When I visited Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee that Sunday morning back in September of 2007 I was 30 Years Old. I went to church with my Mother that Sunday for she still went to that church at that time (This was not a planned visit but I decided that particular morning to go to church with my Mother). I myself was not a member of that church at the time. At that particular time in September of 2007 I was Serving GOD as HIS Prophet, Albert LeRoy Jones a.k.a. Moses and sending The Letters of JESUS CHRIST (my e-mails) to the churches throughout Memphis, TN and Christian Ministries throughout the united states of America and the world (I even had Pope Benedict XVI on my e-mail list at the time.). So Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee had no authority, responsibility, relationship or jurisdiction over me in any way, shape or form at that time. I was a grown man, 30 years old (I was not a minor) and I was not a member of their church. They had animosity towards me for they knew that I was a Republican Voter. In November of 2004 I sent Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church an e-mail telling them that I voted for George W. Bush for President of the united states of America in the 2004 Presidential Election and that I was no longer going to attend their Church Services but move on to a more Christian Bible Based Church. This infuriated them for they told their Church Congregation (from the pulpit in the sermon preached during Sunday Church Service) the Sunday before Election Day 2004 not to Vote for George W. Bush for President but instead vote for John Kerry. I voted for George W. Bush for President anyway for I was following the Evangelical Movement that year of 2004. So this is when Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee began attacking me. They tried to turn the Memphis Community (in particular, the Black Community) against me, locally, in Memphis, Tennessee (Since then it has escalated to the entire country and the world). I did not return to Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee until I visited it as a guest of my Mother that Sunday in September of 2007. The Pastor of Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee at that particular time, Frank Anthony Thomas, attacked me verbally from the pulpit in his sermon that Sunday morning in September of 2007. That is when they also placed me under Full Surveillance (including my mind & thoughts) and they continue to Stalk, Harass, Threaten, Attack & Torment me to this very day, especially with Voice to Skull Capabilities. Sincerely, Albert LeRoy Jones. Copyright 2024


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Body of Anti-Christ!

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

       Dear Believers in the Son of our One & Only True Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, I bring you warnings and foreword (knowledge & wisdom) concerning our enemy (the will of lucifer) and his contradicting, co-existing collection of his false ministers, witnesses, prophets and teachers (the body of anti-christ). Within our own Family (the Body of Christ Jesus), all of GOD's People, many eyes are open, at watch, for the one that the Word of GOD describes as the ruler to come upon the earth (the abomination that causes desolation) whom GOD identifies with the number of total incompleteness (man's number) 666=the number of his name (for he will fall short of the Completeness/Holiness of the Lord GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, 777=the Holy Number of His New Name). But we, the Body of Christ Jesus (Children of GOD Almighty), must understand that just as our Lord & Savior Jesus the Messiah of Israel has a collection of servants carrying out His Will throughout the world, so does His counterpart, the evil one, the anti-christ. The Body of Christ Jesus is made up of many parts (many servants) with many different gifts and tasks to carry out along with those gifts. Likewise, so is the body of anti-christ made up of many parts (many servants) with different tasks to carry out for their master (satan) according to his will. There are powers & principalities of evil in many high places throughout all the nations of the world including government, educational, medical and legal institutions and every element of culture, society and civilization of mankind. Servants in the body of anti-christ can be identified in these institutions of our society (such as government) by the root of their desires, agendas, ambition and ideals that they serve and work to fulfill in our culture & society. Such men & women (like state senator steve cohen of TN) have been called by satan to serve his will and pave the way for his chosen one (the anti-christ, the beast out of the earth, the ruler to come) to take his position as the head of the nations (the body of anti-christ, the beast out of the sea, the people of the ruler to come). We as Believers in the Truth, the Light, Jesus the Christ our Lord & Savior and Son of the Living GOD Almighty (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all their Descendants) must take our stand against the co-existing, contradicting will of the evil one and his body of anti-christ by testifying to the Will of GOD (Jesus) and being witnesses of His Testimony in the world. That His (the Lord Jesus) Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (the Throne of GOD Almighty), Forever & Eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Monday, July 29, 2024

Jesus the Christ (the Word of GOD).

