When I visited Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee that Sunday morning back in September of 2007 I was 30 Years Old. I went to church with my Mother that Sunday for she still went to that church at that time (This was not a planned visit but I decided that particular morning to go to church with my Mother). I myself was not a member of that church at the time. At that particular time in September of 2007 I was Serving GOD as HIS Prophet, Albert LeRoy Jones a.k.a. Moses and sending The Letters of JESUS CHRIST (my e-mails) to the churches throughout Memphis, TN and Christian Ministries throughout the united states of America and the world (I even had Pope Benedict XVI on my e-mail list at the time.). So Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee had no authority, responsibility, relationship or jurisdiction over me in any way, shape or form at that time. I was a grown man, 30 years old (I was not a minor) and I was not a member of their church. They had animosity towards me for they knew that I was a Republican Voter. In November of 2004 I sent Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church an e-mail telling them that I voted for George W. Bush for President of the united states of America in the 2004 Presidential Election and that I was no longer going to attend their Church Services but move on to a more Christian Bible Based Church. This infuriated them for they told their Church Congregation (from the pulpit in the sermon preached during Sunday Church Service) the Sunday before Election Day 2004 not to Vote for George W. Bush for President but instead vote for John Kerry. I voted for George W. Bush for President anyway for I was following the Evangelical Movement that year of 2004. So this is when Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee began attacking me. They tried to turn the Memphis Community (in particular, the Black Community) against me, locally, in Memphis, Tennessee (Since then it has escalated to the entire country and the world). I did not return to Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee until I visited it as a guest of my Mother that Sunday in September of 2007. The Pastor of Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee at that particular time, Frank Anthony Thomas, attacked me verbally from the pulpit in his sermon that Sunday morning in September of 2007. That is when they also placed me under Full Surveillance (including my mind & thoughts) and they continue to Stalk, Harass, Threaten, Attack & Torment me to this very day, especially with Voice to Skull Capabilities. Sincerely, Albert LeRoy Jones. Copyright 2024


Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Word.

 [Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Church of GOD's people, the Body of Christ Jesus, Blessings of Purpose & Priority from the Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ. Hear the words of my message and receive my messenger, Holy Church of GOD. I have raised you up for a purpose, to testify to my Will and be witnesses to my testimony. My plan & purpose is that you understand and receive revelation through my Word. Preach the truth unto all the world, all of it, old & new. For I am the Alpha and the Omega, I was the Word in the beginning, I am the Word in the flesh and I am Sovereign over all creation, all the Heavens & the Earth forever & eternity, for I am the creator, the spoken Word of creation. Defend my Holy name, for I am always & forever. Every word I have spoken, every promise I have made, my covenants with all are forever, for I have spoken and I am the Word. Do not replace my Word with what your hearts desire for I Will judge all who replace my Word for I am the Word brought to life. What I say is what I mean. DO not twist nor distort my Word with false interpretations, for many Will be deceived by their own minds and spiritual blindness. My Testimony is one, not divided, for I am one from the beginning to the end. There is only one Testament made new by my Holy Grace. What is called old still remains and Will Not pass away before Heaven and Earth pass away. For I am the old & the new, the Word in the flesh from beginning to end. I am Sovereign forever & eternity. The Church is my body and I am its head. My Holy city (the New Jerusalem) is my bride and the Nation of Israel (the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) are my namesake. I am their (the Nation of Israel) GOD and I am your (the Body of Christ Jesus) GOD and I have made you one family under GOD for Christ (Jesus) sake. Together you are my people. Defend and Bless one another as brothers for Christ (Jesus) sake. I have chosen you all from the beginning of creation to be made branches on my tree of Life. You Will grow together and prosper with good fruit brought forth to the world from the roots of my vine, fed with Living water and the radiant light of my Glory. I am one, I have made you one and we Will be one forever & eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones

