the last but not least, Fourth is, a place to fast! Now when it is said place, it is meant figuratively, in Service to The Lord. Yes it is true, fasting must be done as a Service to The Lord of Hosts (as stated by GOD through The Prophet Isaiah). Know & Understand this also Brethren, that fasting is a practice (not a principle) just as praying, reading Holy Scripture (The Bible) and giving praises to GOD. None of these has any True Power without The True Principal that Blesses, Anoints & Manifests them all. Faith! For it is through Faith (The True Principal) that your fasting is made True with any affect against the gate keeper of hell (the devil). Have Faith in all your religious practices & Service to The Lord according to GOD's Holy Will. I Love you, Brethren. The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen! Glory Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is Lord! Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen! In Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

          Repentance for White Robes.

       Glory Hallelujah, Greetings to you my Brothers and my Sisters. I come to you with A Word from The Lord of Hosts Jesus Christ that is Faithful & Trustworthy. Brethren, you should know that it is True, that those whom even though they are Saved by Grace (The Lord Jesus Christ) but live in sin & abominations towards GOD (The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Israel & All of Their Descendants) through the end without repentance shall certainly not enter through The Gates of Pearl of GOD's Holy City (The New Jerusalem, His Bride) and partake (eat from) The Tree of Life, even though they have escaped the fires of hell. Those who do not wash themselves (repent) in The Blood of The Lamb (The Lord Yeshua/Jesus Christ) shall not receive A White Robe, for they have not been made pure and are covered in their filth. "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish." Hence, The Lord Jesus Christ made this understanding very plain, simple and clear that any who does not wash their robes (repent) in The Blood of The Lamb (Jesus Christ Yeshua Himself) shall not have Eternal Life in paradise but shall perish! A perfect example of those whom were Saved by The Blood of The Lamb (Grace) but needed to repent or they would perish is The Church in Laodicea whom The Angel of The Lord Jesus Yeshua communicated with through a letter (message sent) written by His (Yeshua's) Apostle John. The Church in Laodicea were a group of Believers (accepting Jesus/Yeshua Christ as their Lord & Savior) whom made themselves rich (wealthy) off of prosperity theology but had not brought forth any True Conversion (True Converts) through their prosperity theology teachings. Now, for those of you who specialize in teaching prosperity theology, do not get offended, but be earnest. For I am not trying to bring you down, but instead, lift you up on my level. So that All may come to repentance (wash their robes in The Blood of Our Lord & Savior Christ Yeshua Jesus) and be True Converts so that we may All walk through Those Pearl Gates into The Paradise of GOD's Holy City (His Bride, The New Jerusalem) and eat from The Tree of Life to have Everlasting Prosperity for Eternity! The Word of GOD (YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Israel and All of Their Descendants) for The People of GOD, in Christ Jesus Yeshua's Name, Amen! Glory Hallelujah Jesus Yeshua Christ is Lord, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

          A/My Revelation.

