When I visited Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee that Sunday morning back in September of 2007 I was 30 Years Old. I went to church with my Mother that Sunday for she still went to that church at that time (This was not a planned visit but I decided that particular morning to go to church with my Mother). I myself was not a member of that church at the time. At that particular time in September of 2007 I was Serving GOD as HIS Prophet, Albert LeRoy Jones a.k.a. Moses and sending The Letters of JESUS CHRIST (my e-mails) to the churches throughout Memphis, TN and Christian Ministries throughout the united states of America and the world (I even had Pope Benedict XVI on my e-mail list at the time.). So Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee had no authority, responsibility, relationship or jurisdiction over me in any way, shape or form at that time. I was a grown man, 30 years old (I was not a minor) and I was not a member of their church. They had animosity towards me for they knew that I was a Republican Voter. In November of 2004 I sent Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church an e-mail telling them that I voted for George W. Bush for President of the united states of America in the 2004 Presidential Election and that I was no longer going to attend their Church Services but move on to a more Christian Bible Based Church. This infuriated them for they told their Church Congregation (from the pulpit in the sermon preached during Sunday Church Service) the Sunday before Election Day 2004 not to Vote for George W. Bush for President but instead vote for John Kerry. I voted for George W. Bush for President anyway for I was following the Evangelical Movement that year of 2004. So this is when Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee began attacking me. They tried to turn the Memphis Community (in particular, the Black Community) against me, locally, in Memphis, Tennessee (Since then it has escalated to the entire country and the world). I did not return to Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee until I visited it as a guest of my Mother that Sunday in September of 2007. The Pastor of Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee at that particular time, Frank Anthony Thomas, attacked me verbally from the pulpit in his sermon that Sunday morning in September of 2007. That is when they also placed me under Full Surveillance (including my mind & thoughts) and they continue to Stalk, Harass, Threaten, Attack & Torment me to this very day, especially with Voice to Skull Capabilities. Sincerely, Albert LeRoy Jones. Copyright 2024


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Call to Council.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah,

       Blessings of Peace, Safety and Prosperity from the Lord GOD Almighty, Christ Jesus, Praise His Holy Name! The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ reveals to me all that is said about me & of me and every plot against me & plans for me. I know that many of you, my Brothers & Sisters, have said things about me & against me and some have even spoken up for me & good words towards me. The Sovereign Lord Christ Jesus has proclaimed that this is the day His Will for my life shall come to past {pass}. So I, the Servant of GOD, Albert LeRoy Jones, under the instruction of the Lord GOD with me (Immanuel), call all Men & Women of GOD to a council that shall meet together and place me before it to challenge me once & for all to know whether I am truly whom I proclaim to be or not. All who dislike me and whom speak out against me, this is your opportunity to challenge me face to face before the leaders of the Body of Christ Jesus (the Church) and rebuke me once & for all. You shall challenge me in order to know whether or not I am truly of GOD (a Prophet of GOD). If you succeed in your rebuke then I shall be held to contempt and I, Albert LeRoy Jones (a.k.a. Moses), shall not prophecy {prophesy} to the Church nor anyone ever again. If I shall prevail over your rebuke, then I shall continue in my service to the Lord Jesus and anyone whom rebukes me after that will be openly rebuking the Word of the Lord (Jesus). I do not fear any of you, my Brothers & Sisters, nor do I fear anyone but the Lord GOD (in reverence). And you do not have any reason to fear me, for I am just a man, in fact, I am not a man of great renown or any revered status in society. I am nothing but a poor (economically), under-educated, non-impressive, low status in society man without any value other than my Faith in the Lord (Jesus). But if you feel that it is not worth your time, nor money, nor effort to call together such a council for a man such as I with no earthly assets then, you shall forfeit your opportunity to challenge & reveal I, Albert LeRoy Jones. And if so, then I shall continue in my service to the Lord Jesus as always without folding nor backing down to anyone ever. I hope that this event is arranged and that I shall hear from you all soon, in Jesus Name, Praises & Blessings, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Friday, September 13, 2024