Copyright 2005

Thursday, June 27, 2024

GOD's Will.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Church of GOD's people, the body of Christ Jesus, Blessings of Understanding & Revelation from the Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ. He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns blackness into dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land - the Lord is his name - he flashes destruction on the stronghold and brings the fortified city to ruin. Let the Church (the body of Christ Jesus) understand and let the truth be revealed. When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it? Yet, you say "Look what satan has brought upon us!" Does satan form the mountains and create the wind also? If this was so, for the sake of evil no one would be spared. But the Lord GOD Almighty discipline those who serve him when they are in era, with the mighty hand of his wrath. Who has given satan the power to destroy the fortified city? Are you not guilty of this with your words of foolishness and lack of understanding the Lord's Will? Was not the little power satan had, broken with the cross of your Lord & Savior Jesus Christ? For he once was but now isn't and is coming to his destruction just as every abomination inspired by his will Will be judged by the wrath of GOD. But the wrath of GOD brings forth Blessings through his Saving Grace. Rejoice, Holy Church of GOD, for the Lord Lives and Judges the world according to his Divine Will! Through every abomination comes desolation and through desolation comes the Blessing of restoration by his Amazing Holy Grace. All the abominations Will be cast into the sea and the fortified city Will Never be rebuilt again. But I Will restore my people, those who trust in my Holy name (Jesus), they Will be Blessed & Healed and prosper throughout the land. For Jesus Christ is Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the earth forever and eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Lament for the lion cub.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Church of GOD's people and the nations of the lion cub, America, Blessings of Judgment & Wrath from the Lord GOD Almighty. When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it? Does not the Lord GOD Almighty form the mountains, create the wind and reveal his thoughts to man? He who turns dawn to darkness and treads the high places of the earth - the Lord GOD Almighty is his name. O proud lion cub, the Lord GOD Almighty has brought disaster to your gulf coast and that detestable city of New Orleans yet, you say "We will rebuild it!" Your boasting to rebuild is heartfelt by all who hear but it is in vain. As soon as the idea is formed and the light of hope inspires the hearts of your people to rebuild the city of New Orleans, I Will send another disaster, total devastation upon this land of great abominations. I, the Lord GOD Almighty, Will give the city of New Orleans to the sea never to be rebuilt again. O great lion cub, a nation of peace & safety. You have used your power & position to support the enemies of my people (the Nation of Israel) by supporting the forcing of my people from their homes & land in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank area of Israel, my Holy Land which I have given to them from the nations that once occupied and defiled it. So in return O great lion cub, I have unleashed my wrath and removed your people from their homes in the land I have despised most in the existence of your nation, where great abominations were performed. Hear the words of this Lament, Holy Church of GOD (the body of Christ Jesus). I Will raise you up to heal the wounds I have inflicted upon the lion cub in discipline with my mighty hand. You Will take in the distressed and bewildered of the refugees from the fallen city of great abominations, New Orleans and Bless & Heal them with the saving Grace of your Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. I Will anoint you Holy Church of GOD with the power & influence of the Holy Spirit to spread over your nation, the lion cub, America. Hear the Word of the Lord GOD Almighty his Humble, Obedient and Persevering servants. Those who Bless Israel, Will be Blessed. Those who curse Israel, Will be cursed. Those who defend Israel and the Holy name of the Lord (Jesus), Will be defended. Peace & Safety Will Not come to any nation until it first comes to Israel! Bless Israel and Blessings Will be bestowed on all nations. For those who Bless Israel, Bless the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Yes, Jesus Christ is Lord, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Monday, June 24, 2024

Call to Action.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]

Churches of Metro Memphis,

       Open up your hearts and the doors of the church for the refugees of the Gulf Coast & metro New Orleans areas, for Christ sake. Welcome All the people of metro New Orleans and the Gulf Coast into All the churches of metro Memphis so that they Will be Blessed & Healed here in the metro Memphis area and the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Will be glorified throughout the land. We our the buckle of the Bible Belt. The refugees Will find security and a new life here in the metro Memphis area and All of metro New Orleans & the Gulf Coast Will prosper along with metro Memphis as one metro area under GOD for Christ sake. What are you waiting for? Stop sleeping! Wake up and open the doors of All the churches in metro Memphis for All the people of metro New Orleans & the Gulf Coast! This is what being a Christian is all about. This is why you have been blessed, to Bless others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! For this is the sum of the Law & All of the Prophets. Humble yourselves, be Obedient and Persevere. Glorify the name of the Lord Jesus throughout the world! GOD himself, All of Heaven and All the world is watching. The Blessing of the Lord Jesus Will be with us, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Friday, June 21, 2024