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

       My Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus (all believers in the Son of the Almighty Living GOD), I come to you with Blessings of Truth & Understanding of the Proper Teaching and Instruction of our Lord & Savior Jesus the Christ. Many times over we are taught the Truth of the Holy Sacrifice of our Living GOD, for the redeeming of ourselves (all those whom accept it/the Truth) to Him. This is Good News (the Gospel), that GOD sent His only Begotten Son, to live amongst us, show us all His Love and then pay the Ultimate Sacrifice by laying down His Life so that our Lives may be lifted up to Him (GOD) in Heaven above, Forever & Eternity! But let the reader of the Word (the Word of GOD) understand, that in order to get the complete message of the Gospel (the message sent through the Son of GOD Almighty, Jesus the Messiah and Christ), we must look to (understand) not only the ending Sacrifice of Jesus Life on earth but also the things that Jesus taught us on earth (through the Nation of Israel) while with us, that fulfilled all the Word of GOD (for He/Jesus was the Word in the flesh, Scripture) through His Holy Teaching and Instructions and Additions to the Law and the Prophets of GOD Almighty (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all their Descendants). We must also understand that during the time of Jesus the Christ earthly dwelling, that which was regarded as Scripture (the Truth/the Word of GOD) only consisted of what today is called the old Testament. For this is the Word (Scripture) which Jesus the Christ came to earth to fulfill (bring to Life), not to abolish (do away with)! Often times teachers of the Gospel abolish the very Word of GOD (the Teaching and Instruction of GOD) to cut to the Grace of His Sacrifice (the most Important but not the only Important part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ). Alot {A lot} of this diversion from the Complete Truth (Complete Gospel) is due to a lack of understanding the writings (letters) of the latter Apostles of Jesus the Christ. These letters (written to specific groups of people or a specific person but regarded by all believers as GOD's Holy Word today) of the latter Apostles did not exist during the time of Jesus the Messiah's earthly dwelling nor were they regarded as Scripture during their own time (the time period in History which these letters of the Apostles were written and distributed amongst believers). Even during the time which these Apostles ministered and witnessed to the world the Truth of the Kingdom of GOD, their writings (their letters) were not regarded as Scripture but only as what they were, letters to specific individuals or groups of people and regarded by all believers as Truth but not the Holy Scripture. For even during those times only what we now call the old testament was regarded as Scripture (the Holy Word of GOD) which was brought to Life (in the Flesh) by Jesus Christ, our Lord & Savior. The writers (apostles) of these letters never regarded (thought of nor dreamed) their writings as nor ever becoming Scripture (GOD's Holy Word) but as the Truth and Holy Instruction of GOD. I myself do regard their writings as Scripture (the Holy Word of GOD), for I understand and believe that all Revelation that comes from GOD through His Servants are all GOD's Word collectively. But the point that I am truly trying to bring forth is, despite of our sometimes lack of understanding of what has been constructed into what we call the Holy Bible (Scripture/GOD's Word) and its structure, we must not forget nor leave out the Whole Truth of GOD (His Complete Gospel). For all of GOD's Word is Good News and even Jesus taught this and alot {a lot} more than our understanding of a few letters from latter (post Jesus) Apostles teach us. May the Complete Word of GOD (old & new Testament/Jesus) be for the People of GOD (Jew & Gentile), Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Command to the Church. (the Isaac Sacrifice)

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Church, all GOD's People throughout the world, members & servants, Blessings of the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is GOD's Will that the Church be Blessed & Prosper here in the Memphis Metropolitan Area and throughout the World. The Sovereign Lord said; bring Me all the Tithe into the Storehouse that there may be meat in My House, prove Me now here said the Lord of Host, see if I will not open up the Flood Gates of Heaven and pour you out Blessings that you would not have room enough to receive them. The House of the Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ is the Beautiful Land of Israel - His Namesake. This is a command (not a request) from the Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ to the Body of Christ (the Church), bring the Whole Tithe to the House of the Lord your GOD. Anyone who refuses this command will be judged & face the Anger of the Lord GOD Almighty and lose His Inheritance, Blessings from the Lord. The members of the churches are Blessed when they bring their Whole Tithe & First Fruits to the churches and likewise, GOD Bless the Church when it brings the Whole Tithe & First Fruits to the House of GOD Almighty. The Church (churches) must take a tenth of all its earnings, income, offerings, donations, gifts and Tithes received and bring it to the House of the Lord Jesus Christ on Passover and every third year afterward on Passover. The leaders of the churches must make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel on Passover and every third year after, bringing the Whole Tithe & First Fruits to the House of the Lord. When they arrive in Israel they must exchange all of their Tithe & First Fruits for Israel Currency and go throughout Israel feeding the poor, the elderly, the widows, the fatherless, the orphans, the homeless, the victims of hate crimes, the victims of terrorism, the victims of sin, the sick & ill, the deprived & depressed, the Saints & all the people in the Holy Places & in the churches & synagogues and spread Blessings throughout the Nation of Israel while preaching, teaching and exercising relentlessly the Gifts of the Holy Spirit & the Gospel of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Start making these pilgrimages on Passover 2006 (for those who are able), for those who do not start on Passover 2006 MUST start on Passover 2007 (Blessed are those who are able to start the Passover Pilgrimage in 2006), you must be there on Passover and then every third year there after on Passover. You must take the Whole Tithe & First Fruits of that year to the Holy Land of Israel starting in 2006 and the Whole Tithe & First Fruits of every third year afterward. For those whom start the Passover Pilgrimage in 2007 must take not only the Whole Tithe & First Fruits of that year but also the Whole Tithe & First Fruits of 2006 altogether to the Holy Land of GOD - Israel and every third year afterward, the Whole Tithe & First Fruits of that year. The Tithes must be accounted from the time of the previous Passover up until the new (current) Passover, for this makes up the year of the Whole Tithe to be brought to the House of the Lord. Members of the churches (as many whom desire) our {are} allowed to follow their leaders on their Pilgrimage to Israel but they must make their own way, for only are the leaders of the churches allowed to make the pilgrimage at the expense of the Church. Continue this pilgrimage till the coming return of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. When the leaders & members of the churches are in the land of Israel during the Passover Pilgrimage be sure that you do not sell anything to any of the natives, aliens, nor members of the churches nor any other pilgrims, nor anyone during Passover nor anytime in the Land of Israel. If you do sell something as you have been commanded not to in the Land of the Lord GOD Almighty you will be cut off from your Blessing of the Tithe until the next pilgrimage. When the leaders of the churches make their Pilgrimage to the Holy Land during Passover, they & all the members of their churches & the leaders themselves must not eat leavened bread (bread made with yeast nor any leavening substance), only unleavened bread during the time while their church leaders are on their Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. Anyone who eats bread made with yeast or any leavening substance during this time will not receive the Blessing of the Passover (only htat individual & his or her household, not their whole church) until the next pilgrimage in the third year there after, although they have participated in the Tithe. Any member of the church (churches) who does not participate in the Tithe will be cut off from their Inheritance of the Blessing of the Tithe (only that particular individual & their household, not their entire church) until the next pilgrimage on the Passover in the third year there after. The members of the churches & their leaders must honor the Passover with the Holy Communion during each & every Passover. For our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ (the Holy Lamb of GOD) was offered as an sacrifice on Passover for all mankind Forever & Eternity. Leavened bread must not be used in the Holy Communion, ever, only unleavened bread, for the Holy Communion is the remembrance of the Passover Sacrifice of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Any church, leader of the Church who does not obey this command (this entire Message from the Lord our GOD) will be judged and face the Anger of the Lord GOD Almighty. For those who disobey, you will pray but not be answered, you will get together in congregation for mass prayer and will not be heard, you will praise but your praises will not be received, you will worship in your sanctuaries but you will be rebuked, you will speak to the people but your words will not be anointed, you will stretch out your hand to the people but will not reach, you will exercise your gifts but they will not be anointed, you will give but not receive, you will bless but not be blessed. Spread this message to all whom it concerns and lend a helping hand to those who need help in whatever way to make the pilgrimage. Leaders of the churches must address & instruct all their members during this year's Passover (2005) and continue on addressing & instructing all members of the churches concerning this command, Word from our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ till the Coming Return of our Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ. Blessed are those whom obey this command, cursed are those who do not, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