       To my Brothers & Sisters, The Blessed Body of Christ Jesus, The Beloved Jewish People (The Blessed Nation of Israel), I, Albert LeRoy Jones, bring you Greetings and Testimony through GOD's Anointing, Amen. GOD Bless you, my Brother in Christ Jesus, T.D. Jakes, GOD Bless you, GOD Bless you, GOD Bless you! For being a bold soldier in the struggle and standing up to defend your Brethren when they are under attack. May GOD increasingly & intensely Anoint you in the struggle. Why do I do what I do, why should I continue to do what I do? When it seems that every time I speak, no matter what I say, someone within The Circle of GOD's People is ready to snap back & attack with rebuke and slander. Do they feel revealed? Are they that convicted by GOD's Words? Do they have jealousy issues? What is it? I ponder to know. So I look to My Shepherd, My Pastor, My Rabbi, My Teacher, My Councilor, My High Priest, My King, My Lord and My Savior, Christ Yeshua Jesus for Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Insight and Discernment. I ask My Pastor, Jesus Christ, 'Lord Jesus, what is wrong with Your people? Why do they act this way, when I give them Your word?' And The Lord Jesus Christ responded, "Why do you react to them? Do you not understand? That they, just like you and All of My Servants, are the same people you were when I called you? For I did not call you to serve Me because you were Holy. And those whom I call do not all of a sudden become Holy as soon as they begin to serve Me. You are all still children, steady learning and progressing to one day be My Holy Servants in The Kingdom of Heaven. Many of you are still the same persona as you were as a youth. Benny Hinn is still the knuckle headed little child who believes that everything is his, though I still Love him. Billy Graham, was a fine young boy who grew to be a descent man. Brandon B. Porter (a wanna be comedian) still thinks he's the man/impressive to others (and believes that his pulpit comedy is funny & cute). Frank Thomas, a studious young lad, is still determined to get the meaning of his point/words across. And you, Albert LeRoy Jones, still very sensitive (easily upset) but have the heart of hearts (pure Love). And just like your father, James Sr. and your older brother, James Jr. (whom you Love so, that you would lay down your Life for), you have inherited a temper and a attitude of violence. For Nimrod is in your blood (a descendant of Cush). Though you have not acted out on this inheritance due to The Wisdom I Gave You through My Word, you take heed to The Holy Scripture, 'that those whom live by the sword shall die by the sword.' Because you have a heart of hearts, many, over your lifetime, have mistaken your kindness for weakness, and accuse you of being soft. Though I know that you are a fierce lion, a brave-heart, who fears no one. When you are provoked to anger, many accuse you of being wicked and wrong doing. Though I know that you have the heart of a little child and that your Love is pure. You have been through great trials and in the past, brought yourself close to serious trouble & danger. Just as I know who you are, the devil also knows who you are. For I told him who you were before I told you who you were. And since your childhood, since you were a baby with your mother, he has come after you (to recruit you for himself). And when you became an young man (a young adult) he ordered a full fledged attack against you, to murder you. He (the devil) sent his servants, the gaddy family, whom made a pact with him (sold to him their souls), to attack & destroy (murder you) with their New Orleans style witchcraft/sorcery (satanic magic arts). I came to you at that time, but you were not ready to receive Me. I heard the cries from your heart and wanted to be by your side and comfort you but you did not yet trust Me. Instead, you sought the council of diviners (psychics), a practice you learned from your oldest sister, Bridget. They led you into deeper confusion and turmoil. And those worthless little magic tricks those stupid diviners taught you did not stand a chance against the satanic sorcery of the gaddy family (Did you not know that satan cannot cast out satan? How could a kingdom divided against itself stand, if that was possible?). In your frustration with Life and with Me (Your Savior), you burned the seven books (Bibles) I gave you and almost choked from the smoke of the fire. But I was protecting you, with My Holy Angels. When the gaddy family realized that they could not destroy (kill) you, they made you a scape goat of their sins. And you could not clear your name. So you suffered shame & embarrassment, loss of friendships and good standing from others for things that you were not apart of, sins & abominations that you did not commit. You gave up on life, became a recluse (like a man living in a cave high on a mountain), paranoid, heart broken, distrusting of anyone, loss of spirit, under great confusion, saddened and loss of hope. For all of this great trial came upon you as you were still innocent, child like, a kid at heart, naive, trusting & unconditionally kind to everyone, full of joy & good spirit. It was as if you had died. And My Heart was saddened for you, but you still did not fully trust Me. You were given over into poverty, illness & fatigue. Your great trial made your heart bitter and your spirit darkened along with the aura around you. You became a different person and those who used to know you didn't know you anymore. You changed. Your heart hardened. And because of the suffering inflicted on you, you were greatly confused, paranoid, full of anxiety and universally distrusting of everyone. You slipped into the dark age of your life (the dark night of the soul). You became a wild beast of a lion, dangerous and close to trouble. So I sent an unlikely individual into your life, whom I used as My Lion Tamer, your wife Barbara Lynn Patterson. I comforted her heart, not to fear the wild lion and to calm you down, for The Guardian Holy Angels that I placed around you to protect you, were getting tired. She (Barbara) calmed you down some, and you greatly adored her for it, but you were still a wreck (still wild) and you took her on a ride (stressed her). But I did not give her (your wife, Barbara's heart) wholly to you, because you sought after her more so than you did ME. So like an adulterous wife, she sought after other men (other lovers), other wild beast, tigers and bears. But instead of seeking Me (Your Savior, The Lord Jesus) and My Council & Justice, you became aroused with wrath, an angry