The spirit of a servant.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the churches of metro Memphis, servants of the Lord (Jesus), Blessings of Enlightenment & Honor from the Lord our GOD. Every man has his own work just as all work is done by a servant and every servant has his own lord. There are many professions of different works taken up by man. Each profession is guided by its own spirit. Those who take up worldly professions are guided by worldly spirits such as a man who is an entertainer is guided by a spirit to the liking of that profession. An entertainer is greatly praised & honored in our culture & society but a man who serves the Lord (Jesus) is the most honorable. A man whose work & profession is to serve the Lord is guided by the Spirit of the Lord himself. Since the Spirit of the Lord (the Holy Spirit) is GOD himself, he is greatest over all other spirits and he who is guided by the Spirit of the Lord to do the work of the Lord is greatest over all men of worldly professions. A man with a worldly profession is guided by a worldly spirit to serve the world but a man whose work is to serve the Lord (Jesus) is guided by the Lord's Spirit to serve GOD. A man whose profession pertains to health care is guided by a spirit of such health & wellness. A man whose profession pertains to the selling of harmful drugs & prostitutes is guided by demons of such harmful sins & abominations to the body. A man whose profession pertains to work in the Kingdom of GOD is guided by GOD to do his Will. Yes, Jesus Christ is Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens and the Earth Forever & Eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Word of the Lord.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the churches of metro Memphis, all of GOD's people, Blessings of purpose & understanding from the Lord our Savior. Peace & Safety be to Israel, so shall peace & safety be to the world. You may say, "Why should there be so much concern for Israel and the Jews?", "Our people have suffered too!" Yet, I tell you the truth, GOD will not let Israel perish before the rest of the world perishes. Your concern for Israel is for your own peace & safety. The land that bears his (GOD's) Holy signature, his namesake, is the Land of the eternal covenant, the Land of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, Israel. The Nation of Israel (the Jewish people) are GOD's people forever and ever. You may say, "why is one race of people so special?" and "Are not all people GOD's people?" I tell you the truth, if the Jewish people (the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) were not made special by GOD none of us would be. For through the Nation of Israel was Grace & Salvation reached for the gentile. You preach and shout in ethnic disputes for respect & rights comparing your struggles to the strife of the Nation of Israel in vain. Though I tell you the truth, there will be no peace & safety for any nation nor people until peace & safety first comes to Israel. Pray for the peace of Israel! Use what GOD has blessed you with (his good blessings, Grace & the Gospel of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ) to Bless and bring Hope to the Nation of Israel and GOD's Holy Land. Rights and respect come from the Lord (GOD). Bless the Lord and the Lord will Bless you. Bless Israel and blessings will be bestowed on all nations. Those who defend Israel and the Holy name of the Lord (Jesus) will be defended. Those who stretch out a hand to bless Israel, bless the Lord Jesus Christ himself. All those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior have been adopted into his family, the Nation of Israel. The only ethnic disputes you should preach & shout for are those that concern GOD's people, the Body of Christ Jesus (the Nation of Israel). There are only two ethnic groups, two races of people acknowledge by GOD, the children of GOD and the children of satan. There is no in between and anything else comes from the evil one. The Word of GOD for the people of GOD, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Church is the Head.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the churches of Metro Memphis, Pastors & Leaders, Blessings of Correction & Privilege from our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. The Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty has made the Body of Christ Jesus the Head and not the tail in the Memphis Metropolitan area. The Sovereign Lord has put enmity between the seed of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob and the seed of the evil one (our sole enemy). Through the power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit invested in us by the blood of Christ Jesus, we are given the Sovereignty of our Lord to reign on earth as it is in Heaven. GOD (the Lord Jesus) is our provider. Through him (the Lord Jesus) we have life more abundantly and live to the fullness of favor from the Lord. Yet some of us continue to worship baal! How can we worship two gods at the same time? Which one shall we love the most? You set up an altar in your sanctuary, half to Jesus and half to baal! You try to incorporate culture with your faith yet you have no faith and your culture is Vile! You stand up & fight over the crumbs of the wicked and rebuke the Blessings from GOD (our Lord Jesus) bringing shame to his namesake. The wicked have set up traps of False Welfare & Provisions so that you may be set in place, controlled, bound & manipulated. Why does the head act like the tail and the tail act as the head? You run to the government capital and march on its ground foolishly begging in false demand for crumbs while being manipulated like puppets on a string, bringing shame to the Body of Christ Jesus. Yet you will not stand up for the principles & morals of GOD's culture on the same government grounds. You stand politically corrected and do nothing when perversions are being added into our government laws! This is Blasphemy! You Cowards! You Hypocrites! You False Converts! You deny the Majesty of the Sovereign Lord Jesus and all his Blessings & Promises by rebuking Prosperity! You shout for government welfare in your pulpits and pass around the collection basket for tithes & offerings. You Defile the Tithe & Offering! Bring the Whole Tithe & First Fruits to the House of the Lord GOD Almighty - Israel as you have been commanded so that you may be established in the Prosperity of Christ Jesus! You are established in Christ Jesus to be the lender not the borrower, the Head not the tail! It is a Blessing & Privilege for the Church to be the provider of welfare to the people for Christ sake instead of the government so that the mighty name of Jesus may be glorified. The Living Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty says: 'AAWWWWHHHH, away from me you evildoers! I Rebuke you Satan! You deny the Blood of my Holy Sacrifice! You deny my Blessing, my Son (Jesus)! I Will tear down your altar to baal! I Will make your sanctuaries desolate & bring you to ruin! I will bring your adulteries to shame before the wicked (the unbelievers) and they will mock & plunder you! You have perverted the Truth!"My Grace & Mercy endures forever. Repent and return to my ways. I Will purify you once again. Have Faith & Trust in my every word, old & new. For I gave you a culture to live by beforehand through the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the promised seed of Adam & Eve. Do not mix what is vile in with what is Holy. Do not make a garment woven of two kinds of material. I am your Lord & Saviour - the GOD of Israel - the one & only GOD.' Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and his Kingdom reigns above all others! King Jesus is the Head of the Body of Christ - the Church and the Church is the Head of the world!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Living in/the Eternal Life.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the churches of Metro Memphis, Blessings of Plan & Purpose from our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. 'The Lord Jesus commanded to his chosen people - the Jews to spread his Gospel to the gentiles (the dogs whom eat the crumbs that fall from the table of the Lord) that they may be saved and share in the Blessings of Eternal Life.' Jesus Christ - the Son of the Living GOD Almighty gave his life for all mankind so that we may all become "One Nation Under GOD" with eternal & everlasting abundance of life, sharing in the covenant of his (the Lord Jesus) brethren - the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the Nation of Israel - the Jews. There is no Old Covenant nor New Covenant nor are there an Old Testament nor a New Testament of GOD's people, for the covenant that all mankind share in Christ Jesus is the same covenant GOD made with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the Nation of Israel and GOD's Testimony is One, for Jesus carried the sins of all mankind for all times fulfilling GOD's Plan & Purpose once & for all. Although we like to divide GOD's Word into an old & a new for our own comfort of believing, GOD's Word has always been the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ since the beginning of time. We must understand that in what we call the old testament GOD gave his blueprint of how to worship & how to live amongst him (GOD) to the Nation of Israel to one day be spread to all nations as the promise of the covenant was fulfilled with the victory of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ - the King of the Jews - the Lion of Judah. GOD instructed us how to live & worship beforehand so that when the blessing came we would already know how to receive it. The Blessing GOD gave to us was Eternal Life through the fulfillment of the Covenant - the Promised Seed of Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the Lord Jesus Christ. The Covenant - GOD's Covenant to us was fulfilled by Faith that started with the Faith of Abraham and is fulfilled in our lives with Faith in Jesus Christ whom fulfilled the Covenant - GOD's Covenant, forever. So by knowing this we must understand that there could only be One Covenant & One Testament of GOD that is not divided into old & new but is Eternal - the Alpha and the Omega forever & eternity. Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it, for whoever breaks the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be accounted least in the Kingdom of Heaven but whosoever practices GOD's commands (old & new testaments, as we call them) and teaches others to do the same will be accounted great in the Kingdom of Heaven - GOD's House. Christians Stop it! Stop forsaking the lord your GOD, dividing his Testimony by saying "we do not acknowledge the old testament only the new testament is for us!" Israel Repent! Stop saying "we are Jews, we do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah - the Son of the Living GOD - our Lord!" The Sovereign Lord says: 'There is judgment for both Jew & Christian because you both divide me, you do not speak wholly of me nor for me, you divide my Heart! Oh how I long to bring you all together in my bosom as my dearly beloved people - my children. I the Lord GOD Almighty am no respecter of person, for you are all Jews to me, I Love you my children. I have made you all "One Nation Under GOD" through my Son - Jesus, yet have you become like those Pharisees (whom falsely accused my Son) lacking in Faith?' 'Christians if your righteousness does not surpass that of the Pharisees, you will not share in my Eternal Blessing! Israel if you do not add Faith in he (the Lord Jesus) whom has redeemed you from your sin, to your acts of obeying the Law, you will perish with the dogs - all the wicked of the gentiles! I desire mercy not Sacrifice and it is by Faith that you enter into my Kingdom - the Kingdom of the one & only Almighty Living GOD - the GOD of Israel! Obey my commands with Faith! Have Faith in him who gives you the power to do so, my Son and your Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth! I Love you forever & eternity for I am the Alpha & the Omega and my Love is Eternal! I am the Lord your GOD - Yahweh {YHWH}! I am!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Law is Love.