Current Affairs.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       Dearly Beloved, I Love you. I bring you insight into Truth, Knowledge and Wisdom through GOD's Word, the Lord Jesus, Glory Hallelujah, Praise Him, Amen! The Lord Christ Jesus has revealed His Answer to your concern, all of you whom are sincere to the Faith, whom Love Truth and whom believe in His Every Word (the Word of GOD). For many of you have come under great concern of current events taking place in the world and some even worry with perplexity over GOD's Chosen People (the Nation of Israel) and the whole world. My Dear Brothers and Sisters, do not be alarmed but instead resort to GOD's Truth, the Word of GOD, Christ Jesus. What you are now witnessing in the world are just signs, rather, birth-pains of the end of the age. My people, this is what the Lord Christ Jesus was speaking of to His Disciples written in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24. And the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24 was an phenomenal event of itself, for it is the record of the opening up and the breaking of the seal of one of the Great Prophecies of GOD spoken of and recorded by the Prophet of GOD, Daniel our Beloved Brother in Christ Jesus. Yes, Matthew chapter 24 is the recorded historic moment when Jesus revealed Daniel chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12. Not until that moment on the Mount of Olives when Jesus spoke those words to His Disciples recorded in Matthew chapter 24 about the Signs of the End of the Age, was the Book of the Prophet Daniel chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12 able to be understood by anyone. For only the Anointed One (spoken of by the Prophet Daniel), Christ Jesus, is able to break any seal placed on any of GOD's Word. Now, there is a certain section of Daniel's Prophecy that the Lord has sent me to speak to you about so that your hearts will not be troubled by the worries of the current times and to ease your concern of the end time. You must know that Seventy "Sevens" were decreed in the Word of GOD to mark the year of the Coming of the Lord. I must note that when I speak of the Coming of the Lord, I am not referring to the Rapture but instead, the return of the Lord Jesus to reign on earth for an appointed time (one thousand years, a millennium). You must also understand the meaning of the Seventy "Sevens", spoken of in Daniel chapter 9. Many whom study these scriptures have thought of these "Sevens" to be measurements of weeks, thus interpreting the scripture to be referring to a time measurement of Seventy "Weeks". That interpretation is incorrect. The true interpretation must be acquired by paying close attention to the entire segment of this scripture found in the Book of Daniel chapter 9, particularly the verse speaking of the Final "Seven" (the 70th "Seven") which talks about a striking event that will take place in the middle of that Final "Seven". Closely examining that information along with cross reference from the Book of Revelation concerning the Final "Seven" (for the Book of Revelation chapters 4 through 19 concern the 70th "Seven") you shall know the Truth that the Seventy "Sevens" are actually Seventy "Seven Year Periods" (a calculated total of 490 years). From the time of the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem (the Nation of Israel) which happened in 1947, to the return of Christ Jesus will be 490 years exactly apart. For the year of Christ Jesus Return will be the year 2437. You may ask, 'Why 490 years till the Lord Jesus returns to reign on earth?' Well, I tell you the Truth, it is not for the Sake of the Believers (the Body of Christ Jesus), but for the Nation of Israel (the Jews, the Descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness (Salvation), to seal up (complete) vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy (the Lord Christ Jesus). For all Israel shall be Saved! So do not be alarmed with what you now see and hear going on with current events in the world and the Heavens above and the waters below. For this is what the Lord Jesus warned all Believers about in the Book of Matthew chapter 24. But do not give into folly neither! For just because we still have 431 years till the coming "Day of the Lord" doesn't mean we can carry on however we desire. Our time is still short! You could be here one minute and gone the next! Rather by death or by the Rapture (the Rapture of the Church will not take place until after the Sixty Two "Sevens" or after 69 of the 70 "Sevens" have passed). And where we will eventually spend eternity depends on our proclaiming Jesus as Lord, believing & trusting in His Hallowed Name, following Him all the days of our life by accepting His Word. For regardless of the known years, the day and hour are still unknown. And there is a day and hour for each & every one of us. The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Glory Hallelujah Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Love of the Law.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