       The Blessing and Anointing that you are searching for at azusa street will be found in Jerusalem during Passover (the Jewish Passover). You may say, 'Cant GOD be more than one place at a time?' But, it is not a matter of where GOD can be (for GOD is already everywhere at all times), it is a matter of where GOD wants you to be (Obedience). For the time has come that GOD will make Himself known and His Presence felt to and amongst all His People (Jew & Gentile) throughout all the Heavens and the earth Forever & Eternity, in His Holy Land (Israel), the center point of all dominion, during the time of His Holy Sacrifice (the redemption of all creation to Him), Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005 & 2006

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Inquiries of the Lord.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

I, Albert LeRoy Jones, a Prophet (servant) of the Lord GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, have been sent by GOD as a messenger (His Voice) to not only the church (the Body of Christ Jesus) but also the Nation of Israel, all of GOD's People throughout all the Heavens and the earth of all time, Forever & Eternity! For the fruit of the fig tree is ripe and all branches must be engraved into GOD's Tree of Life. When I was first called, as I began my ministry (service to the Lord Jesus), I asked of Him, "Lord, which church shall I join to carry out Your Will (my ministry, service to Him)?" and He responded "None! Not until the walls of the church come tumbling down by the Strength of My Mighty Hand!" And so I asked, "Lord, what will be the reason for this?" And The Sovereign Lord said, "For My People are separated from one another and so are separated from Me!" As I, Albert LeRoy Jones, was chosen by Almighty GOD (the Lord Jesus) before creation, to deliver His Messages to His People of my generation for His Sake and the fulfillment of His Will, knowing this in my soul and spirit, I asked of the Lord, "Lord, should I join a church to carry out Your Will and Purpose for my Life?" And the Lord answered, "No! For the church is filled with sin, ego, arrogance, false pride and hard-heartedness!" [concerning the leaders/leadership of the church] And I asked the Lord for the reason of this. And The Holy GOD said, "I have spoken to their hearts but they resist me. For they fear losing their place and position in their society more than they fear the Lord their GOD Almighty." And so the Lord said to me, "Prophesy against the will of their master (satan), For the time has come for the harvest of the earth! I will gather the good grain of My Fields (the nations) and the weeds will be thrown in the fire where, the burns of their affliction will not be healed and the flame will never be put out! For I am the Lord GOD Almighty and I Rule over all dominion Forever & Eternity, Amen!" The Word of GOD (Jesus) for the People of GOD, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Husbands and Wives.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

                     Glory Hallelujah!


