Lord Jesus Christ,
in Your name I come, as Your Prophet I speak. On May 28th, 2020, The Lord Jesus Christ awakened me from my slumber. For some time, since the year 2009, I, Albert LeRoy Jones, have been silent as GOD'S Prophet. The Word of The Lord has now come to me in the year 2020 on the 29th day of the month of May. This is what The Lord Jesus Christ has to say: It has been decreed by The Lord Jesus Christ GOD ALMIGHTY, that all heaven and earth shall be under The Law of GOD. Every creature in heaven above and all creatures throughout the earth below shall be subject to The Law of GOD ALMIGHTY given through the servant of GOD, Moses, that is recorded in the books of The Law, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers and Exodus. Every being, whether mortal or immortal, on earth or in heaven above, shall be subject to The Law of GOD and all of its statutes, precepts and commands. GOD shall govern all of heaven and earth according to The Law of Moses, The Word of GOD, The Lord Jesus Christ. For Jesus Christ is The Word of GOD in the flesh, The Spoken Word of GOD in the beginning and The Law is The Word of GOD. Any celestial being who intentionally, deliberately leads any creature to break The Law of GOD shall be removed from heaven and hurled to the earth by GOD'S authority to be judged like a mortal under the penalty of breaking GOD'S Law to be executed and perish like a mere man. Every ruler in heaven and throughout the earth shall be subject to The Lord Jesus Christ and His Law given through His servant Moses, recorded in the books of The Law, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers and Exodus. All nations on earth and every tribe, tongue, race, ethnicity, community, society (whether secret or public) shall be subject to The Law of GOD given through Moses and The Lord GOD ALMIGHTY, Jesus Christ! Any nation, tribe, tongue, race, ethnicity, community, society (whether secret or public) that intentionally, deliberately leads any creature to break The Law of GOD shall be overthrown and thrown down under the penalty for breaking GOD'S Law as it is recorded in the books of Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers and Exodus. Not only the children of Israel, the Jewish people but all people shall be subject to The Law of GOD through The Lord Jesus Christ, The King of all kings and The Lord of all lords. For Jesus Christ is The Everlasting Atonement for sin, The Savior of the world. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one enters eternal life but by His salvation. There is no other religion, no other ritual, no other rite and no other way to salvation for every nation, tribe, tongue, race, ethnicity, community, society (whether secret or public) throughout earth and heaven above. Those who do not follow Jesus Christ as their one & only Savior and Lord shall suffer the penalty for breaking GOD'S Law as prescribed in the books of The Law as recorded by Moses. For the end result of sin is death. All those who refuse The Lord Jesus Christ shall die in their sin. They shall not receive eternal life but instead eternal damnation. This decree of The Lord shall take effect immediately! And any creature, whether mortal or immortal, whether in heaven or on earth, found in violation of this decree shall be punished ever so severely as recorded in The Word of GOD, The Holy Bible! I, Albert LeRoy Jones, bring you The Word of GOD, in addition to The Holy Bible, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name and His Authority. Amen!
Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2020