       Lord Father GOD,

I have no other gods before me. For I Love you.
I do not make for myself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. I do not bow down to them or worship them. For I Love you.
I do not misuse the name of the Lord my GOD. For I Love you.
I remember the Sabbath day by keeping it Holy. Six days I do labor and do all my work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord my GOD. On it I do not do any work, neither I, nor my son or daughter, nor my manservant or maidservant, nor my animals, nor the alien within my gates. For I Love you.
I honor my father and my mother. For I Love you.
I do not murder. For I Love you.
I do not commit adultery. For I Love you.
I do not steal. For I Love you.
I do not give false testimony against my neighbor. For I Love you.
I do not covet my neighbor's house. I do not covet my neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to my neighbor. For I Love you.
The Lord my GOD, the Lord is One.
I Love the Lord my GOD with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my strength.
For all of His Law is written upon my heart. I Live by His law with Love. And if I do stumble, He is there with Open Arms of Grace to hold me up lest I trip, that I will not fall. But woe to anyone whom calls the Child of GOD a hypocrite if he stumbles. For they will be held to the same requirements (GOD's Law) and will reap judgment upon themselves for their acknowledgment of them. For it is better to be a hypocrite redeemed by Grace, than to be a sinner doomed to death. Those who call upon the name of the Lord are redeemed even if they do not keep the requirements of the whole Law of GOD. But those whom do not believe in the name of the Lord are doomed to death even if they keep all of the requirements of GOD's Law. What good is keeping the Law if you do not believe in the Law Giver? The Law was not given by Moses nor by Angels (mediators) but it was given by GOD. For Moses and the Mediating Angels of GOD are Servants of GOD used by Him to deliver His Message to His People. We are called to Live by the Law of GOD (all of it, not just the Ten Commandments), keeping all of its requirements, though we are expected to stumble from time to time. And this is the reason for Grace, to redeem us when we do stumble. GOD gave us His Law so that we would know Him and where He stands on everything. GOD did not give us the Law to achieve Salvation (not even in the time of Moses, though some teach that it was). If GOD gave the Law to Moses and the Israelites to achieve Salvation then, why did He hate Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all their descendants whom came before Moses was given the Law? Some may ask, 'Did not Jesus do away with the Law?' And the answer to that question is no! In fact, Jesus increased the Law! The Law shall stand as GOD's Holy Word Forever and Eternity! Some teachers of GOD's Word contradict this Truth confusing many with their teaching saying, 'We are not required to live by nor keep the law, for we live under grace.' They confuse the understanding of GOD's Word for many, for they are confused themselves. The entire New Testament is encoded in the Old Testament, for they are One as GOD (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) are One. For GOD is not confused, His Testament is One. GOD the Father did not make a mistake and then send His Son (Jesus) to fix it. For Jesus said it Himself that, 'The Father is greater than I.' But Jesus (the Son of GOD) was sent to complete His (GOD's) Message and confirm the Covenant. There are more examples (instances) of GOD's Abounding Grace written in the Old Testament than the New. So who are the liars whom say & teach that GOD was not graceful before the Cross? That is Blasphemy! GOD has always given His People a way to atone for their sin and be redeemed by His Grace. Though many do not understand this but the Cross was to make this redemption everlasting for all without anymore sacrifice. Did not GOD's Old Testament Servant King David say, 'GOD desires mercy, not sacrifice!'? GOD sent His Only Begotten Son (Christ Jesus) to show us what this means. Not only for the Jew but also for the gentile. For the gentile nations were even more sacrificial than the Jews. The Jews sacrificed animals according to the instructions of GOD. But the gentiles sacrificed the flesh and blood of mankind according to the instructions of satan. For the cross came before Salvation, and Calvary was there before the Christ. The cross and other instruments like it were used for human sacrifice for ages before it was used to sacrifice the Holy Lamb of GOD (Christ Jesus). For the Sacrifice of GOD's One & Only Begotten Son has brought Salvation for the nations for ages to come. The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Monday, September 9, 2024