lion. And to show her (your wife, Barbara) your brave-heart (boldness) and fierceness, you attacked those whom you feared would take her from you, like an out of control general at war. You became a bad lion. For you bit and malled your foes. A scar (wound) was left on your right paw from attacking your enemies, but it has now been healed. But instead of comforting you, I led her (your wife, Barbara) to comfort & heal those whom you attacked, due to your continuous-rebellion & ignoring Me & My Will for you. You became outcast, like a mad lion with rabies. Until once again you caught up with her (your wife, Barbara) and found her to be with Me. You were shocked (surprised by what you found) and pondered how she settled down from mass adultery to coming closer to GOD (Her Savior, I, The Lord Jesus). This brought about a change in your own heart and you began to seek Me (The Lord Jesus) and hear My Voice, slowly but surely. Though the problems in your life persisted (such as poverty and fatigue of health). For you dug a deep hole for yourself. And then the problems for you and your wife got worse, though you did not cause it. But the enemy (the devil) knowing that he was losing you for good (and that you were beginning to become who I told him you would be), went after your wife Barbara and strongly attacked her. And because of this, the two of you (you & your wife, Barbara) have went through a great separation, even till this day. But during the time you have been separated, I have Chosen & Anointed you (as I did before you were conceived) to be My Prophet. For you owe a debt to me (Your Savior, The Lord Jesus) as My Servant. And the seven books (The Seven Bibles) that you once set flame to, shall now be a burning flame coming from your mouth! And I shall reunite you & your wife (Barbara), and pair the two of you together once again. But this time I shall place a whip in her hand (The Word of GOD) and she shall once again be My Lion Tamer and keep you in My Will as you already remain in My Will. I shall lead My People through you. I Am Your Shepherd and you are My Sheep. I shall make you My General, The Commander of My Forces. And I will place you & your wife in a palace, fit for the chief council in Solomon's Kingdom. And you shall be One Family Under GOD, for you & your wife & children shall serve Me all the days of your Life, for My Sake (Purpose). For I shall restore you and make you whole. YOU SHALL NOT DIE!!!!!!! BUT YOU SHALL LIVE FOREVER!!!!!!!" O My Lord, My GOD! My eyes are filled with tears and they run down my face like a flowing river. For You, O Lord My GOD, know me and You know my story. For nothing is hidden from Your Eyes O GOD of Israel. I am humbled before You. I bow down before You in Submission to Your Majesty. For I am just a poor black boy, born on the south-side of Chicago. My Mother moved our family to Memphis (near Mississippi) to escape turmoil & death when I was just a pre-teen. And like a refugee running from disaster (like the evacuees of hurricane katrina) we up and left everything we owned, in a day. I was forced to be my own man due to the circumstances and a broken family since I was a young boy. I was raised by my own understanding and lack there of (though You have guided me & protected me all my Life, O Lord). I was alone though I grew up in a big family, that I grew further from in the great trial of my young adult life. During the time of my great trial (as a young adult), I prayed that I would die, O Lord. I attempted suicide many times. But each time, O Lord, You foiled my plans to kill myself. As when I took a sharpened razor blade, and slashed it across my wrist (cutting deep into my flesh), but not a single speck of blood flowed out from my wound. Or when several times I took large quantities of prescription & over the counter pills to hurt myself, You healed me, O GOD. And when I drove my automobile (my car) at a high speed on the expressway (around one hundred miles per hour), late at night, when no other traffic was around, and I took my hands off of the steering wheel and closed my eyes hoping to crash into a concrete wall or a guard rail, but suddenly I heard a great multitude of voices shouting, "No! Do not do it!" I opened my eyes and regained control of my car as it was headed (veered) off the road. But You, O Lord, are The Restorer of All Things. You, O Lord, have restored my Life and my Joy. You have chosen me to be Your Prophet, though I am not a great scholar of Your Word, nor have I recited Your Words from the pulpits in the sanctuaries of The Churches. I did not grow up in Your Church, O Lord, and I do not know the practice of any religious rituals. I scarcely visited Your Church as a youth and I do not understand denominationalism. But yet, O Lord, You have chosen me to serve You. Though I feel that I am not worthy, O Lord, I Love You, for you are My Savior & Lord, and I shall serve You all the days of my Life according to Your Will! Every breath that I breathe is A Praise to The Lord GOD Almighty Christ Jesus! The more I Persevere & Believe, the stronger I get! For I am the Lion of Memphis, the son of James (a mighty warrior like Nimrod)! I AM ISRAEL!!!!!!! Hear my roar, all you Heavens and the earth! The earth quakes with every step I take! Demons tremble when I awake! O Lord, you have Anointed me as Your General, The Commander of Your Forces. And every giant that is before me, that stands up against me, shall come crashing down to the ground (the bigger they are, the harder they fall). For You, O Lord, place the sling shot and the polished stone in my hands. And with Your Mighty Power behind my every move, I shall twirl my sling shot against the giant and strike his head with the polished stone. For this is the way, O Lord, that You have decreed that all whom stand against me shall be defeated. For it is not my battle alone (against the powers & principalities in high places), but it is Yours, O Lord. Feel The Fire! The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen! Glory Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is Lord! The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ has commanded me to give to you this message containing a portion of my testimony, that The Lord Jesus Himself, has revealed to you, Amen! In Jesus name, Amen! Yes it is True! Cursed is anyone whom uses the content in this message for condemnation!
I'mmm Sooo Gladdd, that Jesus lifted meeeee
I'mmm Sooo Glaaadd that Jesus lifted meeee
III, am So Gladdd, that Jesus lifted meee
Singing gloryy Hallelujahhhh, I'mmm Sooo Gladdd!
(repeated six more times.)

