[Written and Emailed to the Body of Christ Jesus in the year 2007 by Albert LeRoy Jones.]
To All of The Body of Christ, The Glorious Mighty Nation of Israel (Jews, not replacement theology), All of GOD's People throughout the Heavens and the earth, All dominion, Forever & Eternity. I come to you earnestly and honestly with Truth, always and Forever, in The Hallowed, Holy & Sacred Name of The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ. My Sisters in Christ Jesus, I Love you, I so dearly Love you. I, Albert LeRoy Jones, come to your defense, recognition, rights and respect, in The Name of The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ, ever so crucially in times such as these. My Brothers in Christ Jesus, understand that we must be Loving, caring, compassionate, concerned, stern, strict, straight forward, earnest, honest and sincere with All women and children (boys & girls). The world that we Live in is very harsh towards women and children. Life in this world is more so rough for our Sisters than for ourselves (men). Yet, women are the backbone of our societies, communities, cultures and Faith. Without women, mankind (men especially) literally could not survive in this world. For it was GOD (YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel) Himself whom stated, "It is not good for man to be alone." And so by this Knowledge (The Knowledge of GOD) The Lord GOD searched through His Creation for a suitable helper for man but, He found none amongst all the beast of the field and All His Creation. Therefore, He (GOD) laid the man down to sleep and took a bone from his (man's) rib cage and formed it into what would become the backbone of All mankind, All Creation, once The Lord GOD Almighty YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel breathe His Spirit into what was considered to be wo-man (like-man) by man himself. Man (Adam) looked at the woman (Eve) and then turned to YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel and said, "She is precious & beautiful. For she is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone (meaning: she is my own, and I shall Love and care for her.)." And so The Lord GOD proclaimed, "For this reason a man shall leave (be born and raised from) his mother and father, and be united with/to his wife as one flesh (belonging, Loving and caring for one another all the days of their Life)." Brothers & Sisters, we Live in a very troubled world (as you already know). We Live in a world that praises wickedness (evilness) and shuns righteousness (Holiness). There is dire need for the concern and care for women and children (boys and girls) in this world. There is much hatred and brutality shown towards women in this world through the sin of man (men and other women) and false religious beliefs brought forth by the evil one (the devil, lucifer). For he (the devil/lucifer) was jealous of woman from The Beginning of Creation (of man & woman) because he (lucifer) desired to be man's helper, procreation partner and lover. And so he (lucifer, the devil) has vented out his fury & hatred towards women through mankind (men and women) throughout all history. I have always kept a deep affection in my heart (righteously, not immorally) for my Sisters since The Lord Jesus (Yeshua Christ) has shown (revealed) his affection to/towards me. And through this condition (my affection for my Sisters), I have realized how much hatred the enemy exercises through mankind (men & women) against woman. By notice of my concern and care for my Sisters (woman) throughout my Lifetime, I have been ridiculed, rebuked, mocked and slandered for my Forgiving & Loving nature more so towards woman. In our society today (especially in my own community), it is looked to as an abomination to have a heart for woman, by many (men & women), even by some within our own Family (The Body of Christ Jesus). Through my relentless forgiveness and concern for woman, I have been labeled an outcast, a black sheep, a fool and a sucker in my own community and amongst my peers. I have even heard the words of many whom hate me and wish for my death. But, Brothers & Sisters. let us (Believers in The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ) not be hypocrites also, like the others. Brothers & Sisters, do not give in to peer pressure and persecution. For if things do not change in our community and throughout the world for woman and children, the demise & downfall of mankind draws ever so near (is imminent). Know & Understand this Brethren, that a woman can not be a hoar unless hoar mongers (men) commit sexual immorality with her. Women are most of the time used as scapegoats for the sins of man (men & women). It was Adam whom The Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel put in charge of The Garden of Eden (GOD's Creation), not Eve! For GOD Created Eve (woman) to be Adam's (man's) helper (meaning: follower, instructed, obeyer, servant, submissive significant other). So, Brethren, we can not ridicule and force blame on woman, for their sin is only an result of our own