Spiritual Warfare.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah! Praise Him, the Living One & Only Sovereign Holy Lord GOD Almighty Christ Jesus! Greetings, to all my Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus. I bring you Truth and insight to be informed with Knowledge and Wisdom. Glory Hallelujah, my Brothers & Sisters! I thank GOD everyday in prayer and praise that I am Saved and that I know & Live in the Truth. But the Truth is, my dearly Beloved, that my trials in Life, in this world, have never ended but yet, they not only continue but increase and become even more potent against my soul. I've gone through & battled with many things that most people do not know to exist nor do they understand. The majority of my trials have been spiritual, for I am a spiritual warrior, which are the reasons for my spiritual insight, Knowledge and Wisdom. There are a lot of things not yet revealed about me & my trials, things many may not be aware of. I have escaped the gripping hands of death many times, for there have been many attempts to murder me (take my Life), literally speaking. GOD has always been by my side through my trials, for he {HE} has suffered with me in spirit. For We (Jesus & I) have battled together against powers & principalities of evil in high places for some time now. In fact, We (I & the Lord Jesus) are a team. He (the Lord Jesus) is my Shepherd & Pastor, I am His Sheep. He (the Lord Jesus) is my Rabbi, I am His Pupil. He (the Lord Jesus) is my Counselor, I am His Prophet. He (the Lord Jesus) is my Sword and Shield, I am His Warrior. One thing that disturbs me as I walk in Faith, is how sometimes the enemy uses those whom are of my Faith and those whom profess to be but are not honest (counterfeits) to attack me and work against GOD's Will & Purpose for my Life. For some that are within the church have said some unheard of, ungodly things about me. But they do not realize that they testify against themselves when they attempt to do so (speak out against me). And they only get themselves more so entangled in the web (trap) that the enemy has prepared for them. It has been said that I would shrink and wither away because I am a rebel against the Body of Christ. Those who know the Voice of GOD when they hear it know that such a statement is folly. They say this because they have prepared a trap for me to ensnare me in their entrapment. They have plotted a scheme against me saying, 'We wont support his ministry, so he will shrivel up into nothing and disappear, for he is a rebel against the will of GOD (their will)!' But low and behold, my Ministry endures and is more prosperous than ever, for GOD is my provider and supporter, not anyone else. I did not ask for anyone to provide nor support my Ministry for it to survive but, so that you could share in GOD's Work in the world. They say that I am a rebel against the Body of Christ but that is a LIE!!!!!!! If I reveal those whom have blessed me along the way, you would attack them also as you attack me. My Life is my Ministry and my Ministry is my Life! I have always had a full-time Ministry for I am always (have always been) in full-time Ministry. I have fought battles and have been in grueling spiritual warfare that some of you could not handle. You would die if you were faced with some of my trials. You would plead for death. I have battled powers & principalities of evil here in one of the devil's strongholds, the Memphis metro area. I have fought with the body of anti-christ face to face. I have been to war with some of the devil's chief servants here in the Memphis metro area. I have fought with enemies that the most advanced intelligence agencies of man know nothing about. I took on the Gaddy family and their allegiance here in the Memphis metro area (whom are sorcerers of the occult) who cause a lot of the evil in this city. Many of you believe that there are servants of satan but you do not know who they are. Not only do I know some of them but I have fought their attempts to murder and destroy me & many others (literally), many times. For they came after me before I knew of them. They set out to destroy me before I began my Ministry and before I even knew GOD's Plan, Purpose and Will for my Life. The serpent tried to devour me before I came out of the womb (before I was born again). Yes, I have fought against real life sorcerers and their satanic real sorcery and have survived. I LIVE!!!!!!! The evil one is my true enemy! And GOD has empowered me to stomp on his head! I must also reveal the Truth about those whom are untrue. For there are some whom call themselves pastors and ministers of the Body of Christ whom are counterfeit. They claim to have gifts of the Spirit (the Holy Spirit of GOD), speaking a false word of Knowledge and false prophecies, for they are really using divination (consulting with the occult). For they are impostors amongst us, members of the body of anti-christ operating within the church (the Body of Christ), deceiving many. But GOD's True Sheep know His Voice, the Voice of their Shepherd (our Lord & Savior Christ Jesus). It should be obvious. You should know if someone claims to speak a word of Knowledge to you saying, 'I saw you leave the nightclub last night with someone and you sinned in fornication all night with them, for the spirit revealed this to me!' that this does not come from GOD even if it is true. For GOD does not give Gifts of the Holy Spirit to gain insight into sin, but rather, to lead us to righteousness and all His Blessings. Beware of these liars and counterfeit christians. They are false prophets and anti-christ in disguise (wolves in sheep clothing). They are sent (by the evil one) only to deceive and destroy. The Lord Christ Jesus rebukes them. For Jesus Christ is the One & Only True Living Sovereign Holy Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the earth, all dominion, Forever & Eternity, Glory Hallelujah Amen!!!!!!!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The State of Our Nation.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