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

          The Prophecy for The Middle East.

       Amen, Yes it is True! People of GOD (Christian & Jew), I, Albert LeRoy Jones, The Servant/Messenger/Prophet of GOD (YAHWEH, Yeshua, Immanuel), come to you with A Prophecy from The Lord (The Lion of Judah) that is disturbing & dreadful though Faithful & True (Trustworthy). Soon there will come a leader (a President), A ruler of the United States government, whom will pull all United States military presence out of Shinar (Iraq) and all of the Middle East. As soon as this is done, great bloody chaos shall take place in the Middle East and shall continue until the end (until the Seventieth Seven). Persia's (Iran's) leader (president), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, shall order an onslaught of shiite militias (terrorist) to slaughter many and take control of all of Iraq, including Baghdad and its government. They shall slaughter many people within Iraq (mostly sunnies) and terrorize the nation & territory under their control. Then in a ploy of deceit, Persian (Iranian) forces shall move into Shinar (Iraq) to gain control of the chaos and bring stability to the land (to make themselves and their leader, Ahmadinejad, look as if they are heroes). The shiite militias (terrorist) shall then move further on (out of Iraq) to Jordan, and bring chaos there, just as they did in Shinar (Iraq). These shiite militias (empowered by Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) shall eventually bring to surrender (overthrow) the Jordanian government, just as they did to Iraq. Then, before Persia (Iran) can advance again (move their forces into Jordan in an deceitful ploy), Israel shall arise and attack the militias in Jordan by air & missile launch. Israel shall also launch an attack against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & his Persian forces in the land of Shinar (Iraq) in order to push them back. At this time, Syria (who will already have moved their forces into Lebanon) will join forces with Persia (Iran) along with other allies from Turkey and other shiite terrorists from around the world. An all out, bloody war shall rage on. And no one shall come to Israel's aid (not even the United States of America). But The Lion of Judah shall help Israel. Because of turmoil & conflict within the United States government at that time, the U.S. will not be prompt to come to Israel's aid. But certain states within the United States of America (led by Tennessee and including Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas) joined by people (individuals & groups) across the U.S.A. will go around the U.S. government and send support & aid (of all kinds) to Israel. Israel will also receive some help from an unlikely source (though it will not be for Israel's benefit nor on its behalf). For Al-Queda, led by Osama Bin Laden (supported by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates and all of their sunni allies) will attack Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & his Persian (Iranian) forces from the rear (the east) in an fierce bloody assault. This will give Israel the opportunity to push the Persian (Iranian) forces back across the Euphrates River. And they (Israel) shall do so. Then borders shall be drawn up. For Israel shall gain control of all the territory that The Lord GOD Almighty promised to Joshua & The Israelites, "From the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates -- all the Hittite country -- to the Great Sea (That is, the Mediterranean) on the west." Persia (Iran) shall gain control of all the territory east of the Euphrates River into their own land (modern day Persia/Iran). Turkey shall become divided, and the eastern portion shall combine with Syria. Syria shall gain control of the northern hedge of the land of Shinar (modern day Iraq) and they shall change their name from Syria to Assyria. The battle between the shiite alliance and the sunni alliance shall rage on. And Osama Bin laden (the sunni freedom fighter, their mighty warrior), the leader of Al-Queda, will be killed in fierce battle with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Persia (Iran) shall gain/again control of some Afghan (Afghanistan) territory. From that point, they will be called Persia, instead of Iran. Then the series of warfare, spoken of by The Prophet of GOD, Daniel, between the king of the north and the king of the south, shall continue until the end (the Seventieth Seven). For the northern kingdom shall consist of an alliance between Assyria, Persia and all of their shiite allies. And the southern kingdom shall consist of an alliance between Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya and all of their sunni allies. All of the land gained by Israel shall prosper under their control (and they shall not lose any of it, ever). Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq shall be no more (no longer nations/governments). The rest of the story, as you know, is found among The Writings of GOD's (YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel's, The GOD of Abraham, Issac, Israel and All of Their Descendants) Prophets. The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen! Yes it is True!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

          A Prophecy for MEMPHIS.