       To all GOD's People throughout the land. I bring you Blessings through the Love of Christ Jesus and His Holy Instruction. Marriage is a Principal of GOD, necessary for procreation & reproduction of mankind. A marriage can only be fulfilled by one man to one woman united as one flesh in the purity of GOD's Holy Will. A man should only have one wife to his lifetime unless death do them apart then only is one allowed to marry another one (one man to one woman). The man that breaks a woman's virgin seal (vaginal covering) and is touched by the blood of her broken seal is her husband (a blood covenant) unless the man has already broken the seal of another woman who still lives. If this is so, then that man is guilty of adultery and has caused the virgin woman whom seal he has broken to be guilty. A woman in this situation is permitted to marry someone else even though the adulterous man has made her guilty. Any man who marries a woman other than the woman he first lost his innocence with (lost his virginity with) is guilty of adultery unless that woman he first lost his innocence with was not a virgin. Then him and the woman he first lost his virginity with are both guilty of fornication and adultery. But if the woman whom the man first lost his innocence with, whom was not a virgin when he first slept with her, was made guilty because of an adulterous man (a man whom was already married to another woman who still lives), who first broke her seal of blood (cover of her vagina), then neither her nor the man whom lost his innocence with her are guilty of adultery nor fornication when they first lay together (but/and they are husband and wife). A wife must be submissive to her husband's every command and a husband must be all Loving to his wife and never be harsh nor rude nor be a burden on her soul. The husband is the master of his wife and the wife should live to serve her husband. The husband must be all caring and concerned for his wife total well-being by showing love, care, compassion and kindness to his wife at all times. The husband should not cause his wife fear, distress, hurt, pain, heartache nor grief. A husband should pamper his wife in all ways for she is his queen, his beloved and he is her lover. A woman should be concerned with the well-being of her husband and watch after his every step less he stumbles. A husband shall be the leader of his wife and the wife should be (work) ahead of her husband in all their preparations. The husband is the head of the household (the family) but the wife should be a leader wherever (in whatever way) the husband lacks. A marriage should be a partnership and the husband & wife should be a team but they shall not forget their place, for every stumble is a fall on the husband's part (for the husband bears all fault for mishaps). Therefore a wife should play a submissive role only as the man's helper so that there shall not be conflict between them and so she may not bear any blame for failures. This is the Word of GOD for the People of GOD, concerning marriage in this sinful and adulterous generation, Amen!

"And they shall live by the Council and the Instruction of the Lord,


Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Monday, July 22, 2024

GOD's Place of Judgment.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

       To all people throughout the world, all the Heavens and the earth of all time, take heed and hear the Word of the Lord concerning all creation. I come in the name of Jesus, the Lord GOD Almighty, to bring forth Truth, Understanding and Judgment for the unjust (unbelievers). HELL is a place, created by GOD, for satan (once known as Lucifer, the Arch Angel) and all the fallen angels whom followed him into his fall from Grace (the Favor of GOD Almighty). These angels whom were created Holy (in the Perfect Image of GOD), whom had the complete knowledge of good and evil (and all understanding of the Truth and complete distinction and principals of the two), deliberately, willingly and all knowingly turned from the Truth, to conceive a lie and exercise all evil of that lie in order to darken all Truth and bring praise amongst themselves in darkness apart from the Light as a co-existing, contradicting god body. But GOD in all His Glory and Might did not react (nor flinch a muscle) but instead by the Principal of His Will, assigned an Army of Angels (a Legion of Light led by Michael the Arch Angel of GOD) to correspond to the disturbance of darkness (the procreation of evil), in order to remove all existence of such uncleanness (filth and blemish) from the Kingdom of Heaven (GOD's Holy Throne). And so to fulfill GOD's Will, all evil was defeated by the Truth and expelled from the Kingdom of Heaven into a firmament where they remained powerless. And so darkness (evil) knowing its powerless state (its defeat) came into congregation and cooperation of the idea to procreate itself into what is life (of the flesh) by converging into a seed of Knowledge, that there {their} will would remain in co-existence to GOD's, in the flesh of His Creation (the earth). From the earth came all flesh (ashes to ashes, dust to dust) and so the lie (evil) embedded itself into the earth. From the seed of evil embedded into the earth came a crop and of this crop was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Many beast of the earth ate from this tree (making themselves unclean) including the great serpent, who stood high and proud above the land (all creation upon the earth). The serpent gained wisdom from the fruit of the tree (the knowledge of good and evil) and became crafty in all his ways. The fruit of the tree (the seed of darkness) caused the serpent to gain sin in is heart and so he looked upon GOD's Creation with hate and despise and every corrupted thought to cause disruption and destruction. The serpent especially had despise upon GOD's Great Creation, man. For man was also created in the Image of GOD yet, a little lesser than the angels, for man was imperfect and needed guidance. So the great serpent (also named satan) being possessed by the seed of darkness (the seed of Lucifer's rebellion) sought to fulfill its co-existing will apart from the Will of GOD for all creation by siding man with himself against GOD's Holy Will. And so man in his imperfection (apart from the Guidance of GOD) saw the fruit of the tree (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) as being good for food and also good for gaining wisdom as the serpent had told him, and in disobedience to GOD's Holy Guidance, ate some of the fruit (the seed of darkness) and all his being became open to the will of darkness (the body of evil, Lucifer and all of the other fallen angels). And now man (created in the Image of GOD) with the Favor of GOD upon him as he was assigned as the care-taker and the overseer of the earth, had now brought corruption into the world (the seed of the will of darkness) and everything upon the earth became corrupted through the hands of man. Now only that which is Holy can restore all things back to the Will of GOD and do away with the contrary will of all the fallen angels. There is a place of torment, GOD has created and set in place for all of these fallen angels where they will be punished with the extreme torment of death, Forever and Eternity! And everything that is corrupted by the seed of their will (the will of Lucifer) will be thrown in this place of the extreme torment of death along with them, where their torment (at the peak of all suffering) will never be weakened nor ever end. The Word of GOD for the People of GOD, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Friday, July 19, 2024

Who I am.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Dear People of GOD,