       A Prophecy of GOD, against the Lion Cub/America

Glory Hallelujah,

       To the nations of the lion cub/America, I, Albert LeRoy Jones, announce the Word of the Living Lord GOD Almighty Most High, Jesus the Christ! Lion Cub!!!, this is what the Lord GOD Almighty Jesus the Christ has Prophesied against you!!!!!!!: "I will bring you down low, the great nation most high! I will ravish you for the sins of your forefathers for generations to come, for you remain unrepentant! I delivered you from the paws of your abusive parent, I delivered you from the hands of your dictator, the lion/great britain, for My Sake (Purpose)! Yet, you still believe that I speak in Old English! So now I say unto you, THUS SAITH THE LORD!!!!!!! Oh proud lion cub, you acted against My Will from the beginning! You continued in the sins of your father (great britain)! I delivered you from his grasp! And though I led you far, far away, across the great sea, you still carried on his sin! And you even acted in more rebellion by adding even more sin of your own to the evil that you inherited from your father! I delivered you to this Great land and prepared the way for your survival and triumph by putting My Blessing in the hearts of the natives of this land, the land that I created and prepared for those whom serve me but, you acted out against My Will! You acted in rebellion to My Will and My Righteous Ways! For your heart became filled with greed, lust, pride, envy, hatred and discord. Your sins of guilt, fear and worry became piled to the sky, reaching up to the Heavens above. You shed the blood in deceit of the native people that I sent ahead of you, to this great land I had made, for the purpose of preparing the way for you, for those among you whom would serve Me & My Will! You rebelled against Me in wickedness by slaughtering men, women and children and taking away what I prepared as an allotted inheritance for My Servants, by forcing the caretakers from their homes with violence and deceit, against My Will and against My Purpose. I showed you how to plant seed and reap harvest and all ways to survive in this land through the natives that I sent here before you! You stole from them with evil in your hearts what I had already planned to give to those whom serve me, regardless! You continued in the wickedness and evil of your father (the lion/great britain) by unlawfully handling & treating your menservants and maidservants and their children by putting them through harsh, vile, volatile, tormenting, cruel, immoral, ungodly, satanic slavery! You participated in a slave trade that was more harsh than the captivity My People (Israel) endured from the egyptians and babylonians combined! You were greatly evil and wicked in those days, before My Very Eyes and before all Heaven above, even before our Father in Heaven upon the Throne! I Extremely Hated your wicked ways in those days! I caused you to turn your swords upon one another before bringing justice and emancipation unto your captives, your slaves. But you still remained unrepentant of your sins and the sins of your forefathers! You continued in your rebellion against My Will! You even continued to oppress those whom you ravished with hardship, depravity of life and with the fate of death and you did it in My Name! AAARRGHHH! What an abomination!!!!!!! You were an abomination against Me! You were abominable before all Heaven and earth and you proclaimed righteousness in My Name! So I Shall return you the favor! I Shall pay you back for what you performed in My Name! You O lion cub, a land of false freedom! Let all the Heavens and the earth hear My Voice when I say, The lion cub/america, the land of false liberty!!!!!!! I was the one whom allowed the Ten Commandments to be removed from your court rooms and legal institutions. For I Shall not have the Righteous Law of My Father GOD in Heaven tarnished by the false, wicked, unjust law of your land! Your false legal system has become the abomination that causes all desolation! Hear Me, all the Heavens and the earth! Hear My Voice all Creation, against the lion cub, when I say, I DO NOT Endorse your false law, O lion cub!!!!!!! Do Not use My Name to cover up your injustice! You were a liar from the beginning O proud lion cub! For you have printed 'in GOD we Trust' on all of your currency, on all your blood money that is covered with the blood of all those you unrighteously slaughtered and wickedly enslaved to build your nation and gain your wealth! For you do not act in My Will! You have not faithfully represented My Name! You are rebellious to My Purpose O great lion cub! Every since the beginning of your nation you have rebelled against me though I have delivered you from the claws of your forefather (the lion/great britain)! If you truly trusted in Me as you state, you would bring the Whole Tithe to the Storehouse, that there shall be meat in My House (Israel) yet, you have also rebuked My Command that I gave through My Prophet whom I have ordained to bring this Message to you! You have falsely accused him also (My Prophet), even trying to ensnare him in your entrapment! You call him a rebel against My Cause but yet, you are the rebel against My Will! I have programmed him to be a rebel against your will, against your rebellion against Me & My Will! Did not I say to My Disciples during My Earthly Dwelling to give to cesar {caesar} what is cesar's {caesar's}?! For in those days it was cesar's {caesar's} name which was imprinted on the currency of the land! But in these days and time, in your nation, you imprint My Name