       To All of GOD's People throughout all the Heavens and the earth, I, Albert LeRoy Jones, bring to you The Truth of GOD's Word through His Anointing! In Jesus Name It Is Proclaimed! That the population of people living in the Greater MEMPHIS Metropolitan Area shall more than double by the end of this decade (December 31st, 2009 at 11:59.59 seconds p.m.) from what it was at the midway point of this decade (December 31st, 2004 at 11:59.59 seconds p.m.) for Christ Jesus Sake (Purpose). Central Eastern Arkansas, Northwest Mississippi and Southwest Tennessee shall fill up (to expansion) with New Life and A New Spirit (The Lord's Spirit, The Holy Spirit of GOD). This phenomenon shall come to past to support The Lord Jesus Christ Purpose for the coming times. "And I Shall Bless It!" Says The Lord of Hosts GOD Almighty concerning the Greater MEMPHIS Metropolitan Area. For it shall become The Capital of All GOD's People in the United States of America. The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Faithful & Trustworthy, Yes It Is True, Amen! Glory Hallelujah Jesus Christ is Lord! Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

          True Prosperity Teaching.

Glory Hallelujah,

       All Praises Be to The Lord of Hosts, The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ! I, Albert LeRoy Jones, come to you in The Name of The Lord GOD Almighty Christ Jesus, to deliver His Message to His People for His Sake (Purpose). Prosperity Teaching! Is very popular these days within The Body of Christ Jesus. But how do we know what is True and what is false? Well, my Brothers & Sisters, first we must know & understand that GOD's Will is not (not ever) burdensome. The Truth does not place you in bondage. And this is True Prosperity Teaching: "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." And, "All things have been committed to Me by My Father. No one knows The Son except The Father, and no one knows The Father except The Son and those to whom The Son chooses to reveal Him. Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My Yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My Yoke is easy and My Burden is light." And Also, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not Life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." This is contrary to most prosperity teachings that proclaim, "Sow a seed and GOD will feed your need/greed." For there are many prosperity teachings out there that place you under commitment & bondage (contract). And they boast about all the commitments to their prosperity teachings (bondage) that they wish to establish by proclaiming "I'm believing this year that GOD will bless us with a million partners!" But by their message (method) they are the only ones whom prosper. I am not calling these prosperity teachers wicked men & women because many of them are sincere, but instead they are ignorant to The Truth just as I was before The Lord Jesus Counseled me & Anointed me to Be His Prophet. Brothers & Sisters, we toil shedding blood, sweat and tears to pay for/buy (purchase) things that already belong to us. For instance, we buy (purchase) food from the neighborhood markets but all food for our bodies is Created by GOD Himself. All fruits, vegetables, breads, herbs and spices grow from the ground and off of plants & trees, as we know already. All dairy products and meats come from animals Created by GOD Himself, as we already know. All the liquids we drink are made with water which comes from the fresh water sources (such as rivers, streams, lakes, underground wells, etc.) that were Created by GOD, as we already know. Even the clothes on our backs come from natural sources (GOD's Creation) such as plants & animals. The energy sources we use such as electricity, gas, petroleum, hydrogen, nuclear, etc. all come from natural sources Created by GOD Himself. Even all of the synthetic materials & substances we create are made from natural materials & sources Created by GOD. If GOD is The Creator of All, then GOD is The True Owner of All, right? Of Course! So why do we suffer (toil) in order to get the things we need that actually already belong to us through The Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, Our Lord & Savior? We toil & sacrifice to make money to buy (purchase) things that we already own (through Jesus Christ). We do this earnestly believing in the old saying that, "Money does not grow on trees." But that is a lie! For the money we carry around is made of paper which comes from trees that GOD Himself Created. The only thing unique about it (money) is that they paint (print) different numbers & different faces of dead men on each piece of paper to distinguish its worth. Another old saying that is a lie is, "Money makes the world go round (figuratively)." But The Truth is that GOD makes the world go around (figuratively and literally). All nations of the world are governed by these man-made economic systems that allow certain people (individuals, groups, government agencies) to hoard up all the goods (which are All Created by GOD) that belong to All of GOD's Creation already and re-distribute