       I come in the name of the Lord (Jesus) to give you understanding and do away with falsehoods. The One & Only True Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel) chose me before creation to be who I am (as an individual) and to do what He created me to do (according to His Will) and that is to be His Voice amongst His People of my generation. There is no intercessor for my ministry. For I am GOD's Prophet (not a prophet of the church nor any particular denomination nor sect, nor am I a prophet for christian television nor for show) and every word I speak of GOD is directly channeled from GOD Himself to me without any help nor support from any source of prophetic instruction nor church direction. This is my duty, this is what I was made to do and no one has instructed me what to do nor how to do it, for it is who & what I am (the Voice of GOD). Many of us are given gifts, and assignments to fulfill along with those gifts (gifts from GOD through His Holy Spirit), that only are explainable by each individual for his or her own gift and assignment. For instance, we know that Benny Hinn has a gift to bring forth Healing (through the Power of the Holy Spirit in his ministry) which is what GOD chose him to do, and no one can explain his ministry for him, but himself (Benny Hinn). Likewise, my ministry, as GOD's Prophet, cannot be explained by anyone else (not even Benny Hinn), but only me. My service to GOD (Jesus) as His Prophet is unique and cannot be matched, copied nor done by anyone else (and this is not to sound arrogant, for I am Humbled by Almighty GOD, but it is the Will of GOD for it to be this way). I am not a prophet for profit nor am I prophesying for my own sake. For I am not a prophet geared to tell you that 'If you send $50 to me today, your son or daughter will be delivered from drug abuse tomorrow.' nor 'If you send $500 today, GOD will part the Red Sea for you tomorrow.' Though giving is a Principal of GOD, I am not out to deceive you into giving nor believing that such a message is a prophecy from GOD. You may say 'Well, what kind of prophet are you?' and I may say "Well, what kind of prophet was Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel?" Though I am a gentile, I am sort of Jewish due to the Jewish Holy Spirit of Jesus within me (and by the fact that I was adopted into GOD's Jewish Family by His Will, the Cross). I am not out to make myself seem like a great historic figure nor some important religious man (though I am). I simply am who I am. And this is what I was chosen to do, Amen!

       "Let the Word of GOD confirm the Prophet of GOD, Amen!"

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah, GOD is Lord, and all is beneath Him! For the earth is His Foot Stool and all the Heavens is His Throne! The Lord (Jesus) ponders what you mean when you say 'I am not religious, for I have a relationship with the Lord.' Are you now Holier than Thou/He (GOD)? The Holy GOD says "I have no relationship with sinners! Who are you to rebuke My Religion?!" GOD the Almighty Sovereign Creator made all things religious, through His Awesome Glory He religiously created all things. Nothing (not anyone nor anything) under GOD's Creation can separate itself from being religious, as surely as one lives & dies, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. No one can have a relationship with the Lord GOD Almighty (Jesus Christ) unless it is a religious relationship. For in translation to the Will of the Lord (Jesus), the word religious means serious, religiously (seriously), religion (relationship). GOD gave us His Religion through His Will & Word (the Law and the Prophets). For mankind was disconnected from the Lord's Will (His Religion) due to disobedience in the Garden of Eden. For the Lord told Adam, "Do not eat of the fruit from the tree I command you not to eat from, for if you eat of it you will surely die." And after man disobeyed GOD He stated to the Heavenly Host, "Now man has the knowledge of good and evil just like the rest of us." For the Lord knew that with this knowledge, man in all his imperfection would be tempted to sin (and sin leads to death). With the knowledge of good and evil, man was given the free will to choose and procreate his own culture (religion). This lead {led} mankind into great folly, many stumbling blocks, sin, destruction and death, to the point where every inclination of the thoughts of man were evil all the time. So the Lord reconnected Himself to man by the principal of Faith (through Abraham) so that He may make His Will (Religion) known again to mankind through His Word delivered through His Chosen People (the Descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) in the form of the Law and the Prophets. But because of the knowledge of good and evil inherited by all men through the blood {of} Adam, GOD still could not be reconnected to man because of man's free will and the temptation of evil (satan) {who} caused man to stray into their own religious practices. And so GOD connected Himself to mankind, by putting on the flesh of man, that He may live amongst mankind religiously and show man the fulfillment of His Religious Ways (His Culture), that man may accept His Religion through the example of His Love and Perfection. Though, man still could not be religiously connected to GOD. So He disconnected Himself from man once again but, this time by His Own Will, as a Living Sacrifice (by death of the flesh) so that He could give Himself to man by Spirit (His Holy Spirit) so that He could Live inside man and fulfill His Will in man Himself. For GOD is Holy. And only that which is Holy (perfect) can resist the temptation of evil. And so man are now reconnected to GOD by GOD Himself (His Holy Spirit within man) that man may be guided by Him (born again) and fulfill His Word (His Will) Living by His Religion in a religious (serious) relationship with Him, Spiritually. The Word of GOD (Jesus) for the People of GOD, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Monday, July 15, 2024

Ministering and Witnessing.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

                     Glory Hallelujah!


       To all GOD's People, all believers in the Son of our Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, the Salt and Light of the world. I come to you with a Word of Wisdom, through the presence of the Lord Jesus (Emmanuel), the Holy Spirit. We have all been called to be Ministers and Witnesses of & to the Truth (the Living Testament of GOD, Jesus Christ) but, we must understand the principals of the two. The Salt is are {our} Ministry and the Light is our Witness. We are Blessed (Salted) to be a Blessing to (to Salt) the Children of GOD, the Body of Believers, all of GOD's People. We are Anointed (given Light) to be an Anointing (be a Light) to the world. Do not Minister to (pour salt on) a sinner but only to those whom belong to GOD. For if you give what is Sacred to a dog or a pig they will trample all over it and turn around and tear you to pieces. Ministering to a sinner is like pouring salt on rotten meat but Ministering to a Child of GOD is like seasoning a fresh cut of prime meat. The Salt is reserved for the Children but the Light still shines for those who are lost. Therefore, be a Witness to (shine your Light for) a sinner, that they may see the Glory of GOD in & through you, that will guide them back home, back on the right path, to follow the Lord Jesus and be Salted (Ministered to) themselves.