 [Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Churches of Metro Memphis, the Body of Christ Jesus, Blessings of Love & Understanding from our Lord Jesus Christ. It is GOD's Will that we live righteous lives just as his Son, our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ lived a righteous life throughout. We are blessed with righteousness through the Holy Spirit given to us by our Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ, for with his spirit our hearts are inscribed with the Law of Moses. Before Jesus Jewish disciples (the first Christians) received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, mankind achieved righteousness through observance of the Law. Has this now changed, since we are blessed with the Holy Spirit? No, it has not! Since the Holy Spirit dwells in us, so does his Law. The Holy Spirit is GOD and the Law comes from GOD and that which comes from GOD is always present in his presence. It was said by my brother, the Apostle Paul, that we no longer live under the Law but under Grace. These words are so true but, let the reader understand, that by Grace is the Law fulfilled. What I am trying to say is that by Grace the Law of Moses was inscribed on our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Anyone who lives against the Law, unwelcome the Holy Spirit of GOD. My brother Paul was trying to make a point, that has been distorted & misinterpreted by those who lack wisdom & understanding and whom desire to live in lawlessness. My brother in Christ Jesus, the Apostle Peter (one of Jesus twelve disciples), explained this matter in the same way, that Paul's letters can be sometimes complicated to understand, especially to those who are spiritually blind. My words are in agreement with the Apostle Paul's (they are GOD's words collectively) for, he wrote in a manner to make sense of things according to the times, people & places where he taught & preached the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Since we understand that the Law of Moses came from GOD himself, we must understand that the Law is Love. Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, expressed this in the best way when he exclaimed 'do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself for, this is the sum of the Law & all the prophets.' Is it not good, to not worship idol gods? Is it not good, to not commit murder? Is it not good, to not bear false witness against your neighbor (as the evil one contradicts)? If these commands & all others that come from our Lord GOD are good, why is it that many who claim to be of our faith do not want to acknowledge them? Are they themselves deceived by the type of distortion that comes from misinterpreting the Apostle Paul? Mankind was cursed by sin that caused the Law to be a burden that no man could carry. We were set free from that curse by the blood of Christ Jesus shed for our Salvation as he rebuked sin forever & eternity. All who with Faith accept Jesus as our Lord & Saviour live obeying the Law without burden but with Love (the Apostle John also explained this). The Law is of GOD whom is Holy, no evil can come from our GOD, the one & only GOD, only Love comes from GOD and the Law is Love.