them to the people (mankind) for a price (to buy/purchase/acquire) to gain wealth for themselves. This is called enterprising (Truly it is enterprising off of What belongs to GOD & His People, GOD's Own Creation). There are two man-made economic systems used by most nations that exploit this wicked practice of enterprising what belongs to GOD. One is called capitalism (free enterprise) and the other, socialism (the more wicked of the two man-made economic systems). Socialism is when the government of a nation (or the controlling body of the people) takes ownership of All goods (All of GOD's Creation) and distributes it (sells it) to the people for a price (to buy/purchase/acquire) as the government (controlling body) so pleases (desires to do so). Capitalism is when All goods (Owned & Created by GOD Himself) are allowed to be acquired (owned) by certain people (individuals or groups) to re-distribute (sell) to the people for a price (to buy/purchase/acquire) as they are allowed to do by the government (controlling body) of that nation economically governed by capitalism. Some nations economically governed by capitalism have restrictions against monopolizing (all of a certain/particular good or service owned or/& operated by one individual or group) which allows certain/particular goods to be owned by different/separate individuals or groups (multiples). All business in a capitalistic economic system (free enterprise) operates under a pyramid scheme (which places an individual or group at the top of the economic chain/class with everyone else descending downward/underneath in different levels/economic classes). The individuals or groups at the top of the pyramids (economic levels/social classes) hoard up great wealth while those at the bottom of the pyramid live in poverty (economically). The pyramid scheme of capitalism inspires & influences people (mankind) to become greedy, selfish, anxious, envious, ambitious, depressed and worrisome over goods (which is contrary to The Will of GOD). The governments (controlling bodies) of most nations use the two man-made economic systems (capitalism and socialism) as the solution (alternative) for one another when problems & complaints of the people abound (due to poverty and suffering caused by sin inspired & influenced by capitalism and socialism). This solution (technique) is used as a ploy to keep the people in their place (under control), and at their current economic level (social class) without uproar. In a capitalist economic government, socialism is usually used to provide welfare (so-called free money and food/goods) for those at the poverty level (at the bottom of the pyramid scheme) in order to lock them in (keep them) at their current economic level (social class) and to prevent rebellion (keep the poor fed, clothed and sheltered and under control/submission). There are many other schemes and ploys used in the governing (controlling) of this world (mankind), in fact to many to mention in just this one letter. There are also many within The Body of Christ that support and defend these two man-made economic systems with false claims. One of these false claims is that capitalism was instituted by GOD in His Law for The Nation of Israel. Brothers & Sisters, that false claim is a lie! And Woe to those whom believe such a false claim to be true. For The Lord GOD Himself shall bring His Justice for His People and His Judgment for the world. Brothers & Sisters, know that I am not saying that we should covet what belongs to our neighbor, for that would be breaking GOD's Law. And I am not saying that we should not toil/work, but instead, that we should not work/toil in ambition to gain wealth nor to acquire goods at all. But that we should toil/work to serve The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ by doing His Will in the world, spreading His Gospel (His Good News) which is The Word of GOD for The People of GOD! All other (secular) toiling/work should be done to help one another and for the good of All mankind and All creation. All of our needs have already been met by GOD Himself and there should not be (there is no excuse for) a single poor person in the world (on planet earth). For GOD is Our Provider and He has provided plenty for us All (All of mankind and creation) in abundance. But The Truth is, Brothers & Sisters, that there is evil in the world inspired, influenced and caused by the evil one and his control over the sinful nature of mankind. The Lord of Hosts, The Lord GOD Almighty shall cast capitalism and socialism (the more wicked of the two man-made/devil inspired & influenced economic systems) into the lake of fire along with the evil one (the devil) and all those whom have sinned by using capitalism and socialism to rob the poor and hoard up wealth in greed, selfishness, ambition, anxiousness, envy, depression and worry without repentance (washing themselves) in GOD's Given Grace (The Blood of The Holy Lamb of GOD, Jesus Christ Yeshua). Be Earnest & Informed for Christ Jesus Sake (Purpose) and Practice (Obey) His Will (Commands) in Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007