sin, therefore, we should bear the blame for all immorality in the world. Woman can only do what we allow them to do (for this is The Law of GOD's Nature for mankind). Woman can not sin if a man does not sin and woman can not bring forth sin in the world but rather, all sin is brought forth through man. For the fall of mankind came when Adam (not Eve) ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is why The Lord GOD proclaimed, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you (Adam); through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Knowing & Understanding this (The Lord GOD Almighty's Proclamation), Brethren, we must know & understand that we (man) must take full responsibility for what goes on in this world (especially the sins of mankind, all men, women and children). Even though all sin derives from the influence and inspiration of the evil one (lucifer) due to the fall of man (because we opened our minds, bodies, hearts and souls to him, the devil, by obtaining the knowledge of good and evil). Brethren, we must not put the burden of guilt on any woman (no matter how bad of a sinner she is) and boast about our own righteousness. But we should always take authority & responsibility for the problems/sins in our communities and throughout the world. Men should always be forgiving, Loving, caring, compassionate, concerned, stern, strict, straight forward, earnest, honest and sincere with women. For they (women) are our own, and we (men) should Love and care for them (flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone). And each man shall have his own wife (and not covet his neighbor's wife). Brothers & Sisters, there are a lot of false ideals and wickedness overcoming our society and civilization of mankind (the world, and is even influencing some within The Church). These false ideals and wickedness which endures hatred towards women, greatly affects and hurts the children of the world (boys & girls). This world has become such a harsh place for children due to the extreme hatred that the devil (lucifer) has towards woman, which he exercises through mankind (men, women and even children). One of the common examples within my own community is the attitude of contempt that men have towards children that they feel (or know) are not of their seed (their own flesh and blood). This is pure wickedness (an oxymoron)/conceitedness that is destroying our own communities and eventually the world (all of mankind). For it is the acting out of these false ideals and wickedness (created by the devil, lucifer), the sin of man (men) that brings forth these children of adultery that are innocent & precious but, despised by men in their attitude of contempt against these children and their refusal to father them (care or concern for innocent & precious kids/children). A community is strong when men take any and all children under their care and concern. Brethren, I myself can not boast nor be filled with pride knowing that I have a wife and children. For my wife, Barbara Lynn, and our children (Michelle, Brittney, Devon and our children to come) humbles me and brings me back down to earth lest I be foolish and filled with pride. The peer pressure and persecution of young men (all men) in our community against caring for women and children (especially single women with children) must be overcome though, some of it may be inflicted on these young men (all men) by their elders and those within The Church. The hatred and condemnation of women and the despise and neglect of children shall eventually lead to the utter fall of mankind (the downfall of the world). Yes it is a sin to commit adultery, preachers, but it is even more wicked to shun and neglect children of adultery (the innocent)! Brethren, get your morals right (in lined with The Will of GOD)! I say this to young men (all men), be a sold-out sucker and fool for our women (flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone) and endure it, persevere without sexual expectations, so that The Will of GOD may be served in the world, and so the precious, innocent children shall not be neglected. And The Sovereign Lord GOD Almighty YAHWEH Yeshua Immanuel, whom sees what you do in good Faith (from the heart), shall richly reward you in His Kingdom of Heaven. For The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ Himself is Russel Resthaven, The Greatest Captain Save A Hoar of All! The Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ has proclaimed to me, "I AM The One & Only True Living Sovereign Holy Lord Savior of All! I gave up My Spirit on Calvary's Cross as A Sacrifice Once and for All, for All Creation of All Times, Forever & Eternity! I AM The Savior of hoers, sluts, prostitutes, hoar mongers, adulterers, homosexuals, pedophiles, rapist, murderers, thieves, liars, diviners, sorcerers, idolaters, fornicators and All sinners, Forever & Eternity, I AM!" The Word of GOD for The People of GOD, in Your Name Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ, yes it is True, Amen & Amen!
Albert LeRoy Jones
Copyright 2007