       The Light guides us to the Salt, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Prayer and Support for my Ministry.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Dear People of GOD,

       I come to you in a call from GOD on my Life. As I have been sending out Blessings of the Word of GOD, the Lord's Holy Messages, the Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ has strongly placed in my heart the duty to expand my anointed service to GOD (My Prophetic Ministry), that it will prosper as the Lord so much desires, for it to Bless His People more and more throughout all the Heavens and the earth, Forever & Eternity. Every message I have sent to you, comes not from me, but from the Lord of Lords Himself though, at times some have doubted me, rebuked me and rejected the Word of the Lord sent through me (Even those whom I very much so admire and Love as my fellow servants, my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus) because of reasons only revealed by GOD, as He has always confirmed His Word through me since the beginning, in times of doubt & lack of understanding and harsh replies from my own fellow believers which hurt my feelings and breaks my heart because I Love you all very dearly and I would never give you false testament for my own sake. I hope that GOD places on your hearts understanding of the Word he sends through me to you, for I am only a messenger and I cannot always explain the Deep Thoughts of GOD nor what He plans with the Message he sends through me for His People. I can only put my Trust in His Comfort & Confirmation He gives me whenever my mind ponders or I am overwhelmed with distress because a fellow servant rebuked or falsely accuses me of speaking out of ungodly influence due to their lack of knowledge and understanding of the Lord's Will. I also Hope that the Lord places on all of your hearts to please pray & help support and Bless my service to GOD (My Prophetic Ministry) for Christ Jesus Sake (Purpose). The Lord has given me a plan, that for all the support I receive to expand my ministry from each and every beloved Brother and Sister, to add it all up once received, break away a portion as a tithe (offering to the Lord) and divide the offering equally so that I can send each & every soul who Blessed & supported my ministry a portion of the divided offering that Will be more that they shall receive than they have given to me for Christ Jesus Sake. I do not have a full plan for this ministry, for I leave that in GOD's Hand, that it may be His Will that guides my service to Him. For the Dream & Vision of my mortal mind is limited greatly compared to GOD's Plan & Vision for my Life, which in His Almighty Glory is infinite (limitless). GOD Bless you all for taking the time to read this letter and every message you have received through me from the One & Only True Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the earth Forever & Eternity, Jesus Christ the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all their Descendants, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, Forever, Amen.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah, I come to you in the midst of the Presence of the Holy Spirit of the Son of the One & Only True Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the earth, Jesus Christ our Living Testament, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Forever & Eternity! Hear O Heavens and the Earth, the Lord GOD Almighty, our Lord of Lords, is at position, with His Mighty Hand ready, set and aimed towards those who are armed against His People, His Holy Covenant. They are set & prepared to attack with arms up and aimed, with weapons of mass destruction. Their hearts are filled with hate & sin against GOD's Chosen People (the Descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). Ishmael has returned from wondering through the wilderness and in the desert, with the scent of satan, the blood of his brother, the spirit of anti-christ, a mind of sin and a heart of lawlessness & uncleanness. With the help of a foreign god, a foreign people from a foreign land, he prepares and strategizes his plan to surround & subdue the People of GOD with no hope (no earthly/natural hope) nor rescue, in a attempt to abolish the Holy Covenant from the face of the earth, that satan may abolish the Word (all Law & Truth) from the existence of mankind (the world). They will align their machine (their beast) in the plains designated before GOD's Holy Land. They will prepare in assault to annihilate GOD's People from the face of the earth without any opposition. they {They} will swarm in from Assyria & Persia through Babylon and above Egypt across the Jordan (river) to totally surround Jacob and force him into the sea. Behold! GOD the Sovereign, our Lord GOD Almighty, whom is slow to anger, has stood from His Throne! For His Anger has been aroused against the enemies of His People (His Holy Covenant), His Word, His Truth, His Living Testament. The Lord's Appointed Wrath has prophetically come. Sin has fully matured, the fruit of the vineyard is ripe and the winepress has been prepared. As the gathering takes place in the valley below the Holy Land which bears the Signature of the Lord GOD Almighty (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), the Lord of Lords, the Sovereign GOD forms His Fist and with a Mighty Force (the Almighty Power of GOD) swings with the violence of His Wrath! All the Heavenly Host tremble and duck (are shifted out of place & position) with fear of the Lord's Wrath, from His Mighty Swing upon the beast of the world, the people of the ruler to come upon the earth, in the valley of death. BBMMMMVVRRMMMMUUMMMBBMMMBMMMDMMMVVUMMBMDDMMMBBBMMDDMMMDDVVRRUMMMAAHHAAFFSHHAHHFFRRSSHHHAAAHHSSSWWAARRPHHUFFIFFFAAUHHFAAA! Is the thunderous sound of the Lord's Deadly Blow upon the beast, the enemies of His Holy Covenant and His Living Testament, the people of the ruler to come..! And the Lord (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) will show His Glory and Might to the world, that all will be forewarned against attacking His Holy Covenant (His Word, His Truth, His Will) and His Holy Land which He gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their Descendants Forever & Eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Message from the Lord of Hosts.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah, GOD's Blessings through the presence of the Lord of Hosts to all GOD's people (Jew & Gentile), be Saved & Delivered from sin, all worries and burdens through the power of the Lord's Spirit (Emmanuel). The Lord of Hosts, the GOD Almighty is at watch on his people, those who claim to be his people and the people of the world. The Lord ponders why you call yourselves new testament christians? Are you now Holier than Thou/He (GOD). "You shun the words of My people (My servants) though I made them My people on your behalf, for your sake (Salvation). Every word I passed down through them was for you (your Redemption). I gave up My Spirit so that He (the Lord's Spirit) may dwell with you (Emmanuel). Yet, I am a Jew, the Old & the New. And what are you without Me? You shun My Feast and My Festivals and My Sabbath and all My Holly {Holy} Days in the name of the new testament belief. Yet, you replace them with your own appointed days and feasts just as the pharisees in the time of My earthly dwelling replaced My Commands with their own traditions. You Hypocrites! You despise the Children for their unbelief yet, you are One in the same! Do you not know that all Israel will be Saved (as it is written) by My Holy Grace and Will? Are not you only believers because of My Grace (the transgression and Sacrifice of Israel)? I Commanded through My servants to Honor My Holy Feast Forever, for all mankind. Every letter of the Law & the Prophets were written for all as My Testament for they & you (Jew & Gentile) to live by. Do you not know that all of Israel is only a replica of the Kingdom of Heaven and that anyone who enters through Heaven's Gates will Live & Worship by every Commandment of the Law & the Prophets Forever & Eternity in the Kingdom of GOD?! Every Feast, every Holy Day, the Sabbath and all My Commands will be carried out Forever & Eternity!? The Nation of Israel were required of these things to prepare them as My servants in the Kingdom of GOD Forever & Eternity. Yet, you still do not understand how (or why) all Israel will be Saved?! You despise the Jew and his culture (me & My Culture, Jesus) yet, everything about the Kingdom of GOD is Jewish. I gave you My Spirit so that you would understand Me & My Culture (Jesus) and receive Revelation through My Word. The Spirit (Emmanuel) enlightens & inspires all My people to Love & receive Joy through celebrating all My Feast and following My every Command. I call for all My people (Jew & Gentile) to celebrate My Feast and follow all My Commands with Joy through the Holy Spirit (the Lord Emmanuel). But if My Feasts and all My Commands are a burden on your heart then do not follow them. For I do not want for your soul to be burdened nor your heart weary nor your mind confused nor for your spirit to be grieved nor the angels appointed to you to be disappointed because of who I am (the Lord GOD Almighty) and My Culture. But through My Spirit (anyone who receives My Holy Spirit) all things according to My Will are done with Love, Happiness and Joy! Anyone who accepts the least of any Jew (the/My little ones) accepts Me (the Lord Jesus)! Anyone who despises the least of any Jew (My Children) despises Me (the Lord GOD Almighty)! For even the Holy Spirit (Emmanuel) that you receive of Me is Jewish Himself. Anyone who forsakes Israel (the Descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) does not have My Spirit (has not received the Holy Spirit of GOD) but yet, a spirit of anti-christ from the evil one (satan)! I am! I am the Alpha and the Omega! I am the beginning and the End! I am the Old & the New yet, My Testament is One! Do not divide My Testimony, My Word, My Truth, My Gospel, so do not divide Me (the One & Only True Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) or I Will divide you from My Presence with My Wrath at the appointed time of Judgment for all the Heavens & the earth! I am Coming and I Will Rule over all dominion Forever & Eternity, Amen!"