Glory Hallelujah,

Praises & Blessings, Glory & Praise, All Be to The One & Only True Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty over All The Heavens and the earth, All dominion Forever & Eternity! Glory & Praise Be to The Name of The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ, yes it is True, Amen! Brothers & Sisters, I come to you/bring to you A message from The Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty that is hard for me to stomach, hard for me to present to you. In fact, I have held on to this Word from The Lord (Jesus Yeshua) for a short time but, for A Righteous Reason. For this message, Brothers & Sisters, is horrid & dreadful, to the point that my heart is very very heavy and my eyes are watery in speaking this Word (from The Lord Jesus Yeshua Christ) to you. Nothing seen, nor experienced on earth is comparable (cannot compare) to the horrors of hell. No times of suffering for mankind in the world can compare to the dreaded Truth of hell, not even experiences of the great tribulation to come upon the Heavens and the earth are near in comparison to hell itself (for the great tribulation of the Seventieth Seven is not even a fragment of a portion of a sample of the dreaded horror of hell). Brothers & Sisters, I myself do not wish that even my worst of enemies (of mankind) should go to such a place as hell. The Lord Jesus Yeshua Christ has given me a description of what this dreaded place shall be like. But know this also, Brothers & Sisters, that The Lord GOD created this place for His Fallen Angels (those that turned against His Will) and their offspring (demons, evil creatures procreated by fallen angels). Therefore, know that The Lord GOD never intended for a single soul of mankind to be cast there. But, GOD is Holy (learn what this means)! So knowing that this place (hell) was created for fallen angels and demons, likewise, know that none of mankind belongs there. Therefore, this is what will take place for those of mankind that do show up there (for those whom go to hell): There shall be no chance of salvation, rescue nor escape from hell (once cast there). The fallen angels and their demons shall gorge onto you there in hell (as soon as you arrive), for they extremely hate you (you will not make any new friends nor have any old friends in hell). They (fallen angels and demons) will do all kinds of tormenting things to you there in hell, that are beyond your imagination or the imagination of anyone (and this shall last forever/never ending). You may ask, "What is the difference between fallen angels and demons?" And you may say, "I thought that they were the same thing." But this is The Truth: fallen angels look just like (exactly like) Holy Angels of GOD (for they were not changed nor transformed as beings), some even with wings and wearing white garments (but their garments will be filthy & stained with blood on them). The difference between fallen angels and Holy Angels of GOD is found in their hearts, for fallen angels are bent on evil (against The Will of GOD) and GOD's Holy Angels serve His (GOD's) Will. Demons are the result of the procreation of fallen angels with creatures of the earth (such as the nephilim in the time before the flood). For fallen angels were able to procreate with all creatures regarded as unclean (creatures that ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) such as mankind, serpents (reptiles), amphibians, insects (flying and crawling bugs), spiders, scorpions and other detestable creatures. Fallen angels can also procreate these creatures with abnormal sizes and deformities and mutations such as mixed species. An example of these demons that are in hell is found in The Word of GOD (The Revelation of The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ) when the shaft of the abyss (hell) will be opened during the great tribulation (in The Seventieth Seven) as a part of GOD's Wrath & Judgment upon the world, and some of these horrid mutated flying demons will be released upon the earth to slightly torment (compared to the torment they will be free to inflict in hell itself) the world for a short time. During the time (in The Seventieth Seven) that the shaft of the abyss (hell) is left open by GOD Himself, the beast out of the sea (the great demon whom will deceive many) shall come up out of hell to the surface of the earth to fulfill GOD's Prophecy. In hell, these fallen angels and demons shall bring outstanding horror and torment to all of mankind whom are cast into hell, forever and ever. They will violently assault, attack, rape, brutalize and mutilate the bodies of man excruciatingly painfully beyond are wildest imaginations (of mankind), for eternity. There are demons that look like giant (man sized) centipedes & millipedes that will wrap their many legs around the body of a man and rape him from behind (from the rear, in the anal cavity) while another demon that looks like a giant (man sized) maggot will rape the man from the front (in the man's mouth, down his throat), while another demon with a scorpion's tail continuously stings the man in the thigh and calve muscle, while on the other side of the man, another demon that looks like a giant (man sized) mosquito stabs (injects) his long snout (mouth) into the side (between the waist and rib cage) of the man and eat him (the man) from within while the agony of the flame of the fire burns and rages on forever. The spirits of those demons that are raping the man in fierce violent motion are the hoes (demonic/evil sexual spirits) that I once described to you before. Brothers & Sisters, know that we are not destined to such a place like hell. But to all those whom do not open up their hearts and let The Lord GOD Almighty Yeshua Jesus Christ come in and Live inside of them shall surely be cast into the pit of horrid dreadful torment (hell), Forever & Eternity! Therefore Brothers & Sisters, we should feel & react to the extreme urgency of showing All the world The One & Only True Way to escape such a place (hell), through GOD's Given Grace (Salvation through The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ). The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, In Jesus Holy Name, yes it is True, Amen & Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

          A Prophecy for Bellevue Baptist Church.

