Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 at 4:10 p.m.
In continuation on the subject matter of Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials, I would like to talk about some of the capabilities that they have and utilize in our world. I must say that I myself have personally been oppressed by these Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials and their capabilities. So I am not just speaking in general but they persecute me relentlessly with their capabilities. Some may consider the capabilities of the Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials to be super-natural. There is most definitely a reality to that for the Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials inherit their capabilities from the fallen Celestial-Beings. Yes, because Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials are the offspring and the descendants of the offspring of the fallen Celestial-Beings, they possess capabilities that us human-beings (mankind) do not have. One of their Nephilim Extra-Terrestrial capabilities that they use on me relentlessly is their ability to see & hear the thoughts in a person's mind, literally, actually, as clearly as if they are watching television (speaking of television, I have a lot to say about that also). They also have the capability to speak to you in your mind which they use to torment me all the time (so much so, that it definitely has caused me to lose my religion at times and I have asked many of times for THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to set me free from it, just as the Apostle Paul described dealing with it in 2nd Corinthians, chapter 12, and that is one of the things that has helped me to persevere through the torment, the fact that the Apostle Paul went through the same thing and wrote about it in The Holy Bible). They have me under surveillance at all times, even while I write these letters/words that you are now reading. They stalk me and harass me always, day & night, because they know that I am a servant of THE LORD. As a matter of fact, they first placed my mind & thoughts under their surveillance back in September of the year 2007, after I had been writing the letters of JESUS CHRIST and e-mailing them to churches and Christian ministries throughout the city of Memphis, Tennessee where I live and throughout the united states of America and the world (I even had Pope Benedict XVI on my e-mail list and he even read at least one of them aloud to the crowd during Mass in St. Peter's Square. I don't know how many of my letters that he may have read aloud during Mass on other occasions.). I wrote about this experience of being under surveillance back in the fall/autumn of 2007 after they brain-tapped me at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, TN (which means there were Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials in that church at that time and I'm sure they still are.). I must explain what I mean by "Brain-Tapping," for I discovered that on the internet someone has redefined its meaning. When I say that they Brain-Tapped me, I mean that they placed my mind & thoughts under surveillance as compared to phone-tapping, placing someone's telephone line under surveillance. In recent years I discovered that someone placed content on the internet describing Brain-Tapping as being when someone puts knowledge into your head. That is a lie that someone created to disinform people about what I mean when I say that I was Brain-Tapped at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church back in September of 2007. For some church leaders wanted to claim credit for The Letters of Jesus Christ that I wrote and they wanted to be able to literally learn what I was/am thinking in my mind in order to steal any words/thoughts that I was receiving from THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. I soon stopped my ministry of serving GOD, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, after I was brain-tapped. The last Letter of JESUS CHRIST that I e-mailed to the Christian Churches was in March of 2008 and I have only written three more since then. Another thing that happened soon after I was Brain-Tapped at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, TN is that I started being attacked by people on television and such public figures. They were also attacking me because I wrote The Letters of JESUS CHRIST but they were making it about partisan-politics. Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee and the people on television (which include HollyWood Entertainers and the News Media) continued to relentlessly stalk & harass me constantly. Which brings me to speak of another capability that the Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials possess, and that is the capability to literally, actually be able to see you, me, anyone, through the television. Whatever they did to me at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, TN that gave them the ability to see & hear the thoughts in my mind also gave the people on television the ability to see me through the television. For the people on television (Hollywood Entertainers and the News Media including Sportscasters) did not start stalking & harassing me and attacking me on television until they Brain-Tapped me at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, TN back in September of 2007. Then all of a sudden they started looking directly at me through the television and verbally attacking me (a Talk Show Host by the name of Craig Fergusson who was the host of "The Late Late Show" on CBS at the time even described the underwear that I was wearing while I was undressing in my bedroom and watching his show on television just before I went to bed to sleep). This has been continuously going on, relentlessly, without ever stopping or taking a break, not even on any holidays, day & night, since September of 2007 till now, this very moment while I have "ABC World News Tonight" on my television as I am writing this on January 10th, 2024 (with the T.V. on mute - I've been writing this down so far for about an hour and a half). This leads me to get into the subject of THEIR TECHNOLOGY! I said earlier in this writing that I had more to say about television. For all of their technology may not be what you/we think/believe that it is. I must give credit where credit is due. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST has given me Knowledge & Wisdom about television and technology. Television itself may not be what you think it is. We think of it (and have been taught) that it is a technological device. But it may very well be related to the spiritual. Which would help to explain why or more so how Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials can see me through the television. It is also a fact of the matter that all advanced technology, including television, is really an illusion. And this is something that almost blew my mind when THE LORD JESUS CHRIST revealed it to me, that all technology has always existed. The only thing new is that they started to mass produce it. It is when they mass produce technology that they can pass it off as being electrical/electronic devices and fiber-optic or/and cellular devices/technology and all such things which they even develop infrastructure to support (or so it seems). But these things that they refer to as technology, including television, has always existed since the beginning of time and are originally spiritual in nature (as a matter of fact, the technology that they use in The Kingdom of Heaven would blow the technology of the world away, figuratively and/or literally). Even though I said that this Knowledge & Wisdom almost blew my mind (figuratively speaking) when THE LORD JESUS CHRIST revealed it to me, you have to think about it, everything that is brought forth in this world has to already exist; that is how/why it is brought forth (Get it?). The Fallen Celestial-Beings may have taught women/their wives how to wear makeup and use different charms and/or cast spells/magic but, they taught their offspring, the Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials, even greater things. This is why they, the Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials, are deceptive & secretive about their technology and capabilities. For they are far more advanced & capable than they reveal/lead you to believe. For an example, they advertise/promote/market that television sets have advanced to high-definition and flat screens, DVR recording capabilities and Smart T.V. Streaming Services but, they don't tell you that they have the capability to see you through the television set and they have been doing that since television was analog (on old T.V.s). Here is something else to think about: they, the Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials, actually gave you a more advanced form of television reception first, with "Over-the-Air" television, which they don't charge a fee for and later sold you wired/cable closed circuit television for a fee. And you think it is all electrical (that electricity is necessary), when they can see & hear you no matter where you are at any given time without the use of any device or power supply. How do I know this? By experience of being under their surveillance! Not only can they see & hear the thoughts in my mind, literally, actually, even in real-time, as I am thinking about something, but they can also see me in physical form (meaning the outside of my body), at all times, no matter where I am or go. If I go in the bathroom and close the door, they can still see me using/in the bathroom. If I am driving a car, they are still watching me driving the car no matter where or how far I go/travel. They can see me at work/a job-site, over anyone's house (even a total stranger) and anywhere whether I have been to that place before or not. There is no where {nowhere} that I can hide from them out of their view or hearing. You Must Understand what I am telling you. This is not being done with cameras of any kind for video surveillance or microphones of any kind for audio surveillance. They are not using technological devices as you know & understand technology. As I said earlier, this is what some would call "Super-Natural" capabilities. And they never go a single second or even a millisecond without watching me. I am watched and tracked by them at all times and it is NOT based on what anyone believes or understands about technology! TECHNOLOGY IS AN ILLUSION!!! These Are Spiritual Capabilities! They Come From Spiritual Beings! The Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials inherit them from fallen Celestial-Beings! And what people think of as magic and what they think of as technology are from the same source, the same thing! And without the Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials, everything would go back to horse & carriage for transportation and fire & candle for light (that's one of the reasons why We DO Need The Manhattan Plan).
Sincerely, Albert LeRoy Jones.
Published at 9:27 p.m. (Central Standard Time), on Wednesday, January 10th, 2024.
Copyright 2024
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