Albert LeRoy Jones

Copyright 2005

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Love for His Children.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Churches of Metro Memphis, Blessings of Eternal Love from our Lord Jesus Christ. GOD Bless the Body of Christ Jesus and GOD Bless the Nation of Israel. GOD's Love for his children are not broken into segments of time for, who GOD proclaims as his Loved One will always be his Loved One. In His-Story, GOD proclaimed his Love for his chosen people Israel with an everlasting covenant. Covenant meaning promise, for which GOD's covenant with Israel was a promise that will never be broken. GOD's covenant with Israel did not end with the coming of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ (whom fulfilled it) yet it was only the beginning. The flame of GOD's Love for Israel will never go out but burn forever & eternity. The gates of our Lord GOD Jesus Christ Holy city (his bride) are named with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel for, whoever enter into his kingdom must do so through these gates. GOD's Love for Israel is everlasting just as his Love for his church. You may say, why does he speak so much about the Jews, the Law & the Old stuff, creeds & observance of GOD's decrees? It is because you are being forewarned! The coming return of our Lord is near yet, the day & hour are unknown to all mankind. You are being warned because of the growing spirit of anti-semite, anti-christ in the world, creeping under your radar, beneath your very nose. The spirit of anti-christ & the spirit of anti-semitism are one, for the anti-christ himself is the greatest anti-semite of all times. You may not see this spirit among you nor have you sensed its presence but that does not mean it is not present. When the storm is close enough to see with the naked eye, it would be too late to run for cover. This spirit will come to overwhelm you and only will the elect not be deceived. It is GOD's Will that the church be on one accord, the Body of Christ united as one without denominations & separatism. It is GOD's Will that the Nation of Israel come to Christ Jesus and say 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.' The Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Catholics, the Lutherans, all of the Protestant denominations and all of the Nation of Israel must come together as one in order for GOD's Will to be fulfilled, prophecy & promise completed. Jesus is Lord and the Lord will prevail! His Blessed, Sacred & Holy name rules over all the Heavens & the Earth forever & eternity and his Eternal Love for his children will never fail! Come Lord Jesus! Let GOD's Holy Angels worship & praise, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Sunday, June 9, 2024