on your currency! So you shall live by the same Law I gave them! Give to GOD what is GOD's!!!!!!! Since you have acted out of deceit by imprinting My Name on your blood covered currency! I rose up a Prophet of GOD beforehand! Before the one whom I have now sent you (Albert LeRoy Jones)! I made him (Martin Luther King Jr.) the leader of a movement against your ungodliness! But you still do not give godly rights to the people! You have twisted your evil into a new shape and form! The only rights you have truly given the people are the rights to murder (abort) their offspring, the right to have immoral sexual relations, the right for the wealthy to rob from the poor (capitalism), the right for those whom govern the land to entrap the people in poverty (socialism) and the false legal right to remain silent or else anything they say or do will be held against them in an unjust court of law! And now you are trying to take away My Voice in the land (america), causing the people to perish under My Law for not accepting the Truth, My Gospel, GOD's Grace! You give them the right to live immorally against My (GOD's) Standards according to My Law (the Law of GOD Almighty) and you cause them not to hear My Voice with all your deception and false legal rights and so they all perish according to the Will of GOD (the Law of GOD) because they have not accepted Me, GOD's Grace! And now your sins pile up even more! You have added to the rebellion and sin of your fathers and forefather (the lion)! You Killed My Prophet (Martin Luther King Jr.) out of hatred, rebellion and sin against My Will! You blamed the blood shed of those whom I did not send to your nation (false prophets) on My People! And you are geared to murder the One (the Prophet) that I have now sent to you! Through your rebellion against My Will, you continue to believe that I speak only in Old English! Though I delivered you from the jagged teeth between the jaws of your forefather (the lion/great britain)! So this is what the Sovereign Holy Lord says to you O great lion cub: Thus saith the Lord ! 'Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?! Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, But he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. The Lion hath roured, who will not fear? The Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?!' I Will bring you low O proud lion cub! You will plant your face in the ground, between your paws, for I will bring shame to your nation! I will spare only those whom wholeheartedly truly call upon My Name and Keep the Commandments of our Father in Heaven! O great lion cub, I will cause you to bow down to nations whom once bowed down to you! Nations that were once the tail will become the head of you! You will become the needy and they will become your provider. I will give you what you ask for in your rebellion! I will let your will be done on earth and not the Will of GOD! I will allow you to wallow in your own dung! I will remove the Protection of the Mighty Embrace of GOD from around you! And the beasts out of hell (demons) will invade you and take you prisoner! They will ravish you! And they will shame you before all creation! You will be given over to your sin! You will advance in all your sinful ways! You will bring death upon yourself! For the unrepentance of your fathers and forefathers and yourselves, you will be cursed for generations to come!!!!!!! Though you may place a righteous man at the Head of your leadership (government), you shall still perish in sin, for he will only govern to the benefit of those whom truly wholeheartedly call upon My Name and obey My Commands! But, as for you O great lion cub, as a nation you will fall! You will be a land of injustice and abominations! You will fall by your own sword! You shall perish in your own sin! You shall not repent! And I shall not have mercy! Though I shall deliver My Righteous, My Faithful Servants, to a place of refuge, a safe haven amongst the turmoil! I shall purge the city of Memphis! I shall clean out the wickedness and injustice within it! The city where My Prophet (Martin Luther King Jr.) was slain and the city where My Prophet (Albert LeRoy Jones) remain! I Will Bless It (Memphis), says the Lord GOD Almighty! But not for the sake of those whom now call it their city! But for the sake of those whom serve Me! For they shall claim it for Christ! And it shall become My City, a refuge for My People in the belly of the lion cub/America! I, the Lord GOD Almighty Christ Jesus, Testify to this Prophecy sent through My Servant, Albert LeRoy Jones! Let the twenty four Elders whom stand before the Throne of the Living Lord GOD Almighty say, "AMEN LORD JESUS!!!!!!!" "For you are the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, Forever and Ever, Glory Hallelujah AMEN!!!!!!! And let the four Living Creatures before the Throne of the Lord GOD Almighty Most High say, "Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, for Jesus the Christ is Lord!!!!!!!, And His Word & Testimony are True, Praise Him, Glory Hallelujah AMEN!!!!!!! The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, Christ Jesus, has spoken in Word of Prophecy concerning the lion cub, a rebel without a cause! I, Albert LeRoy Jones, a Servant of GOD Most High Christ Jesus, bring you this Word from the Lord, in Jesus Name, Glory Hallelujah AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, Jesus Christ is Lord, AMEN!!!!!!!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Our Coming Enemy.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah,