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Word of GOD for the people of GOD.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Glory Hallelujah, all the praise be to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! Greetings to all GOD's people (Jew or Gentile). I, Albert LeRoy Jones, bring Blessings of Good News and plans from the One & Only True Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens & the earth Forever & Eternity (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). The Great Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ has assigned me as his messenger, that he may re-establish his Kingdom upon the earth (re-gather his flock) and pave the way for his triumphant return in plan for his victory Forever and Eternity. The Lord GOD Almighty (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) is One and he has made his people (Jew or Gentile) One and we will be One with the Lord GOD Almighty in his Kingdom Forever & Eternity. Through his Word (His messages) the Lord (Jesus) has broken down the walls of the denominations (denominationalism) built by satan. The Lord (Jesus) will bring all his people together through his Word (his messages) and separate his true & faithful servants from the false (counterfeits) through the Power of the Lord Holy Spirit (Emmanuel). The Lord GOD Almighty will make Israel the Capital of all his people and Memphis will be a sub-capital for all his people in America. The first signs of these things taking place will be seen in Memphis as the walls of denominationalism (separation of GOD's people) come tumbling down and GOD's people come together as One with the Lord Jesus through the Power of the Lord Emmanuel. There will be a Harvest in Memphis. The good grain will be collected and the bad will be thrown in the pile of weeds. For all who attempt to divide GOD by holding on to their denomination (and their false traditions) will be given over to their master (satan). These events will spread through all GOD's people throughout the world in preparation for the Great Gathering in Jerusalem (the Nation of Israel). All GOD's people will join as One and be united by his Word (his messages) through his Holy Will, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Friday, July 5, 2024