One Nation Under GOD.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the churches of Metro Memphis, Blessings of Favor & Inheritance from our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. GOD Bless the chosen people of our Lord GOD Almighty, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the Nation of Israel - the Beloved Jewish People. From the nation of Israel comes our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ - the King of the Jews. The Jews were made the chosen people of GOD by the covenant GOD made with their forefather, Abraham, that the Lord GOD Almighty would make his seed into a great nation. The covenant GOD made with Abraham was a blood covenant though, it was through Abraham's faithfulness that he was chosen by the Lord GOD Almighty. For when the Lord asked of Abraham to bring his only begotten son to the altar for sacrifice, though disturbed, Abraham obeyed his Heavenly Father and offered up his inheritance before the Lord. The Lord GOD Almighty was well pleased with the faith of Abraham, for even as Abraham weeped {wept}, he obeyed the Lord his GOD, that GOD's Will be done and not his own. For this reason GOD found favor with Abraham and commanded Abraham not to sacrifice your only begotten son which is your inheritance for whom will become a great nation but instead I (the Lord GOD) will offer my only begotten Son whom I Love, as a sacrifice, the Son of the Living GOD, who will make all mankind One Nation Under GOD. We the church, for whom many of us before we were saved & adopted into the Kingdom of GOD, were descendants of gentiles not from the lineage of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the Jewish people. As gentiles we were not part of the covenant nor did we share in the blessings of the inheritance of the Jews. By the Passover Sacrifice made for all mankind, when the Lord Father GOD offered his Holy Lamb of GOD, his only begotten Son in whom he is well pleased, our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, as a Holy Communion, forever & eternity, we (all who accept the Holy Sacrifice of our Lord GOD Almighty) are adopted and made children in the family of our Living GOD, the Kingdom of GOD, children of the covenant. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord & Saviour, we become members of the family of GOD, brothers of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the inheritance of the blood covenant. As members of the church, we become one with Christ Jesus, we become the body of Christ. Jesus Christ, a Jew, the most righteous of all the Jews, Holy above all, gave his life so that all mankind may have life and be made one with him & his brethren - the Nation of Israel. So the church must understand, that as we are the body of Christ Jesus - whom is the King of the Jews, the Son of David, from the tribe of Judah, we ourselves have become Jews, made one with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. The church & the Nation of Israel are united by the blood of Christ Jesus. We the church are circumcised in spirit (the Holy Spirit of the Lord GOD Jesus Christ), adopted Jews, shareholders of the inheritance, children of the covenant by his (Jesus Christ) body broken & blood shed for us on Calvary's Cross. All mankind now enter the family (the Kingdom of GOD) not through circumcision of the body nor by acts of righteousness from obeying the Law but also by faith in him who has redeemed us from our sins, Christ Jesus (the King). So as Jews, we (the Church) must live as righteous Jews observing the Law, his Appointed Feast & Holy days & Sabbaths and all GOD's commands with faith in him who has fulfilled the inheritance of the Jews, our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ - the King of the Jews, the King of Kings & the Lord of Lords, the Lord GOD Almighty over all the Heavens & the Earth, forever & eternity, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Friday, June 7, 2024

One GOD.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the churches of Metro Memphis & all of GOD's servants, Blessings of truth & judgment from our Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ. The Sovereign Lord says; I am only one GOD, the GOD of Israel. If I, the GOD of Israel, am only one GOD, am I not your GOD also? Yet, you forsake me. You say, How do we forsake you Lord? You forsake me by dividing my Testimony! You teach & preach that this part of my testimony is old and this one is new. Am I a sinner like you? Do I contradict myself? Are not the Father & the Son made one? Am I like man that my testimony changes with the wind? The Lord Jesus commanded to the church in my prophecy of Revelation to Repent from the changing of Testimony. Must I the Lord whom is Holy, Repent in this same manner? You say that the Law is old, we do not have to obey it for Jesus is our Lord & Saviour. Did I send my Son to rebuke myself? Are the words of the Lord GOD Almighty, the GOD of Israel & all his commands foolishness? I Rebuke you! I sent my Son not to rebuke my Law but to Fulfill it. Did not my beloved son Testify this to you, that anyone who teaches to disobey the least of my commands will be accounted least in the Kingdom of GOD? Are you accusing my Son whom I Love & in whom I am well pleased, of sin? Where does your authority of such a judgment come from? For whom made you worthy to judge the Holy Lamb of GOD? Was my sacrifice not worthy? Did I present a sacrifice before the Lord that had a defect? AWWWHHH! Satan, you are dead as surely as the one who sits at the right hand of his Father the Lord GOD Almighty upon the thrown in Heaven, Lives! I tell you the truth, those who truly have the Holy Spirit, Lives in fulfillment of the Law as their Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ Lived among them. Did not I the Lord appear before all my disciples as GOD with Moses standing at my right-side, symbolically, as my brother? Did I rebuke Moses before my disciples, those whose names are in-scripted {inscribed} on the walls of my Holy City? Did not my beloved disciple Peter, for whom is the rock on which my church was built, offer to construct a Tabernacle for his Lord Jesus Christ along with his servants Moses & Elijah? Did I the Lord Jesus Rebuke Peter for such an offer? As surely as I live, I did not. For my Gospel is alive in one tabernacle along with the Law of Moses. Anyone who Lives by my name, the Lord Jesus, Lives by the Law of Moses. For my Grace & the Law are one in the Tabernacle of Love & Life. I, the Lord Jesus, sanctified you so that your bodies may be temples for my Holy Spirit. Where my Holy Spirit dwells, so must the Law dwell. If this was not so, I, the Lord Jesus Christ, would have rebuked my servant Moses before my disciples during the transfiguration. The Lord GOD Almighty would have struck Moses down in the desert of Sinai for my sake. Yet, that is not so, for the Lord GOD Almighty commanded his faithful servant Moses on top of Mount Sinai to deliver his word. Is the Lord your GOD clumsy, that he sent a stumbling block before himself, his Son? Is the Law of Moses a stumbling block for GOD, who is Holy? Was not the Law a stumbling block for mankind, as yourself, for whom was ruled by sin? For I, the Sovereign Lord, sent my only Begotten Son, to Rebuke sin, not the Law. I, the Lord GOD Almighty am One and so is my Testimony One! I am Faithful & so is my word. I do not change with the wind as so man does. I do not contradict myself in word nor action. Do not make a separation between what you call old and what you call new, For I am One GOD, the only GOD, the GOD of Israel - Yahweh {YHWH}, Forever & Eternity, Amen!