Glory Hallelujah,

       In Jesus Christ Yeshua Holy & Sacred, Hallowed Name it is proclaimed, yes it is True, Amen! Members of Bellevue Baptist Church, you have acted out of error by persecuting your leader! Therefore, this is what The Sovereign Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ has decided for you (members of Bellevue Baptist Church), this is His Verdict!: "You Hypocrites! I have relieved you of your debts but, to show your gratitude for My Grace you have gone and placed a heavy burden on your debtors! You have accused your leaders of covering up (hiding) their sins. Therefore, your sins shall be uncovered also, amongst all your peers and brethren, amongst your whole community. For by the same measure you have judged, you shall be judged! Each & every one of your individual sins shall be exposed (brought into the light)! And you shall be shamed and chastised for what you have done. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven! Repent! Or perish! For this is My Verdict concerning you, members of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee!" The Sovereign Lord (Yeshua Jesus Christ) has spoken, and this is His Verdict concerning this matter (concerning the conflict & turmoil at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee). His (GOD Jesus Yeshua) Word is Law, yes it is True! The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Christ Jesus Lord Yeshua Name, Amen & Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

          Is there a Heaven for a thug?

The Word of The Lord GOD Almighty Yeshua Jesus Christ, in His Hallowed Name, yes it is True, Amen & Amen! The question has been asked before, "Is there a Heaven for a thug?" And the answer to that question is, yes, it is called hell, for those whom live the thug life without repentance of such sinful behavior & actions and ideals. All those whom live the thug life without repentance of such sinful behavior & actions and ideals shall be cast into the lake (pit) of fire that shall not be quenched and where horror and agony prevails forever. For those whom recruit the innocent into such sinful behavior & actions, ideals and lifestyle shall surely perish. Those whom promote such sinful behavior & actions, ideals and lifestyle with their words paired with music to attract an audience to listen to the sermons of satan, shall reap judgment for what they have sown into others (especially the little ones, kids). And I bring to account those whom are guilty of such abominations, those of my own community whom serve satan with what is considered to be entertainment by many whom give praise to evil doers. 666 mafia, I know you and I know your deeds (I, Albert LeRoy Jones and The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ). For the name that you claim and boast (666 mafia) is not just a creative choice for your music act (service to satan) but truly identifies what you stand for (that which you represent). I know what is True in what you praise about in your satanic sermons (songs) and that you have involved yourselves in detestable abominations towards The Lord Jesus Christ. You even were involved and made acquaintance with those satanic sorcerers of the occult, the gaddy family. And you made praise of their attempts to destroy me ("Never will I wear that sweater, knowing she be chewing better!). You boast in wickedness and worship in darkness. You have brought gloom to those whom oppose you, though, The Lord Jesus Christ have saved some from your occultic (satanic) grip (oppression, persecution and captivity). Yet, in your wickedness you boasted, "Don't save them, they don't wanna be saved, don't save them, they don't wanna be saved!" Yes, I still wear that sweater! And your wickedness shall not prevail against The Biggest/Greatest Captain Save Them of All, The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ! Repent! Or perish! Surrender to The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ, or be cast into the lake/pit of fire where the one whom you have served (satan) will turn against you and express his extreme hatred and the agony of his defeat out on you, in horror & torture, Forever & Eternity! All those whom live and/or promote the thug life (a sinful life), repent, or perish likewise! This is your warning from The Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty Yeshua Jesus Christ. Take heed to The Word of The Lord Jesus! If you do not, then woe to you! May The Lord of Lords have pity on your souls! For The Saints and all those whom were saved from your oppression and persecution shall boast, "Lord, don't save them! They don't wanna be saved! Jesus, don't save them! They don't wanna be saved!" And I shall say, "Lord don't save em cause you know that they some sinneerrrs! They like to sip syrup, tote guns and ride spinneerrrs! If they don't repent then throw em in the fireerrr! And if they protest, I contest that they are liaarrrs!" Feel The Fire! The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Jesus Christ Lord Yeshua Holy & Sacred Name, yes it is True, Amen & Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007

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