Rapture By the Holy Spirit.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Greetings and Blessings to GOD's people, all those who accept GOD in their hearts, all of GOD (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), his every word, old & new, beginning to end. I, Albert LeRoy Jones, bring enlightenment of the Holy Spirit through the Grace of GOD's Will. It is by the presence of the Holy Spirit found within us that all GOD's people will be raptured from this world before the coming tribulation. When the trumpet call of the arch angel sounds, by the Power of GOD (the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), all those found with the seal of GOD on their hearts (stamped by the Holy Spirit within them) shall be lifted up into Heaven with GOD's speed, arriving before the Great Throne in Heaven simultaneously. It is only by the presence of the Holy Spirit found with that soul (alive or asleep) that they shall partake in the great escape. Without the Holy Spirit (the presence of GOD with us/Emmanuel) no man shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. There will be signs in the end times signifying the coming tribulation but there will be no sign signifying the exact time of the great escape. The presence of GOD in our lives (Emmanuel, the Holy Spirit) is the only assurance (the only sign) that we have of being chosen for this Heavenly flight from this world and its coming doom. We will travel the same path our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ ascended through the heavens unto the Great Throne of GOD the Father to sit at his right hand, as one, his beloved Son. And we will be one with the Lord of Hosts in the Kingdom of Heaven until our triumphant return with the Lord Jesus to reclaim the earth as GOD's Holy dominion Forever & Eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Salvation by the Holy Spirit.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2006 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

I, Albert LeRoy Jones, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, chosen by the Will of GOD and anointed by his Holy Spirit, bring Blessings & Greetings from the One & Only Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the earth Forever & Eternity. GOD (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) has brought Salvation to all his people by his own Sovereign Power & Grace. For we (those who accept GOD) are saved not by our righteousness (the Law and the Prophets) nor by our Faith but only by the Power of GOD afforded to us by his Grace (his sacrifice on the cross) and given to us by his Holy Spirit invested in us. Our faith and our righteousness proves to be insufficient to enter into Heaven by GOD's Will. For mankind was first connected to GOD by Creation in the Garden of Eden but disobedience & wickedness caused separation and a expanse between GOD and mankind. Mankind was reconnected to GOD by Faith (through Abraham and GOD's Covenant through him) but Faith without Judgment (knowledge of GOD's Will through the Law & Prophets) caused GOD's people to stumble into folly with arrogance & ignorance. And so the Word of GOD came down to mankind through the Law & Prophets so that GOD's People could gain knowledge, wisdom, sound judgment, reverence to GOD, fear of GOD and Love from GOD through GOD's Will. But none of these things (Faith, the Law nor the Prophets) redeemed the separation of mankind from GOD nor shortened the expanse between them. So by the Power of GOD through his Will & Grace he became flesh (Jesus, the Messiah) so that Faith, the Law & the Prophets were brought to Life in him, in the form of a man, that he may show his Love and pay the ultimate mortal sacrifice so that his Holy Spirit (which brings forth Faith, Righteousness and Salvation) would be poured onto all flesh that accepts him. It is by the Power of GOD the Sovereign that we our {are} Saved. Not by the Law, for our righteousness proves to be insufficient nor by Faith, for many believe but only a few accept, just as many are called but only a few are chosen. But through our Faith we believe and through the Law we exalt our belief that we may accept GOD in our hearts and receive his Holy Spirit given to us through his sacrifice, that we are saved by his Power, Grace & Will through his Holy Spirit which gives us Faith & Righteousness to carry in our hearts Forever & Eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2006

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Word of GOD for the People of GOD.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Body of Christ Jesus, All Believers in the Son of the Living GOD Almighty and our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, Blessings of Good News & Fortune from our Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ. What if Jesus had first come to the gentiles instead of the Nation of Israel, Would the Gospel still have spread throughout the world? Would the gentiles have accepted Jesus more so than the Jews? and if so, why did GOD spread the Good News to the Jew first and then the gentile? If Jesus would have taken the Gospel to the gentiles first, how would they have known it was Good News if they had not been under covenant with GOD and had not broken his covenant or how would they accept the Gospel if they did not know the Law of GOD given to the Nation of Israel nor the words of GOD spoken through his prophets? If the gentiles did not know their transgressions (sins) nor the prophecies concerning the coming messiah (the anointed one) who would bring the promise of Salvation to the land, how would the Gospel make sense to them and yet be Good News? Some today may reply by saying "Why is the Law and the Prophets so important?, Are not we new testament christians?" But our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ stated, "The sum of the Law & the Prophets is to do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself." For this shows that the Law & the Prophets mathematically are Love. One may ask the question, "So is it necessary for a believer to know the Law and the Prophets be he or she gentile or Jew?" If we did not know our transgressions (sins) how would we know our Salvation? So is the Law necessary for receiving salvation? Were the Nation of Israel saved because they had (knew) the Law or because they knew (had) the Law was Salvation first brought to them? If as gentile believers we do not know the Law and the Prophecies that are known to the Jew, how can our desire for Salvation be great? Is this not true for gentiles of today, yesterday and tomorrow? For every gentile believer should do just as the Jew and study & meditate on the Torah (the Law of GOD) every day not as a way to reach Salvation but to know Salvation and receive its Blessings forever & eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005