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Command to the Church.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Churches of Metro Memphis, members & servants, Blessings of the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is GOD's Will that the church be blessed & prosper here in the Memphis Metropolitan area and throughout the world. The Sovereign Lord said; bring me all the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house, prove me now here said the Lord of Host, see if I will not open up the flood gates of Heaven and pour you out Blessings that you would not have room enough to receive them. The House of the Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ is the beautiful land of Israel - his namesake. This is a command (not a request) from the Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ to the body of Christ (the church), bring the whole tithe to the House of the Lord your GOD. Anyone who refuses this command will be judged & face the anger of the Lord GOD Almighty and lose his inheritance, Blessings from the Lord. The members of the churches are Blessed when they bring their whole tithe & first fruits to the churches and likewise, GOD Bless the church when it brings the whole tithe & first fruits to the House of GOD Almighty. The church (churches) must take a tenth of all its earnings, income, offerings, donations, gifts and tithes received and bring it to the House of the Lord Jesus Christ on passover {Passover} and every third year after-wards on passover {Passover}. The leaders of the churches must make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel on passover {Passover} and every third year after, bringing the whole tithe & first fruits to the House of the Lord. When they arrive in Israel they must exchange all of their tithe & first fruits for Israel currency and go throughout Israel feeding the poor, the elderly, the widows, the fatherless, the orphans, the homeless, the victims of hate crimes, the victims of terrorism, the victims of sin, the sick & ill, the deprived & depressed, the saints & all the people in the Holy places & in the churches & synagogues and spread Blessings throughout the nation of Israel while preaching, teaching and exercising relentlessly the gifts of the Holy Spirit & the Gospel of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Start making these pilgrimages on passover {Passover} 2006 (for those who are able), for those who do not start on passover {Passover} 2006 MUST start on passover {Passover} 2007 (Blessed are those who are able to start the passover {Passover} pilgrmage in 2006), you must be there on passover {Passover} and then every third year there after on passover {Passover}. You must take the whole tithe & first fruits of that year to the Holy Land of Israel starting in 2006 and the whole tithe & first fruits of every third year afterward. For those whom start the passover {Passover} pilgrimage in 2007 must take not only the whole tithe & first fruits of that year but also the whole tithe & first fruits of 2006 altogether to the Holy Land of GOD - Israel and every third year afterward, the whole tithe & first fruits of that year. The tithes must be accounted from the time of the previous passover {Passover} up until the new (current) passover {Passover}, for this makes up the year of the whole tithe to be brought to the House of the Lord. Members of the churches (as many whom desire) our {are} allowed to follow their leaders on their pilgrimage to Israel but they must make their own way, for only are the leaders of the churches allowed to make the pilgrimage at the expense of the church. Continue this pilgrimage till the coming return of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. When the leaders & members of the churches are in the land of Israel during the passover {Passover} pilgrimage be sure that you do not sell anything to any of the natives, aliens, nor members of the churches nor any other pilgrims, nor anyone during passover {Passover} nor anytime in the Land of Israel. If you do sell something as you have been commanded not to in the Land of the Lord GOD Almighty you will be cut off from your blessing of the tithe until the next pilgrimage. When the leaders of the churches make their pilgrimage to the Holy Land during passover {Passover}, they & all the members of their churches & the leaders themselves must not eat leavened bread (bread made with yeast nor any leavening substance), only unleavened bread during the time while their church leaders are on their pilgrimage in the Holy Land. Anyone who eats bread made with yeast or any leavening substance during this time will not receive the Blessing of the passover {Passover} (only that individual & his or her household, not their whole church) until the next pilgrimage in the third year there after, although they have participated in the tithe. Any member of the church (churches) who does not participate in the tithe will be cut off from their inheritance of the Blessing of the tithe (only that particular individual & their household, not their entire church) until the next pilgrimage on the passover {Passover} in the third year there after. The members of the churches & their leaders must honor the passover {Passover} with the Holy Communion during each & every passover {Passover}. For our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ (the Holy Lamb of GOD) was offered as an sacrifice on passover {Passover} for all mankind forever & eternity. Leavened bread must not be used in the Holy Communion, ever, only unleavened bread, for the Holy Communion is the remembrance of the passover {Passover} sacrifice of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Any church, leader of the church who does not obey this command (this entire message from the Lord our GOD) will be judged and face the anger of the Lord GOD Almighty. For those who disobey, you will pray but not be answered, you will get together in congregation for mass prayer and will not be heard, you will praise but your praises will not be received, you will worship in your sanctuaries but you will be rebuked, you will speak to the people but your words will not be anointed, you will stretch out your hand to the people but will not reach, you will exercise your gifts but they will not be anointed, you will give but not receive, you will bless but not be blessed. Spread this message to all whom it concerns and lend a helping hand to those who need help in whatever way to make the pilgrimage. Leaders of the churches must address & instruct all their members during this year's passover {Passover} (2005) and continue on addressing & instructing all members of the churches concerning this command, word from our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ till the coming return of our Lord GOD Almighty Jesus Christ. Blessed are those whom obey this command, cursed are those who do not, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones

Copyright 2005

Monday, June 3, 2024

Encouragement for Servants.

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the churches of Metro Memphis & servants of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, Blessings of encouragement & peace from our Lord Jesus. In these last days, through times of revelations & constant tribulations, we are challenged in our calling & service to our Lord GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ. For the Lord Jesus does not call us to service because of our Holiness but rather for the basic virtues given us to carry out his will. These virtues are necessary for our battles against the powers & principalities in high places throughout all entities of the universe. Three basic virtues are necessary armor for every servants walk. The first is dedication (for better words; perseverance), for through perseverance are GOD's Will carried out. The second is humbleness, for through humbleness are GOD's Will able to come to us & work through his servants. The third is obedience, for through obedience are GOD's Will made known to his faithful servants. All pastors, prophets, apostles, priest, evangelist & ministers of the Lord Jesus are encouraged & blessed by these three virtues. Through them there is no need for worry nor fear in our walk with our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, for we will never stumble, never fall nor fail nor ever be defeated with them. Carry these virtues as your armor into the battle for righteousness & fulfillment of GOD's Will. Be Blessed & Healed in Jesus Christ mighty name and by his suffering bore on Calvary's Cross. The word of GOD our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ for the people of GOD, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005

Sunday, June 2, 2024

To the Churches of Metro Memphis.......

[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2005 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]


       To the Body of Christ Jesus in the city of Memphis & Shelby county, Blessings of Peace & Prosperity to you from our Lord Jesus. In these last days we must prepare and be ready for the coming return of our Lord Jesus to reign over all the nations upon the earth for eternity. Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords & the King of Kings and every king (especially one who is Lord GOD Almighty) must have a throne in his kingdom to sit upon & reign over all the land which is his. Every king also has to have a people whom makes up his kingdom, a people whom are chosen by the Lord himself, his own flesh & blood. The chosen people of the Lord Jesus Christ are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the nation of Israel, the beloved Jewish people. For it is through the descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the nation of Israel, the beloved Jewish people - the chosen people of GOD, the authors of the old & new testaments of the Holy Bible, that we receive the Gospel - the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Lord Jesus is sure to return one day, we must be prepared and have prepared his Holy Temple in Jerusalem where he will sit upon his throne & reign over all the nations of the earth. We must also be sure to help & protect his chosen people - the Jews as well as his Holy Land of Israel. GOD has commanded us to bring all the tithe into the storehouse, so that there will be meat in his house and as we do so, he (the Lord GOD) will open up the windows of Heaven & pour us out blessings that we will not have room enough to receive. So as the members of the Body of Christ Jesus bring their whole tithe to the churches, so the churches must bring their whole tithe to the house of GOD, the nation of Israel, GOD's Holy Land that bars {bears} his signature & his Holy Temple. The members of the churches are blessed when they bring the whole tithe to the church and so the church will be blessed when it brings the whole tithe to the house of GOD - Israel. Blessed are those who Love & Bless Israel, for those who Love & Bless Israel, Love & Bless the Lord Jesus whom comes from the nation of Israel and whom preached his Gospel to the nation of Israel & commanded that his chosen people - the Jews spread his good news to the gentiles (the dogs who eat the crumbs that fall from the table of the Lord) that they may be saved & adopted into the family of GOD Almighty and share in the blessings of eternal life. There is a calling by the Lord Jesus to the body of Christ to honor GOD's command to bring the whole tithe to the house of GOD Almighty - Israel, for the house of the Lord is not the church, it is Israel and those who do not acknowledge Israel as the house of the Lord Jesus Christ and who does not Bless Israel, disobeys GOD's command & forsake Jesus Christ himself. It is GOD's Will that the body of Christ be blessed & prosper here in the Memphis metropolitan area & throughout the world. GOD Bless Israel and GOD Bless the body of Christ, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2005