       all the Praise be to the Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the earth, all dominion, Forever & Eternity, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (my brothers), Our Lord & Savior Christ Jesus! I come bringing you important information, clarity, discernment, correct interpretation, Knowledge, Wisdom, Revelation, Insight and Prophesy {Prophecy} through the Word of GOD Christ Jesus (the Will of GOD). The Lord GOD Almighty Jesus the Christ, has sent I, Albert LeRoy Jones, to prepare His People for the things (times) to come, for they will come like a flood. As time reveals itself more and more, more so is change necessary. GOD must always prepare His People for change, because it is necessary in order that the Truth be preserved and persevere through the ages. Jacob (Israel) prophesied the coming of the Messiah (the Christ) when he blessed his son Judah before his (Jacob's) death. The coming of the Messiah (Christ Jesus) was a necessary change in order to preserve the Covenant that GOD's Truth would persevere. Just as His (Jesus) Soon Coming Return will do the same. Before GOD's (the Lord Jesus) First Visit, He prepared the way through His Prophet Elijah (John the Baptist). Likewise, before His (Jesus) Coming Return, He (GOD) will prepare the way through His Prophet Moses. The Word of GOD (His Holy Scriptures, the Bible) is the Revelation, the Blue Print and Road Map of GOD's Plan. In GOD's Will & Divine Purpose, the Old is always used to confirm the New. Just as the Old Covenant is the Foundation of the New (Renewed Covenant). For whenever Jesus and His Apostles confirmed themselves (what they said and did) in the New Testament, they referred to the Total Truth of the Old Testament (which are actually One/the Complete Testament of GOD). And Jesus Christ is Lord of the Old and the New (for He was the Word in the Beginning). The Lord (Jesus) has commanded me to set the record straight, as He speaks through me to all His People (Jew & Christian) throughout all the Heavens and the earth, all dominion, Forever and Eternity, whether you want to listen or not, whether you have room for the message or not, whether you like me or not and whether you believe it or not! I bring you correction from the Lord Jesus regarding some of the Word He has sent through my brothers (the Servants of GOD). We must understand that what the Word of GOD says, it literally means, unless otherwise stated. Thus meaning, that everything written in the Word of GOD literally means what it says unless otherwise stated to be metaphorical, figurative or sarcastic (though the Word of GOD is not sarcastic) in its own self-description. Many of the Holy Scriptures have been misunderstood throughout the ages by interpreters, scholars, theologians, and teachers of the Word because they do not take the Word literally for what it says. Some of this misinterpretation is caused by GOD Himself so that certain Scripture may not be revealed until a appointed time (thus, giving meaning to the Holy Scripture: "Seal up this vision until the appointed time, for many will go here and there to increase knowledge."). Some of it is caused by satan to increase deception of the Truth. At this time, the Lord GOD Almighty Jesus the Christ has sent I, Albert LeRoy Jones (a.k.a. Moses), to reveal certain Truths about the coming times. It is vastly important that we always know whom our true enemy is (the evil one). Thus meaning, I will reveal to you the Truth of Our Enemy to Come. The king whom exalts himself, the ruler who will come, the beast out of the earth, the anti-christ, a contemptible person is destined to reign on earth during the coming great tribulation. He will come to power through intrigue (not deceit) and he will exalt himself above all others, even the GOD of gods (Christ Jesus, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). But let it be known, that the anti-christ will not act out of deception but will cause many to follow the will of the evil one through intrigue (fascination) and astonishment. For he will not trick anyone into taking the mark of the beast but, he will order them and they will knowingly and willfully defy GOD (Jesus) and take the mark of the demon out of the abyss. Let it also be known, that this mark that the anti-christ will force those to take will not be the number 666, for the evil one hates the number 666 because it is an insult to his self-exalted name. 666 is given by GOD Himself as the number of the name of the beast, for it is man's number, the number of the incomplete truth, the number of total incompleteness. For the anti-christ will surely fall short of the Glory of Christ Jesus, 777, the Holy Number of His New Name (the Lord GOD Almighty Jesus the Christ). Instead, the number that the anti-christ will force upon the foreheads and right hand of those who knowingly and willfully defy GOD will be a blasphemous name that exalts himself above the GOD Most High, Christ Jesus. Let it be known that the reason I say that those whom take the mark of the beast will knowingly and willfully defy GOD by doing so, is because GOD will have already made Himself known to be real and truly exist to all the Heavens and the earth, all dominion throughout the world. For there will be no atheist in the world during the great tribulation, because all will be shown by GOD Himself beforehand that He exist and that He (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) is the GOD of gods. There is more Truth that must be revealed about Our Coming Enemy, the evil one. The Word of GOD describes that there will be two beast that reign together as one during the great tribulation (the beast out of the earth and the beast out of the sea). Many believe figuratively that these will be two evil men and that one will be the anti-christ and the other will be his accomplice. As much study as many have put into this theory, it is not correct. The Truth is (from the Lord Jesus) that neither of these beast will be of mankind (born from the womb of a woman) but they are two demons. One of them (the beast out of the sea) is a demon that will come up out of the abyss to the surface of the earth. The other one (the beast out of the earth) will be incarnated out of the will (seed) of lucifer and the fallen angels planted into the earth (the ground) formed out of dirt from the death of flesh (in/of the fullness of sin). For the devil does not have the authority nor power to incarnate himself in the living flesh of mankind (the womb of a woman) as GOD (Christ Jesus) incarnated Himself in the flesh of the Living. We must also understand that when our brother the Apostle John (Jesus Beloved Disciple) spoke of the description of these two demons, he was speaking literally not figuratively in describing what he saw. For the Holy Scripture does not say, "There was a beast that was like one with seven heads and ten horns with ten crowns on his horns" but instead, our brother John states that, "I SAW a beast come out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns and ten crowns on his horns" Thus meaning, that the Holy Scripture literally means what it says on this matter. For the Apostle John actually SAW with his own eyes the description of the beast out of the sea and he was not speaking figuratively in describing it. And the same goes for the beast out of the earth (the anti-christ). John SAW with his own eyes that the beast had two horns on his head like that of a lamb. We must also understand that the anti-christ is not the beast out of the sea (for the beast out of the sea is the god of fortresses spoken of by our brother Daniel the Prophet of GOD) but the beast out of the earth is the anti-christ/the ruler who will come/the king whom exalts himself/that contemptible person. For the beast out of the earth will be the one shaped in the form of a man, whom is able to speak for and exercise all the authority of the first beast whom satan (the great serpent used by the will of lucifer and the other fallen angels in ancient times, during the times of Adam & Eve) has passed on all his power and authority over the world to. The world will worship the ancient dragon through the demon (beast) out of the abyss (sea). The anti-christ (the beast out of the earth) will have the image of the demon (the first beast) set up in the Temple of GOD in Jerusalem in honor of the devil. The world will be astonished by the demon whom came up out of the abyss (the beast out of the sea) for they have never seen nor witnessed anything like it, even in their own day and age. This god of fortresses (the beast out of the sea) will rage war on the world and will be wounded but to no affect and many will say, "Who is like the beast?" "Who can make war against him?" The beast out of the earth (the anti-christ) will exercise his demonic powers upon the earth through the authority of the first demon (the beast out of the sea), deceiving many whom are not wise into believing he is the promised messiah (the christ) through the teaching of false prophecies to the nations of the world beforehand. He (the anti-christ) will be a false prophet himself, exalting himself above the GOD Most High, the GOD of Melchizedek (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and blaspheming GOD's (Christ Jesus) Holy Name. There is much to reveal about the Word of GOD and things to come, for the sake of GOD's People, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Wisdom and Folly in Marriage.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

       Proverbs of GOD, through His Servant, Albert LeRoy Jones
       (Written in the times of his generation)

1. Cursed be the rebellious wife. For she will perish in her own sin.

2. Cursed be the lying husband. For he will become lost in his own deceit.

3. Blessed be the loyal wife. For she will inherit gratitude.

4. Blessed be the faithful husband. For he will inherit praise.

5. Cursed be the sinful adulterous wife. For she will die in her own rebellion.

6. Cursed be the deceitful husband. For he will perish in his own lies.

7. Blessed be the faithful wife. For she will persevere unto praise.

8. Blessed be the loyal husband. For he will receive his share of gratitude.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Forgiving and Forgetting?

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah,

       In Jesus name I bring you the Truth, the Word of GOD according to His Will & Purpose, Amen! The Lord Jesus the Christ has sent I, Albert LeRoy Jones, to bring you His Knowledge, Wisdom and Principals concerning forgiveness of and forgetting sins. We are all called by GOD (Christ Jesus) to live according to His Will by obeying His Commandments (all of them). One of His (GOD's) Great Commandments is to forgive all those who sin against us. But when we forgive, should we also forget the sins committed against us? Well, yes and no, for there are two answers to that question. Let us take an example of someone whom has sinned against you but later comes to you and repents. This person you shall not only forgive but also forget the sin/sins they have committed against you. Now let us take another example of someone whom has sinned against you but never repents for the sin/sins they have committed against you. With this person, you shall obey the Commandment of the Lord (Jesus) and forgive them of their sin/sins against you. But for Wisdom's Sake, you shall not forget their sin/sins against you, for they are bound to offend you again. All sins can be forgiven. But the sins of the unrepentant are never forgotten! For we do not have the ability nor power of our own to erase the sins of others from our memory. But it is GOD whom washes away the memory of all sin for those who repent and turn away from their wicked ways. Thus meaning, that when we forgive those whom repent of their sin/sins against us, GOD causes our hearts to also forget their offenses by washing away the memory of them from our mind. But when we forgive those who are unrepentant for their sin/sins against us, GOD lets the memory of their offenses stay in our minds for Wisdom Sake and as a warning to be cautious with that person. For GOD does not want to see us get hurt over again by a wicked person. It is GOD's Will & Purpose that we have Wisdom against sin. But let us know also, that when we disobey GOD's Command to forgive all those whom sin against us, we ourselves are headed down a path of destruction. If someone sins against us and later repents of their sin/sins against us but we do not forgive them still, then, not only does the memory of their sin/sins remain in our mind and within our heart but we become condemned by our own judgment. GOD cannot cause us to forget what we do not forgive! But we become tormented by the lingering memory of their offenses in our mind, body, heart and soul. We must always forgive no matter what! We must forgive whether those who sin against us repent or not! It is the Command of GOD to forgive, always! And Only GOD can set us free from the memory of sins committed against us, in Jesus Name, Amen!

And it is True, that GOD can forgive us of all our sins (for Christ Jesus Sake). But unless we repent (turn away from our sin), we are not truly set free from our sinful nature. The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, in Jesus Name, Glory Hallelujah Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006